
No title

"The worst part of life is saying goodbye to someone with whom you want to spend your entire life,it hurts very much. "

To all the people who are thinking and tensed about their future days,a little piece of advice to you guys.........

It's just a story created by your author.

But things in real life are different.

So,things will be revealed to you guys steadily one by one.You will see slices of life in my story.Hatred,love, passion, goals,emotions, betrayal....... but the thing that you will understand in the end is life is all about that what we choose to be and do....

I guess,I am sounding like a philosopher today.........

"When two people are destined to be together,don't worry.Just wait.The love that you seek will come to you in the right time,the right place and with the right person that is meant to love you the way you want. "

Back to the story......

Drake's Pov

Is everyone ready?
