
Kissed and Marked

BL | OMEGAVERSE Sorin Leondias had known nothing but misery since the day he was born. Losing his parents at a young age, he was forced to fend for himself in a world that was cruel and unforgiving. In a desperate bid to survive, he had turned to the only option available to him--working with an organization that specialized in contract killings. Years of living on the fringes of society had hardened Sorin, making him cold and calculating, but deep down, he knew that he couldn't continue down this path forever. As he neared his 25th birthday, he decided that he had had enough and made the decision to leave his old life behind. But fate had other plans for him. On his last mission, he found himself in the grip of an unexpected heat--a primal urge that he couldn't control. The desire to be devoured consumed him, leading him to sleep with the man that he was supposed to kill.

littlechesirecat · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Brink of Death

"Gorgeous! One more!... Perfection~"

The man wearing a neon pink dress and flamengo headdress stood behind the photographer, beaming with pride as Hellion modeled his creation.

Hellion's outfit perfectly matched his bad boy image. The torn edges and worn fabric added to his rebellious persona.

Watching him, Hellion displayed no signs of being drunk as he flawlessly posed in the outfit.

Earlier, despite the lingering scent of alcohol that emanated from Hellion, the staff greeted him with their usual warmth and familiarity. It was as if this wasn't the first time he had shown up to work drunk.

Hah... Why am I even surprised?

His last name alone would be enough to silence people's mouths.

"Ohh~ that's so intense!"

My attention returned to Hellion when the designer spoke again, and when I glanced at him, his stare was already fixed on me.

Yeah right, it's really intense.

Intense hatred for me.

If looks could really kill, I'd probably be lying on the floor right now, dead.

He's probably still angry because of what happened earlier. It took a lot of physical argument before he finally followed his schedule, even though he was reluctant to do so.

I really don't have a choice. I don't want to appear incompetent on my first day of work, especially with so many people keeping an eye on Hellion.

Maximillian has hired people to monitor every move of Hellion, including his driver, Hans.

After what happened that night, security around the Sullivans siblings became extremely tight. It took us agents several years just to get a chance to infiltrate.

Of course, Hellion is unaware of this.

That cunning eldest son has always been a challenge for me.

"Carry my things," we were all walking out of the company where the photoshoot took place. Along with me were Hellion's manager, Georgelyn, and Hans when he suddenly appeared and quickly took the two bags carried by George and handed them over to me.

I immediately caught them.

"Hans, the keys."

Hans immediately complied. As soon as Hellion got the keys, he turned to the two of them. "You two can go home, and you..."

He pointed to me immediately.

"You drive," and he walked ahead of us while the three of us stopped.

How childish...

The two had no choice. They both looked at me with pity, but I just smiled at them, indicating that I'm fine since I also expected this.

I quickly followed Hellion who was waiting by the car. I approached him while holding the two bags tightly.

"You're too slow."

Ha... should I just kill him? Should I just finish the mission assigned to me six years ago?

But if I do that, Mauwi and I will forever be hunted by the Sullivans, and the agents' lives will be at risk.

I look at him and gave him a sweet smile then slightly bowed my head.

"I offer my sincere apologies from the depths of my heart, Young Master. I pledge to endeavor diligently next time to spare you any further inconvenience."

"Are you being sarcastic?"

"No, Young Master. I assure you, there is no sarcasm in my words. Why would I do that? Serving you brings me genuine happiness, Young Master." I tried to exaggerate my tone as much as I could.

Seeing the clear annoyance on his face really improved my mood.

He heavily sighed and just went inside the car as if he were too tired to argue with me because he already knew that it would be futile.

I drove home, feeling grateful for his silence throughout the entire journey. It turns out he can be normal after all.

Maybe it's because he's too tired right now, but who am I to complain? I just hope that he will always be like this, it makes my job easier.

After half an hour, we arrived at Alice Towers, a renowned condominium exclusively reserved for the elite. The three interconnected high-rise buildings were a symbol of luxury and sophistication, attracting only the high-class individuals of society, including the esteemed Sullivans.

When I finally parked the car in the spacious parking area beneath the building, Hellion immediately stepped out without uttering a word.

I remained silent as well, swiftly retrieve his two bags and follow him.

We entered the elevator, the silence still lingering between us.

Surprisingly, this silence brought me a sense of relief, as I too felt exhausted from dealing with his arrogance.

Upon reaching the topmost floor of the condominium, Hellion promptly opened his penthouse using his handprint.

His penthouse occupied the entire top floor of the second building. It boasted a sophisticated gray and white color scheme with subtle accents of black.

Although the colors may have appeared somewhat muted, they exuded an understated elegance that added to the overall ambiance.

The spacious living area was adorned with sleek and modern furniture, carefully arranged to create an inviting atmosphere.

The gray and white walls provided a clean backdrop for the carefully curated art pieces adorning the space. Large windows bathed the room in natural light, offering breathtaking views of the city skyline.

"Just put my things in the living room, then you are free to go," Hellion said without looking at me as he walked towards his bedroom.

I promptly followed his orders, eager to leave and head home, but I couldn't resist the urge to observe the entire place beforehand.

Using my peripheral vision, I discreetly scanned the surroundings, taking note of the number and placement of the CCTVs.

It would be advantageous to gain access to their system. I planned to contact Midnight later and request Nebula's assistance, even though I really don't like it. But I needed her skills for this.

Suddenly, I felt a vibration in the pocket of my coat. I retrieved my phone and saw a text message from a luxury bag company, informing me that Hellion's signing event with the company scheduled for tomorrow had been canceled.

It would be rescheduled for the following week due to an unexpected emergency at the company.

I stared at the message for few seconds.

I think I should inform him about this before heading home.

I approached his bedroom and knocked, but there was no response. Taking a chance, I turned the doorknob and fortunately, it was unlocked.

I was aware that entering his room without permission could potentially anger him, but my desperation to leave was overwhelming.

As I opened the door, silence greeted me.

I looked around, but Hellion was nowhere to be found. Then, I noticed an open transparent door not far away.

The door was open, and the wind playfully gushed through its entrance.

I knew that the door would lead to the pool. Perhaps Hellion had gone for a swim.

As I entered the pool area, a beautiful sight greeted my eyes. The pool stretched out in front of me, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the soft moonlight. It was a mesmerizing sight, just like the floorplan Midnight had sent me.

I scanned the area in search of Hellion and quickly spotted him in the middle of the pool.

He was floating, face down. He seemed so relaxed.

"Young Master."

I called out to him, but he didn't respond.

Is he playing a prank on me?

I furrowed my brow and let out a sigh.

"Stop fooling around. I want to go home now, so please listen to me for a minute."

He still didn't respond. After a few seconds, I didn't know why, but I suddenly became nervous.

Many thoughts clouded my mind.

Considering Sullivan has many enemies, it's impossible that only our previous client harbored ill intentions towards him. I'm sure there are countless others.

Without any hesitation, I dove into the swimming pool. I couldn't feel the cold water enveloping my body as my heart was beating rapidly.

Adrenaline coursed through my veins.

It wasn't because I was worried about him, but because I didn't want things to get complicated.

If he were to die while I remained the last person seen with him, it would undoubtedly raise suspicions and accusations would automatically be directed towards me.

If that happens, then our efforts over the past years will be in vain.

Damn it.

I swam towards him as fast as I could. When my arm firmly grasped his waist, I exerted all my strength to pull him towards the surface.

But suddenly, a strong force grabbed me and pushed me towards the depths of the water.

His arms tightly holding me, preventing any chance of escape. The panic surged through my veins as I struggled against his grip.

Despite the blurry vision, it was still clear to me that this motherfucker is trying to kill me!