

A paranormal romance between two natural-born enemies that blossoms when their lips accidentally crash together.

PIXIE3600 · Fantaisie
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20 Chs


We get up early the next day, we don't say much. It's usually like this when we go to visit Uncle Jonas. Kind of like a dark cloud. It's not that we don't want to see him; it's just the memories. Memere and Pepere have better, more solid memories of my parents, but all I have is a whisper of my young life. With barely enough memories left to remember them.

I remember Dad would carry me around on his shoulders. I was so small but so determined to learn how to use a bow. He was always with me, every single time until he wasn't. I remember Mom; she would braid my hair and tell me stories of all the places she and Dad traveled.

I don't remember much of my life with Uncle Jonas, only that he used to make me different origami animals. He promised to perfect a whale for me before the accident. No one has ever given me the specifics on what happened to Uncle Jonas, only that he hit his head and was never the same. These days we hardly ever talk about it.

"I think he'll be happy to see us," Memere whispers, my thoughts scatter. "I'm sure he will, Dear," Pepere rubs her shoulders in a comfort. Uncle Jonas hardly ever even moves and doesn't speak. He was only eighteen, fresh out of Infiniteye College, not much older than I am now.

I follow behind them as we sign ourselves in, and Nurse Deely leads us to Uncle Jonas. He sits still, quiet, eyes unfocused, not even on the television where he is currently seated in front of. A few of the other patients watch the reality show as it plays out.

Nurse Deely has been the nurse here since Jonas first came in. She's a little younger than him and was a volunteer before she became full-time. She knows all about our world as her family is familiar with The Eye, but she never went to Infiniteye.

Memere bends forward and kisses Jonas's face gently. His expression doesn't change. He's dressed in his usual hospital-issued pajamas and robe. "Henrietta, would you mind staying with your Uncle while your Grandfather and I go speak to the Doctor?" Memere turns to me, hopeful. I give her a reassuring nod as they follow Nurse Deely around the corner.

"Hey, Uncle Jonas, it's me, Gemma, again. I missed you," I take his cold hands into mine, gently rub them and try to warm him up. The brand on his neck peaks out from his shirt. The infinity symbol represents who he is, not was, a hunter. I look around to ensure that no one is watching. "One day, you'll find your way out of this haze, and when you do, we'll be here for you," I look at his face and hope for some semblance of a change, but his body remains like a statue.

Deep within my pocket, I pull out a tiny piece of paper. I folded it last night. It's supposed to be a tiger. It doesn't look like one. I'm not as good at origami animals as Uncle Jonas. I show him and bring it to his eyes. My hand sneaks it into his robe pocket.

Memere and Pepere return a few minutes with solemn expressions. So no change. I have gotten good at reading their expressions over the years; this is the same one they have every time the Doctor tells them that Uncle Jonas has made no progress.

We all sit around him as Pepere sneakily pulls out his knives. "Now let me tell you about these," he launches into what I have no doubt will be a whole backstory on the blades. My mind drifts as Memere talks about what has been going on in our lives lately, pretending that he's somehow responding.

Memere places a kiss on his cheek and then wipes away her lipstick smudge. She looks at him mournfully as her lips start to quiver and she looks away. She hates to leave him here but knows that it's the safest place for him.

On the way out, I glance back at him. I think that maybe I see something in his eyes, perhaps it's my imagination or just my mind playing tricks on me, yeah, that's what it was, but I could have sworn that I saw hope flash in his eyes.

As we drive home, the car fills with a pained silence, "E.R. Fletcher has returned to the Academy to teach," I don't know why I tell them, but I do. "Really? Last I heard, he was in recovery from his last mission. His face was scarred," Memere mentions. The way people gossip around our community. It's any wonder that anyone can keep a secret. "He does have the scars, but they aren't too bad." I comment. "Still like him?" Pepere gives me a knowing look as he glances back.

Words of protest rise to the tip of my tongue. "Leo, watch out!" A loud thud sounds as a dark object smashes into the windshield, and Pepere presses hard down onto the brakes. The truck skids to a stop, and my seatbelt locks in place as it tries to hold me securely. The vehicle makes a full stop and I release a breath. "You both all right?" Pepere looks between Memere and I.

We both nod, "What was that?" I ask, concerned. Pepere unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the door, followed closely by Memere, who has pulled out the 9mm that she always keeps in her purse. I silently get out, and follow their lead; they stop to look down. I realize as I get closer that it's a bird.

"Looks like the little fella got lost from its flock," Pepere kneels to get a good look at the dead bird. White all over with black lightly under the wings, the most notable trait is the black cap on its head. "It looks like a black-capped chickadee," Memere observes. "So you read that book on birds that I got you for Christmas," Pepere mutters in awe. "Of course, now what should we do with the poor little vermin?"

Pepere sighs, "You both go ahead and get back in the truck. I have a shovel in the back of the truck. I'll bury it on the side of the road and put us all at ease."

"Luckily, no damage has happened to the windshield," Pepere says and moves to retrieve the shovel. "Come on, sweetie, let's get back in; it's getting cold out," Memere leads me back to the car. I can't scratch the thought; perhaps this is an omen of some terrible deed to come.