

Finally, out of his claustrophobic office, I let out a breath that I never realized I was


“Ava, are you sure you're able to do this?” Leo asked, concerned.

“Yes. He's a bloody rapist and it's my job to kill him,” I said convincingly. Leo doubted


“I can make the kill if you want?” He volunteered.

“It's my job to kill him and I sure as hell am gonna do that.”

Leo knew not to argue with me on the topic.

After moments of silence in the elevator, he spoke.

“Hey, tell me something,” he started.

“You and Jax, did you guys shag last night?”


I surprised that he would ask such a direct question.

“Did you have sex with him?” He blurted out.

There was a moment of silence.

“You know you can tell me anything right?” He added.

As I thought about it, I do no idea how I got into bed last night. The last thing I

remembered was kissing Jax and what I can recall was how heated that kiss was. I bit my

bottom lip.

“I don't know,” I whispered.


I cleared my throat. “I said, I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don't know?” He asked, befuddled.

“How can you not know whether or not you shagged someone?”

The elevator door opened, and I quickly escaped.

He followed behind as I went in the car. When the engine started, silence suffocated me.

We were on the main road heading into town when I finally spoke up.

“I can't remember because I was drunk.”

I felt his eyes on me, but my attention went to the trees passing by. He said nothing


To keep myself occupied, I opened Jason’s profile and read it through.

The plan to kill him was formulating itself in my head.

“We're going to Oakwood. He owns a bar there. I'll lure him back to his house and you

follow closely but smartly.”

“Roger that.”

“But we're getting coffee first. I didn't eat anything.”

“Yeah, because you were too busy snogging Jax.” Leo busted out laughing.

“Shut your face!” I slapped him playfully.

We arrived in Oakwood about three hours later.

It felt good to be home, but it made me a bit sad and that automatically made me furious.

I hated having those kinds of feelings. It made me feel vulnerable. I'm an assassin so I couldn't

be both.

We killed time at a hotel because it was best if we tracked Jason in the night. Well, Leo

didn't care what time of day, but I wanted everything to go smoothly.

I stepped out of the car dressed in full black with my pistol hidden in my boots and jacket.

“Stay hidden,” I reminded Leo.

He gave me a brief nod. “Be careful.” He whispered.


“You can't lie to me and say you're not over him. Just remember that he's not the same

guy you knew two years ago.” He was right.

I inhaled a deep breath and let it out slowly.

He won't recognize you, Ava. Everything's gonna go just as planned.

I entered the bar packed with Who knew Jason would end up owning his own bar. Seemed

as though his standards changed. He himself changed. He was a freaking rapist, not to mention

drug dealer. I knew he did drugs during college, but it wasn't that serious. He got himself in

deep to the point of being the dealer and not the buyer.

I walked casually towards the bartender and ordered a tequila shot. I needed something to

take the anxiety away.

“Is your boss in tonight?” I questioned the bartender. “He's a friend of mine.” I added.

“Oh yeah he's over...he's coming over here!” The girl jumped with glee.

I glanced over my shoulder, and he met my gaze. She was right. He was walking directly

towards me. I swiftly downed my shot.

You can do this Ava.

I felt his presence behind me, but I dared not to turn around.

“Hey blondie. First time here?” He whispered in my ear. I gritted my teeth and clenched

my hand.

He really had the audacity. Does he hit on every girl that enters his bar? He chooses his

next victim in this exact vicinity.

I slowly turned around. His face appeared inches away from mine. His body was

dangerously close.

I gulped.

“Yeah. Care to show me around?” I sent him a flirtatious smile and met his forest green


The eyes that I fell for years ago.

His gaze went from lustful to intuitive.

“You look familiar.” He pondered aloud.

I couldn't risk my identity being revealed. It would only make it harder for me to kill him.

A look of realization came across his eyes and my fingers twitched for my gun.

His eyes widened in disbelief. “Ava?”

“Nope. You've got the wrong girl,” I pivoted on one foot and signaled the bartender.

“You kind of remind me of this girl I used to date...” He trailed off. I peeked at him in the

corner of my eye. I saw a glint of pain in his eyes before he shook his head.

“She had brown hair and yours is blonde so I'm probably wrong.”

I felt his speculating gaze gnawing at the side of my face.

I must act now.

Bravely, I tucked my hands in the back of his jeans pocket and pulled him towards me.

“I can be anyone you want me to be,” I whispered in his ears before giving his love a


I wouldn't have been so brave the way I am now, two years ago. I would shy away from

anything that involved public affection or even throwing myself on a guy I met in a bar. Only

he wasn't just some guy. He's Jason. Who I loved so much. But he ruined everything by lying

and cheating on me with his best friend.

He betrayed me.

He took me for granted.

He strung me along like a side piece while he shagged Brina.

Jason looked at me keenly before he opened his mouth slightly. He was closer than before,

and he got closer.

His lips pressed against mine.

I drew him closer and kissed him back.

His kisses usually involved a heavy amount of tongue action.

The difference between his and the way Jax kissed me was clear.

Jason was rough, while Jax was gentle. He made you feel on edge with just one kiss.

Jason took a surprising step back and gave me a look.

“You can't lie to me. I know you're Ava. You may have changed your hair, but I remember

the way you kissed me.”

I kept my composure.

“My name is Silvia.”


'Screw you, Jason. You dismembered my heart. You shattered my soul. I went into

depression. If it weren't for Leo, I wouldn't have come out of the rut I was in. If it weren't for

you, I would've given that guy I liked a chance. I can honestly say I'm afraid of getting my

heart broken again. All men are scumbags. They deceive us women into thinking that you're

all in when really, you're out every night shagging some girl you met at a store or at a party.

Completely forgetting that you have someone at home who loves you genuinely.

You tore me apart Jason and I don't think I'll ever love again.

Rage filled me.

“Ava, where have you been for the past two years?” Jason interrogated me, a glint of pain

vivid in his eyes.

“Let's go somewhere private.” I blatantly said to him.

Enough stalling. It's time to get the job done.

“I live around the corner. Come with me.” He volunteered. Perfect.

Jason took my hand and led me towards the parking lot. I made a quick glance at Leo,

parked at the far end under a tree.

Jason led me to his car, and I got in the front seat.

Once we were on the main road, he resumed his interrogation.

“Ava, where have you been all this time?”

I ignored his question and focused on the mission.

He's an athletic guy, around six feet one inches tall so I would have to take into

consideration the possibility of being overpowered. With my petite five feet six inches body,

it will be easy to take him down.

Size never mattered.

We arrived at his house. I looked behind us and at a distance, I saw Leo parked on the


I followed Jason to his front door, while examining my surroundings. His neighbors were

home, so I made a note to be as quiet as possible.

I stepped into his home and observed the interior. It seemed homey but needed a little

female vibrancy in it. It had no sign of life.

“Do you want something to drink?” He offered.

“A cider, if you have any.” I made myself at home.

“Cider, coming up!” He grinned, before walking towards the kitchen area.

He came back and sat beside me. I took the cider from him and took big sips.

“I thought you were dead...”

I met his gaze.

“Well, you're wrong about that now huh,” I chuckled.

“This isn't funny Avanelle,” he fumed.

“You went missing and we searched everywhere for you, but we didn't find you, so we had

a small memorial for you. Do you know how hard it was for me? For Ryan?”

“As if you even cared about my best friend.” I cursed under my breath.

“Why would my death affect you Jason, you didn't love me. You didn't care!” I retorted.

“Of course, I loved you!”

“Loved. Yes, right. So why did you cheat on me then huh. Why lie to me for three years?”

I laughed in his face.

Jason sighed aloud and looked downward.

“I'm sorry Ava,” he mumbled.


I took my stance and grabbed my pistol from my jacket. I aimed it at his head.

He jumped up in defense with his palms facing me.

“W-what are you doing?” His voice trembled.

I laughed aloud.

“What have you been doing Jason?”

A look of realization came across his face and swiftly, he retrieved something from his

waistband. A gun. He aimed it at me.

I cursed myself inwardly.

How did I not see it? I'm trained to spot these things.

“So, you're the assassin they sent to kill me?” He cocked his head to the side.

Of course, he knew. Rumors had been going around so the targets had knowledge that the

government were hunting them.

“So, you're the rapist I was sent to kill,” I smirked.

“It's a bloody Merry Christmas to me.”

The tension builds as we both stood there quietly, with our guns directed at the other.