
Blood is my Comfort

"So, what's the plan for Christmas?” Zane queries while we take a seat by the

window in the cafe.

“Christmas?” My brows raised.

“Uh yeah. Remember? The time of giving. When you decorate a tree and tell little

rascals about the old guy with the white beard who eats way too many cookies and

probably has diabetes...” Ryan waves his hand around while he explains.

“Oh right...when is it again?”

“Thursday.” Zane responds.

“You're shitting us right now. It's your favorite time of year. How could you forget?”

Ryan's eyes glisten with hysteria.

The sweet smell of lilac fills my nostrils as the waitress approaches us with the menus.

“Would you like anything to drink while you wait?” She questions politely.

“Water please.” Both Ryan and I say at the same time. We turn to each other with a

cheeky grin and proceed to do our unique handshake that involves weird hand

movements and ends with a peck on the lips.