"Err... okay."
That's what both of them reacted, but Lira said.
"Let me change my cloth first."
He leaped out from that towel that stripped slightly with Pharaoh pulled up the bath towel by reflex to cover her body.
As Lira moved with his wet pants running faraway from there to get his cloth from his wardrobe, he took short white pants and a blue shirt for him to wear.
Lex responded as he saw Lira, who never being serious about his clothing style. He said,
"Hey! You got a servant, got to show the example for her, can you?"
He replied as he shows his middle finger to Lex, he said.
"As if! Everyone is free to pick whatever they want to wore."
Lex sighed, then he said.
"Whatever. Don't habit yourself by pointing someone using the middle finger to point someone."
He was surprised as Pharaoh followed him using her middle finger to show off to Lex, he said.
"Don't replicate your master's crappy habit!! Can you?!"
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