
Kirby and Vegeta Find the way

Prepare yourselves for a grand adventure staring Kirby and Vegeta. Many adventures awaits with many heroes.

jellokepo · Anime et bandes dessinées
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5 Chs

Helmet is off

Kuroko grabs one of the Zeno while distracted and charges at Kirby. Kuroko: "Vanishing drive". Kirby also does vanishing drive towards Zeno with his mouth open attempting to take Zenos power. One guard sees this realizing he won't catch up in time. Fails to protect Zeno and Kirby gains the power of erasure and replaces Zoro power with Zeno. Zeno is lost and didn't understand what just happened when he got swallowed quickly and back out. The guard had no choice but to do a drastic move and take off his helmet. (he has long black hair when the helmet is lost and his allies fear that power which is too strong and dangerous). As soon as Kirby his powers he quickly erases the guard who took off the helmet and the guard burns away the erase with black flames. Kirby tries to erase the Zenos but they counter with their erases. The grand priest gets a senzu from the other guard. And wakes up. Priest: "No, it's over. Why did he take off his helmet, someone put back on before it's too late!" A strong wind is unleashed by the guard with no helmet's power. Everyone flies away and the Zenos are screaming and flying away. The grand priest quickly teleports everyone out of here while Whis tried to stay. Grand priest: ". Your coming too, we have to leave now." And they leave, leaving the monster to the helpless. Flashback: Gajeel, Lyly, Natsu and Happy are teleported in the forest near the battle. Natsu and happy rush away. While someone grabs Gajeel by the shoulder and let's go and Gajeel faces him. Gajeel: "huh who are you?" Law: "I was sent here on a expedition but I found the conflict that was happening and I've been coming up with a plan. I can see the battlefield with my flying camera that's small so I can analyze the situation and come up with a strategy. Gajeel: so you need to be part of your plan? That's not my style. I rather just pummel them right now head on." Law: ". Don't be a fool, we're facing foes that have unimaginable powers. Taking them head on is reckless. It's suicide. I couldn't catch your friend but I caught you so listen to my plan. Look at the display my camera is showing. These guys are strong. But the 2 that dresses in purple with a helmet are very strong and outclass the others and are known as the guards of the little guys who can erase you at any second. Secondly, if their helmet ever fall off, of one of the guards, it's over and we're all finished. I heard stories of that power. It's monstrous and out of control. It vaporize whatever that is in it's path. You 2 and the 3 others are part of my plan." 3 others show up from behind. Leon, Tobias and Zeldric appear. Leon: "It's champion time, come on out Charizard. Charizard appears. Charizard: "Graaaa". Tobias: "Darkrai, time to fight". Darkrai appears. Darkrai:".....". Zeldric: "Let's get this over with." Law: "It appears, they got teleported just like you guys." Lyly:(Elder Nai...). The team are talking and strategizing.

(Back to the present.). Around the world this very strong power of the long black haired guard is felt by others. Donkey Kong doing 1 handed push-ups in his dk 64 house falls down on his chest with shock. Sonic while running fast in the plains stumbles and hits the ground in shock and sweating. Mario shocked with his hands on his cheeks Mario: "woahwoahwoahwawooaaaa". Zelda: "Link, you feel that?" Link yells swinging his sword: "heaaaaaaa". Shaggy in a cave with scoob. Shaggy is sitting cross legged and arms crossed and is meditating and immediately stands up. Shaggy:".You feel that scoob?" Scoob: " Reah Raggy". Blaziken and Lucario are doing some sparring training in a mountain and stop. Blaziken: " who is this power?" Lucario: " That power is very strong." Vegeta, Picollo and Pikon arrive at a new world together. Their are in a field of desert and straight ahead lies a green lush forest. Suddenly they feel this strong power. Picollo sweating: "that power!" Vegeta grins holding his fists: ". Grrr, so what, I'll beat that guy to a pulp if he picks a fight with me." Pikon: "I can take you to him if you want, let's check out what's going on, grab on to me and I'll do instant transmission." Picollo: "No don't, this is crazy, what if it's an enemy, we'll get killed!" Vegeta smiles: " he, im curious to find out who that strong person is, don't worry I'm here, let's go pikon." Picollo: "same cockiness that led you to be defeated against cell and 18." Vegeta: "What did you say!" Picollo: "You heard me". Vegeta smirks:"No matter, I'm on another level now." Vegeta holds on to Pikon's shoulder as they attempt to teleport. As they go to attempt to leave. Pikon was unaible to use instant transmission and drops the ground and loses consciousness. Vegeta: "but how?" Picollo sweating: "can't you see, it was that power that was to overwhelming that made him drop and couldn't use instant transmission." A man with red hair is walking towards them from the forest area in front of them. As he gets closer the others look at him. Picollo: "Guard up, we got company." Vegeta:" huumm, don't tell me what to do". Picollo and Vegeta go in their fighting stance. The man arrives. Picollo: "who are you and what do you want!" ???: Smiling with a calm tone". I was on a walk and happened to see you 3 and wanted to say hi. I see you have a unconscious person with you, may I help?" Picollo relaxes his guard and not Vegeta. Picollo: "Yes help him if you can, and can you tell us where we are?" ???: "Yes, come with me." Picollo picks up Pikon on his shoulder and starts to follow to red haired man. Vegeta grins: "How can you trust someone you don't know!?" Picollo: " The way he talks makes me feel at ease, besides he knows things we don't, I get the feeling we can trust him, he was nice and offered to help us so come. Vegeta:". Your gonna trust him on a whim?". Picollo: I guess I'm going to find out, weren't you the one who wanted to recklessly go to that strong power, with no plan?" Vegeta: "Suit yourself. I ain't coming." Picollo continues to follow the red haired man from behind while carting Pikon. Picollo: "So who are you?" ???: "The names Crono, I was living in ths area for some time now, and this world was new to me once upon a time just like you guys." Vegeta quickly sends a ki Blast to Crono and Crono dodges effortlessly jumping backwards. And slicing the blast in half then boom in the area so it doesn't hit the forest they were heading to. Vegeta powers up to super saiyan 2 and charges at Crono and tries to hit him and Crono is dodging everything like how Goku was dodging Napa. Vegeta is furious and prepares a blast. Vegeta: "Graaaa, take this, final flash!" Crono deflects the blast with his sword and puts it up the sky boom. Vegeta: "Graaaaaaaaaa!!!" Vegeta goes super saiyan 4 and charges at Crono and cannot touch him. Crono is still dodging everything then quickly hits the gut of vegeta with the back of his sword and vegeta flies away then hitting the ground and sliding on his back and doing sand gust due to the impact and he goes back to base form. Vegeta gets up struggling. Picollo: "Vegeta that's enough, he's not our enemy, you wanted answers, he may have some so stop." Vegeta: "I'll make him pay!!" Vegeta starts glowing red, having some silver in his hair and silver eyes. Picollo: "Crono run now, I'll catch up to you after". Vegeta: "That won't happen, haaa." Vegeta appears in front of Crono in lightning speed does multiple combos faster than the eye can see. Crono dodges everything. Picollo shocked that he still can't touch Crono with ultra instinct offense. Vegeta shocked that he can't touch Crono and angry. Vegeta jumps in the air and prepares a big blast to defeat Crono. Vegeta: "Dodge this!" Picollo: "Vegeta dont, you'll blow up whatever area we're on, don't!!" Vegeta: "Final shine attack!!" Crono takes out his sword and prepares a counter. Crono: "windslash." A series of strong blast slashes destroys Vegetas blast and an explosion happens in front of Vegeta and Vegeta drops.

He goes back to base form. Vegeta gets up struggling in frustration. Vegeta: "why can't I hit you?" Crono: " I prayed in a group the past dawn and have protection." Vegeta: "What, I don't get it?" Crono:" Follow me". Picollo: "Let's go Vegeta." (Amazing, I got a lot of questions to ask that Crono guy.). Crono, Picollo with carrying Pikon continue going to the forest with Crono in front. Piccolo throws a senzu at Vegeta. Vegeta eats it in anger. Vegeta: " I'm out, I'll find what I'm looking for,in my own way." Vegeta flies away and leaves the others. Picollo: "Don't worry about him, he'll come around eventually." They keep going in the forest.

Meanwhile back in Dreamland. The long black hair guard starts to unleash his attacks. He takes a step and extreme wind full of black flames engulfs everyone and everywhere. Kirby managed to do a eraser guard on the others and the area and managed to hold off the great attack that would of evaporated everything in the area. King Dedede: "Kirby wants us to leave and wants to fight alone. It's too dangerous for us." Sasuke: "Alright but I can't move, I don't have the strength teleport us either with my Rinnegan." Zoro:"Natsu and Meta knight will die soon if nothing is done. So will all of us, we also got fatal blows but their conditions worse. Hu hu." Zoro coughs blood. Law: " Room, Shambles"