
Kinktober: Clexa One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Clarke/Lexa

silkenobedience · TV
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9 Chs

Day 7 - Somnophilia (Prior Consent)

Day 7 - Somnophilia (Prior Consent)

The room was still, the only sound the soft crackling of the fire and the occasional shifting of fabric as Lexa shifted slightly in her sleep.

This was something they had discussed, something Lexa had consented to, but now that the moment was here, Clarke felt the weight of the responsibility pressing down on her. It had been her idea — this strange act of intimacy that was about more than just sex. It was about trust. Clarke had struggled to rebuild that trust after the mountain, after Lexa's betrayal, and this was one of the ways she needed to take it back — by being with Lexa in her most vulnerable state.

Clarke had always been in control of herself, of her emotions, but this — taking Lexa while she slept — was different. Lexa had trusted her enough to say yes, to give her permission, but Clarke still felt the tension in her chest, the heaviness of what they were about to do.

She wasn't doing this to take advantage of Lexa, to wield power over her. She was doing it to prove to herself that she could trust Lexa again, that even in her most vulnerable moments, Clarke could have Lexa's body and heart without fear of being left behind.

Clarke moved slowly, her breath shallow as she climbed onto the bed beside Lexa, careful not to disturb her. Lexa's face was peaceful, her dark hair fanned out on the pillow, and Clarke's heart clenched at the sight. She looked so different like this, so soft and open — nothing like the Commander she had seen on the battlefield, nothing like the Heda who had walked away from her at Mount Weather.

Clarke reached out, her fingers brushing lightly over Lexa's arm, her touch featherlight as she leaned in closer. Lexa didn't stir, her breathing still slow and steady, and Clarke felt the nervousness building inside her, tightening her chest. She had Lexa's consent, but the weight of the moment still made her pause. This was Lexa at her most vulnerable, and Clarke wasn't sure if she was ready to handle that kind of trust.

But Lexa had given it freely. Lexa had told her she trusted her — trusted her enough to let this happen while she slept, to give herself over completely to Clarke, even if she wasn't awake to control it.

Clarke's breath caught as she let her hand trail lower, brushing lightly over Lexa's stomach, her touch gentle but deliberate. She could feel Lexa's warmth beneath her fingertips, could feel the steady rise and fall of her breathing as she let her hand explore. Her heart raced, her breath coming in shallow bursts as she leaned down, her lips brushing softly over Lexa's neck, the kiss light but filled with intention.

Lexa didn't stir, her body still relaxed, and Clarke's pulse quickened at the realization. Lexa had given her this power, this moment, and Clarke had to decide how far she was willing to take it.

Clarke's hand moved lower, sliding beneath the thin fabric of Lexa's shirt, her fingers brushing over the smooth skin of her stomach. The sensation was electric, sending a jolt of heat through Clarke's body as she let her hand drift higher, teasing the edge of Lexa's bra. Clarke's breath came in short, shaky bursts as she kissed her way down Lexa's collarbone, her lips pressing softly against her skin, savoring the moment.

This wasn't about control, Clarke reminded herself. This was about trust. About taking back the power she had lost when Lexa had walked away from her.

Clarke's fingers slid higher, gently tugging at Lexa's bra, exposing her breasts to the cool air. She paused for a moment, her heart racing as she looked down at Lexa, her body open and vulnerable beneath her touch. Lexa's breathing remained steady, her chest rising and falling in a slow, even rhythm, and Clarke felt a surge of both desire and responsibility wash over her.

Her hand moved lower again, tracing the outline of Lexa's body as she slipped beneath the waistband of her pants, her fingers brushing lightly over Lexa's hips. Clarke's breath hitched as she felt Lexa's warmth, the softness of her skin, and the quiet permission that had been given to her long before this moment.

Clarke's fingers moved with deliberate care, teasing the edge of Lexa's underwear before slipping beneath the fabric. The sensation of Lexa's bare skin sent a shiver through Clarke's body, her breath catching as her fingers brushed lightly over Lexa's most sensitive spots.

Lexa's body shifted slightly, her breathing hitching for just a moment before settling back into its slow, steady rhythm. Clarke paused, her heart pounding in her chest as she waited, her fingers still and hovering over Lexa's core. But Lexa didn't wake. She trusted Clarke, even in this moment of complete vulnerability.

Clarke exhaled slowly, her body trembling as she let her fingers explore, brushing lightly over Lexa's clit in slow, deliberate circles. The sensation was intoxicating, the knowledge that Lexa was trusting her with this moment, with her body, even while she was asleep, making Clarke's heart race.

"Lexa…" Clarke whispered, her voice barely audible as her fingers moved with more intent, her touch firm but careful. "I'm here."

Lexa's body responded instinctively, her hips shifting slightly against Clarke's hand, but her eyes remained closed, her breathing still steady. Clarke's breath hitched at the small, unconscious movements, her body trembling with the weight of the trust between them.

Clarke's fingers slid lower, teasing Lexa's entrance before slipping inside, the sensation sending a jolt of heat through Clarke's body. Lexa's body responded, her hips moving slightly, her breath hitching, but she didn't wake. Clarke's fingers moved slowly, carefully, thrusting inside Lexa with a tenderness that was filled with both desire and reverence.

This wasn't about power, Clarke reminded herself again. This was about trust. About Lexa giving her everything, even when she was most vulnerable.

Clarke's thumb pressed against Lexa's clit, rubbing slow, deliberate circles as her fingers thrust deeper, her breath coming in short, shallow bursts as she watched Lexa's body respond. Lexa's hips rocked forward, her body trembling slightly with the sensation, and Clarke felt a rush of both desire and affection wash over her.

She leaned down, her lips brushing softly over Lexa's neck as she whispered, "I've got you."

Lexa's body responded to every touch, every movement, her breath coming in soft, quiet gasps as Clarke's fingers moved inside her. Clarke's heart raced, her body trembling with the intensity of the moment as she pushed Lexa closer to the edge, her fingers moving with purpose, her thumb pressing harder against her clit.

Lexa's breath hitched, her body trembling slightly as Clarke continued to thrust inside her, her fingers moving with slow, deliberate care. Clarke's heart pounded in her chest as she watched Lexa's body respond, the small, unconscious movements, the soft gasps, the way her hips rocked forward against Clarke's hand.

Clarke's fingers moved faster now, her thumb pressing harder as Lexa's body trembled beneath her touch. Clarke's breath came in short, ragged bursts as she watched Lexa's body tighten, the tension coiling inside her as she neared the edge.

And then it happened — a soft, breathless moan escaped Lexa's lips, her body convulsing slightly as the orgasm hit her, her muscles clenching around Clarke's fingers. Clarke's breath hitched, her own body trembling as she watched Lexa fall apart beneath her, the quiet pleasure washing over her as her body relaxed into the bed.

Clarke's fingers stilled, and for a moment, the room was silent except for the soft crackle of the fire and the sound of their breaths. Lexa's body slowly eased back into stillness, her muscles unclenching, her breathing deep and even once again. Clarke stayed still, watching the peaceful expression on Lexa's face as the last ripples of the orgasm faded away.

But then, Lexa stirred. A slight twitch at first, then a shift in the bed as her body began to wake. Clarke's heart raced, her breath catching in her throat as she watched Lexa slowly come back to consciousness. Lexa's eyebrows furrowed slightly, her lips parting as she let out a soft, sleepy sigh, her body stretching under Clarke's touch.

Lexa's eyes fluttered open, the deep green of her irises hazy and unfocused as she blinked, her mind still half-drifting in the haze of sleep. For a moment, she seemed disoriented, her body still recovering from the intense pleasure she had experienced while asleep. Then, as her eyes focused on Clarke, realization dawned, and a slow smile spread across Lexa's lips.

"Clarke," Lexa whispered, her voice rough with sleep, but filled with warmth and something deeper — trust. "You did it."

Clarke's breath was shaky, her heart still pounding in her chest as she looked down at Lexa, a mix of emotions swirling inside her. "Yeah," Clarke replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I did."

Lexa's body relaxed into the bed again, her eyes half-lidded as she stretched beneath Clarke's hand, her skin still warm from the orgasm that had just washed over her. Clarke watched the way Lexa's muscles moved, the way her chest rose and fell with each deep, contented breath. Even after waking, Lexa was still open, still vulnerable in a way that made Clarke's heart swell.

"How was it?" Lexa asked, her voice a soft rasp as she gazed up at Clarke with those deep, trusting eyes. There was no fear there, no hesitation — just the quiet acceptance of what they had shared.

Clarke hesitated for a moment, her fingers gently brushing over Lexa's stomach, tracing the smooth lines of her skin as she collected her thoughts. She wasn't sure how to explain what it had felt like — the mix of power and tenderness, the responsibility of taking Lexa at her most vulnerable. It had been intense, overwhelming, but also deeply healing in a way Clarke hadn't expected.

"It was… incredible," Clarke finally admitted, her voice soft but filled with meaning as she met Lexa's gaze. "I wasn't sure how I'd feel… doing this while you were asleep. But it felt… right."

Lexa's smile widened, her hand moving to rest gently on Clarke's wrist, her touch soft and reassuring. "You took care of me," Lexa murmured, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "I knew you would."

Clarke's chest tightened at Lexa's words, her heart swelling with a mixture of love and relief. She had needed this — needed to know that she could trust Lexa, even in moments like this, when Lexa was at her most vulnerable. And Lexa had given that trust freely, without hesitation.

"I… I wanted to feel like I could trust you again," Clarke admitted, her voice barely above a whisper as she looked down at Lexa. "Completely."

Lexa's eyes softened, her hand squeezing Clarke's wrist gently as she pulled her closer, her voice steady and filled with conviction. "You can, Clarke," she whispered, her gaze never wavering. "You always could."

Clarke's breath hitched, her body trembling with the weight of Lexa's words. It wasn't just about the act they had shared — it was about everything that had happened between them, the betrayal, the hurt, the slow rebuilding of trust. Lexa had given her everything tonight, and Clarke realized, in that moment, that she was ready to give it back.

Lexa's other hand moved up to cup Clarke's cheek, her thumb brushing lightly over her skin as she whispered, "You don't have to hold back with me anymore."

Clarke swallowed hard, her chest tightening with emotion as she leaned down, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to Lexa's lips. The kiss was gentle but filled with all the unspoken feelings that had built between them — love, trust, and the quiet promise of a future they could share together.

When Clarke pulled back, her eyes met Lexa's, and for the first time since the mountain, she felt a sense of peace. The weight of the past wasn't completely gone, but it was lighter now, and Clarke knew they could move forward. Together.

"Thank you," Clarke whispered, her voice filled with gratitude as she rested her forehead against Lexa's. "For trusting me."

Lexa's smile was soft, her hand still resting on Clarke's cheek as she whispered back, "Always."