
Kinktober: Alex/Maggie One-Shots

Every day of October kinky one-shots for Alex/Maggie

silkenobedience · TV
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Day 2 - Mirror Sex

Day 2 - Mirror Sex

The lights in Alex's penthouse were dim, the sprawling view of the city beyond the floor-to-ceiling windows twinkling with life. The space was elegant, pristine, just like Alex herself—everything in its place, every detail meticulously arranged to perfection. But tonight, there was a tension in the air, a simmering heat that had little to do with the penthouse's décor and everything to do with Maggie Brener.

Maggie stood near the grand mirror in Alex's bedroom, her gaze locked on Alex with an intensity that made Alex's heart race. She could feel the power shift between them, the way Maggie took control with little more than a look, a gesture, and it unnerved her. But there was something thrilling in that too, in letting Maggie take the lead. It wasn't something Alex did easily, but Maggie had a way of pulling it out of her, of making her surrender in ways no one else could.

"You always like to be in control, don't you?" Maggie murmured, her voice low as she approached Alex, her fingers brushing lightly against the fabric of Alex's robe. Alex's pulse quickened, her body reacting to the soft touch despite her mind's attempts to stay calm, composed.

"Maggie," Alex began, her voice cool but strained. "I don't have time for—"

"For what?" Maggie interrupted, her voice dark and teasing as she slipped the robe off Alex's shoulders, letting it pool at her feet. "For this? For me?"

Alex stood there, naked under Maggie's gaze, her breath catching as the air hit her exposed skin. Her instincts screamed at her to take back control, to regain the upper hand, but Maggie was already moving behind her, positioning Alex in front of the large mirror that dominated the wall.

"Look at yourself, Alex," Maggie whispered in her ear, her hands sliding up Alex's bare arms, sending shivers down her spine. "Always so composed. So put-together. But that's not who you are with me, is it?"

Alex's eyes flickered to the mirror, and she could see the tension in her reflection—the way her body was already reacting to Maggie's presence, the way her chest rose and fell with each shallow breath. She hated that Maggie could see her like this, so vulnerable, so exposed.

"I—" Alex started, but Maggie's hand slid around to her front, fingers brushing against her bare stomach, silencing her.

"Shh," Maggie whispered, her lips brushing against Alex's neck. "I'm going to make you watch, Alex. Watch yourself fall apart for me."

Alex's pulse raced, her body betraying her even as her mind screamed at her to resist. Maggie's hands moved with practiced ease, sliding over Alex's hips, her fingers teasingly close to where Alex wanted them but never quite touching. It was maddening, this slow, deliberate pace, the way Maggie toyed with her, making her wait, making her watch.

"Do you see how beautiful you are when you give in?" Maggie's voice was a low murmur, her breath hot against Alex's skin as she pressed her body up against Alex's back. "How your body responds to every little touch?"

Alex's eyes were glued to the reflection, watching as Maggie's hands continued their slow exploration of her body, the way her own breath came in shallow gasps, the way her skin flushed under Maggie's touch. It was humiliating and exhilarating all at once, seeing herself like this—so vulnerable, so exposed.

"Maggie," Alex gasped, her hands coming up to grip the edges of the mirror, her fingers curling tightly as she tried to steady herself. "What are you—"

"I told you," Maggie whispered, her fingers finally brushing against Alex's inner thigh, making her shudder. "You're going to watch yourself fall apart."

Alex's breath hitched as Maggie's fingers moved higher, teasing her without giving her what she so desperately craved. The reflection in the mirror showed everything—every flicker of desire, every twitch of her lips, every tremor in her muscles as Maggie's hands worked her over with maddening precision.

"You like this, don't you?" Maggie's voice was dark, taunting. "Being forced to watch yourself like this. Seeing every reaction, every time your body betrays you."

Alex's jaw clenched, her eyes locked on the reflection as Maggie's fingers danced closer to her center, the heat building inside her to an unbearable level. She wanted to deny it, wanted to fight back, but the truth was, she did like it. She liked the way Maggie took control, the way she forced Alex to see herself like this—completely undone.

Maggie's hand finally slid between Alex's legs, her fingers brushing over her slick folds, and Alex let out a soft, strangled moan. Her body jerked in response, her hips pressing forward involuntarily, but Maggie kept her movements slow, deliberate, teasing.

"Look at yourself," Maggie whispered again, her lips brushing against Alex's ear. "Look how desperate you are."

Alex's eyes flickered back to the mirror, and she could see it—the way her body arched into Maggie's touch, the way her lips parted with each ragged breath, the flush spreading across her chest and neck. It was overwhelming, seeing herself like this, but Maggie's grip on her was firm, unrelenting.

"Maggie," Alex gasped, her voice trembling as she pressed her forehead against the cool surface of the mirror, her body trembling with need. "Please—"

"Not yet," Maggie whispered, her fingers sliding lower, brushing against Alex's clit with agonizing slowness. "You're not ready yet."

Alex's entire body tensed, her breath coming in shallow gasps as Maggie's fingers continued to torment her, teasing without giving her the release she so desperately needed. Every touch, every brush of Maggie's fingertips sent sparks of pleasure through her, but it wasn't enough. It was never enough.

"Watch yourself," Maggie murmured, her voice a low growl as she pressed harder against Alex's back, her fingers now sliding over Alex's slick heat with more intent. "Watch how your body responds to me. How you fall apart for me."

Alex's eyes stayed locked on the reflection, watching as Maggie's fingers worked her over, sliding through the wetness, teasing her clit with slow, deliberate circles. Her own reflection stared back at her, lips parted, eyes dark with desire, her body trembling under Maggie's control.

"You look so beautiful like this," Maggie whispered, her breath hot against Alex's neck as her fingers continued their slow, torturous rhythm. "So completely mine."

Alex's legs were shaking now, her body barely able to hold itself up as the pleasure built inside her, every nerve alight with need. Her hands gripped the mirror tighter, her nails scraping against the glass as she tried to keep herself steady, but it was useless. Maggie had her completely undone.

"Tell me what you want," Maggie whispered, her voice dark and commanding as her fingers slid deeper, her thumb brushing over Alex's swollen clit in a way that made her gasp.

Alex's breath caught in her throat, her body trembling as she struggled to find the words. "I—I want—"

"Say it," Maggie demanded, her fingers thrusting deeper, her thumb pressing harder against Alex's clit. "Tell me what you need."

"I want—" Alex gasped, her voice a breathless plea as her body arched into Maggie's touch. "I need to come."

Maggie's lips curled into a dark, satisfied smile as she looked at Alex's reflection in the mirror, the way her body trembled, the way her eyes were dark with desire. "Not yet," she whispered, her fingers slowing their pace again, teasing Alex with maddening precision. "You're going to wait."

Alex let out a soft whimper, her body shaking with the effort of holding back, of staying on the edge. She could see it all in the mirror—the way her muscles tensed, the way her breath came in short, ragged gasps, the flush spreading across her skin. It was all there, on full display, and there was nothing she could do but watch.

Maggie's fingers continued their slow, torturous rhythm, sliding in and out of Alex with deliberate slowness, her thumb brushing over Alex's clit in teasing circles. The pressure was building, the pleasure mounting to an unbearable level, but still, Maggie didn't let her have it.

"Look at yourself," Maggie whispered again, her breath hot against Alex's ear. "Look how desperate you are for me."

Alex's head fell forward, her forehead pressing against the mirror as she let out a strangled moan. "Please," she whispered, her voice shaking with need. "Please, Maggie."

But Maggie wasn't ready to give in. Not yet.

Her fingers slowed again, just enough to keep Alex on the edge but not enough to push her over. Alex whimpered, her body trembling as Maggie's hands maintained a maddeningly slow pace. But then Maggie shifted slightly, her breath hot against Alex's ear as her free hand came to rest on Alex's hip, holding her firmly in place.

"Let's see how much more you can take," Maggie whispered, her voice dark with promise. Slowly, deliberately, she added another finger, stretching Alex further, and the sensation ripped a gasp from Alex's throat.

The pressure, the fullness—it was overwhelming. Alex's back arched involuntarily, her body reacting to the sudden intrusion as her nails scraped against the mirror, trying to find something—anything—to ground herself. But Maggie wasn't letting her have that. She kept Alex pressed firmly between her body and the mirror, her fingers sliding deeper, stretching her.

"Look at you," Maggie murmured, her voice low and intimate as she pressed deeper still. "Look how beautifully you stretch to take me. Your body knows exactly what it needs, doesn't it?"

Alex's breath hitched, her eyes squeezed shut as her body trembled under Maggie's touch. The pleasure was unbearable, the pressure building with each slow thrust of Maggie's fingers. Her walls clenched around Maggie's hand, instinctively trying to pull her deeper, to hold her there.

"You're clamping down on me, Alex," Maggie purred, her voice sending shivers down Alex's spine. "Your body doesn't want to let me go."

Alex couldn't respond, her breath coming in short, desperate gasps as Maggie's fingers worked her over. The feeling of being stretched, filled, while watching her own reflection tremble and shake—it was all too much. She could barely hold herself up, her legs threatening to give out as Maggie's fingers slid in and out of her, each movement slow and deliberate.

Maggie's hand on Alex's hip tightened, her grip firm as she whispered in Alex's ear, "Open your eyes."

Alex's eyes fluttered open, her gaze meeting her own reflection in the mirror. She looked wrecked—her hair damp and clinging to her forehead, her lips parted as she gasped for breath, her skin flushed with desire. The sight of herself, completely undone, made the heat between her legs intensify even more.

"I want you to see how desperate you are," Maggie said softly, her fingers thrusting deeper, harder now. "I want you to watch yourself fall apart for me."

Alex's eyes stayed locked on the mirror, watching as her body writhed under Maggie's control. She could see the way her hips moved, the way her back arched off the wall, her fingers trembling as they gripped the edges of the mirror. She could see everything—every reaction, every twitch of pleasure that rippled through her body as Maggie's fingers filled her, stretched her.

"You're going to come for me, Alex," Maggie murmured, her voice thick with authority. "And you're going to watch yourself do it."

Alex's body was shaking now, her breath coming in shallow gasps as the pressure inside her built to an unbearable level. She was so close, her entire body taut with tension, but she couldn't let go—not until Maggie told her she could.

"Maggie," Alex gasped, her voice barely a whisper as her eyes stayed locked on the reflection in the mirror. "Please…"

Maggie's fingers moved faster now, thrusting into her with precision, her thumb brushing over Alex's swollen clit in slow, deliberate circles. The sensation was overwhelming, the heat between her legs building with every stroke, every brush of Maggie's thumb.

"I want you to say it," Maggie whispered, her breath hot against Alex's neck. "Tell me what you need."

"I need—" Alex's voice broke, her body trembling as the words caught in her throat. "I need to come. Please, Maggie, let me come."

Maggie's lips curled into a satisfied smile as she watched Alex's reflection in the mirror, the way her body strained against the pleasure, the desperation in her voice. "You've been so good," Maggie whispered, her fingers thrusting deeper, harder now. "You deserve to come."

Alex's breath hitched, her body trembling on the edge of release, but Maggie wasn't done yet. Her fingers moved faster, her thumb pressing harder against Alex's clit, circling it with maddening precision.

"Now, Alex," Maggie murmured, her voice thick with command. "Come for me."

The permission was all Alex needed. Her entire body tensed, her legs shaking uncontrollably as the orgasm ripped through her, powerful and all-consuming. She gasped, her hands clenching into fists as her body convulsed under the intensity of it, her walls pulsing around Maggie's fingers as she came hard and fast.

Maggie didn't stop, her fingers continuing to move inside Alex, drawing out every last shudder of pleasure as Alex's body shook with the force of her release. Alex's gaze stayed locked on the mirror, watching herself fall apart as Maggie had commanded. It was overwhelming—watching the way her body responded, the way she had completely given in, surrendered to Maggie's touch.

Finally, Maggie slowed her movements, her fingers stilling inside Alex as she pressed a soft kiss to Alex's neck. "You did so well," Maggie whispered, her voice gentle now, soothing.

Alex leaned heavily against the mirror, her body weak and trembling from the intensity of her orgasm, her breath coming in shallow, uneven gasps. But despite the exhaustion, there was a deep sense of satisfaction coursing through her, the pleasure still lingering in the aftermath.

Maggie slowly withdrew her fingers, her touch tender now as she smoothed her hands over Alex's hips, grounding her. "You look beautiful like this," Maggie whispered, her lips brushing against Alex's ear. "Completely mine."

Alex let out a soft, breathless laugh, her body still humming with the remnants of pleasure. She met her own gaze in the mirror, seeing the raw vulnerability in her eyes, the satisfaction in her posture. Maggie had made her watch herself fall apart—and she'd loved every second of it.