
Kings Game (18+)

Travis is pulled into the ranks of nobility during a trying time, will he manage to survive the harsh circumstances that await him? Find out here! Disclaimer! This is an 18+ work! Do not read this unless you are 18 or older! Furthermore, this book touches on themes of sex, rape, abuse, and other such topics, if you want nothing to do with that, DO NOT READ! Thank you for your time.

Inker · Fantaisie
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7 Chs


"Once upon a time, in a land that existed long ago, there was a King." A feminine voice narrated as a shadow figure that looks like a king appeared on a parchment background. "This King wasn't any ordinary King, he hadn't inherited the throne and he wasn't a royal." She said. Curtains closed for a moment, then reopened on a new scene.

The King-like figure stood on a hill, seemingly speaking to a large crowd that was cheering. "He was the leader of a rebellion, placed on the throne by the vote of the public. Oh, how unfortunate these people were. You see, he wasn't the one who truly orchestrated the rebellion." She said as the curtains closed and opened once more.

This time the kingly figure was tied to several strings as two large hands orchestrated his movements. "He was actually nothing more than a performer who followed the orders of the person who got him a job." She said as the hands moved and the king danced according to the movements of the hand. "Eventually, the performance came to an end." She said as the King fell to the ground, limp and lifeless.

"The King had become nothing more than a puppet, unable to do even the simplest task without someone else pulling the strings." She said as the curtains closed for the last time. A book was slammed closed. "Well, that's enough for today children." The woman said, her face obscured by a hood.

"But miss, won't you tell us what happens next?" A kid asked as he raised his hand.

"I will, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Hurry home, else your mothers and fathers will be worried." She said as the children who were sitting and listening stood up. The woman looked at her surroundings, the plaza of a large and prosperous medieval city.

'Well, tomorrow's going to be interesting... The hero...' She thought to herself.