

Serving the King is what Esmeliyahs family has done for generations. This is the reason why their family name has been stamped in history year after year. Growing up as a member of one of the kings right hand families is not always a life of privilege. Not wanting to be married off like her sisters and without the correct genitals to qualify for a general or an officer in court like her brothers, there is only one position Esmeliyah can occupy to fulfill her duty and serve the king. Becoming a member of the Kings secret calvary. This position would require her to leave behind her family, her friends and everything she has ever known to serve in wherever and as whatever the king needs her. And to Esmeliyah that's fine...that is until she discovers that she is to serve as a spy to the king in the harem under the guise of a tribute woman from a faraway land. She has spent all her life running from the competition of affection that goes on between wives and concubines for their husbands attention only to be placed smack in the fiercest battle of wives and concubines. The Prize? The kings affection.

reosimaginarium · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Bucky Rider 2

Esme watched until the bucky rider turned his bucky around and started riding back down the road. Then she came out of her hiding place and waved his bucky down. Her spacious little bag was puffy with her cloak and it made it look like it was packed full. She began to pretend that her luggage was heavy.

'Aye, Jiv', she yelled waving frantically at the bucky. The bucky rolled to a stop in front of her. She pretended to be relieved after dumping her load unto the bucky.

'Aye, miss' the rider said sounding annoyed 'you haven't asked my route and I don't know yours'.

'I apologize sir', Esme said doing her best to appear frustrated. She wiped off non-existent sweat.

'I've got to get to the palace gate. Is that your route?'

The rider squinted his already small eyes.

'A lass like you has business at the palace?' he questioned.

Esme laughed in a mocking and longing manner

'I wish. The palace has no need of uncouth lasses like me and apparently neither does this household anymore', she gazed at the mansion behind her with perfect resentment. She didn't even know who owned it.

'I'm headed to the palace gate to join the beggers that sometimes travel through there I think I shall find them there around this time if I hurry'.

'The beggars!' the rider exclaimed. 'Surely you are not so poor already'.

Esme chuckled 'I'm poorer sir. My family whom I sent all my salary too have believed a lie and disowned me and now I have lost my only job. I have nowhere to return too'.

'How do you plan to pay me for this ride?', he asked.

Esme's eyes turned even sadder. 'I have a single silver coin sir but I was hopping that perhaps you could receive payment some other way'.

The bucky riders eyes widened and he sputtered trying to speak.

Esme knew by knowledge that she was a beautiful woman. She had experienced the effect of her beauty in her few days as the Kings woman and when she sat atop Bull at the gate of Cheq posing as a service girl. But since she had been in the tavern she hadn't been reminded. Taverns usually hired beautiful people to lure guests and all her colleagues were such. Miyaicy alone overshadowed her beauty. Niaki and Wekya were in a class of their own too.

In the moment however she felt it again, the empowering nature of her beauty. The rider was speechless and then he sighed. 'Climb on miss. I would be heartless to take your silver coin and it is noon now so it would require me money to buy a room to receive your other payment. Whether you climb in or not, I shall go to the palace gate anyw-'. He stopped himself like he shouldn't have said anything.

'Just climb on. I'll think of a way you shall pay me'.

'Oh thank you kind sir. May Jiv remain with you', Esme said in obvious relief and climbed into the bucky. The rider turned forwards and cracked his whip on his horse. The bucky began to pull away slowly at first then faster.

They rode for a brief time in silence then the bucky rider spoke up.

'If you were to find a job would you still join the beggars?'

'Of course not sir. It's just that I can't find any. I applied many times to the palace and many mansions before a matron I helped at the market took pity on me. That matron has now died and the new matron has replaced every position close to her'.

'I see so you have a small fortune but it's with your family'.

'Yes sir and don't you advice me to plead with them because my stepmother would never let them take me back'.

'No no miss. Nothing of the sort. So you want a job?'

'Very desperately sir. Are you looking to hire someone? I could learn to ride your bucky or care for your horse'.

'Nothing of the sort miss. I have an employee who is looking to hire however I don't want to give you any false hope before speaking to him first'

'Really!', Esme exclaimed 'O please do speak to him for me. I shall be in your debt forever and wish jiv on you every morning if you do'.

'Relax', the bucky driver said 'I cannot promise you much because the preparation for this job would cost you a little something which you clearly don't have'.

'Oh' Esme deflated both in sound and posture. She let the ride continue on in silence for a while.

As the palace gates came into view ahead of them Esme spoke again.

'You must speak to yout employer for me sir. I shall do everything in my power to acquire the costs. Although my family has chased me away I shall sneak in and take my money if i need to. Afterall I worked very hard for it so it can't be stealing. I even thought of doing this before and setting up a stall in the market with that money but nobody would treat a single woman earning and living alone. I couldn't steal the money to live in the streets I would surely be robbed of it and by then I would regret taking it from my family. But if you are able to find me a good job I swear that I would cover whatever costs there be. Just look upon the travelling beggers' , she said pointing to a row of dirty clothed people begging as far away from the palace gates as the guards would let them.

'I simply cannot bear to be one of them. Help me kind sir please you absolutely must'.

'Alright, alright. I shall speak to my employer but you must have the money to cover the costs'.

'I swear that I shall sir. With every method I know I shall get it'.

'Very well then. Come behind the bucky station in the large market at evening time'.

'But sir I can come along with you now'

The bucky driver lost his faux compassion

'Woman you must be patient' he said sharply 'I shall speak to my employer first. For now I suggest you find a tavern and some food with your silver coin and come to meet me at evening. It's the best I can do for you. We are here now climb out.'

Esme saw that the bucky had parked as close to the palace gate as was allowed, which was not close at all. She alighted the bucky and pretended to heave her satchel unto her back.

'May I ask sir what kind of job it is?' she asked

The bucky rider stared at her for a moment and then beckoned her closer.

'It is the position of a maid in the palace'

Esme's eyes widened and before she could dramatically echo the riders beefy hands clamped down hard on her mouth.

He drew her even closer to him by his hold on her mouth.

'Shhh! I hope you know how to keep secrets miss'

Esme nodded under the weight of his hand.

He nodded, 'Good. You mustn't tell anyone about this. I am only doing you a favor. If you tell others then I won't have any rest from people seeking my favor to get into the palace. Do you understand?'.

Esme nodded again

'What is your name lass?' the rider asked.

'Ria', Esme said but under his hands the sound was muffled.

He took his hands off her mouth


'My name is Ria sir'.

He nodded, 'Alright run along now. I shall see you at even'

Esme thanked the man again and wished much Jiv on him before she turned around to leave. As she walked away from the rider he called

'Remember that you owe me Miss Ria'.

Esme smiled slyly thinking that it was a good thing she didn't believe in jiv at all.

The first thing she did after turning the corner of the street was spit. The beefy bucky driver's hand tasted of sweat, greed and corruption.


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