
Kingly adventures

This story is a fanfiction of the webnovel, ' The King of The Worlds'. The protagnist travels to different worlds and conquers them, in order to take their unique resources and advance his own kingdom. This is my first work so reviews are desired. For advance chapters, you can go to my Patreon page; P A T R E O N. C O M / novicewriter This book is also being uploaded on wattpad and Patreon. ______________________________________________ Discord Link: discord.gg/em6yY2d Disclaimer: I only own the MC and my unique ideas in relation to this fictional work. ______________________________________________ Self Promotion by the author: My original story, 'The Forsaken Son' is being uploaded under Eastern Fantasy Genre.

novice_writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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135 Chs

Chapter 124: The Return (Part 2)


Zhao Shu tightly held Huang Xiaolong in place as he tried to go after Li Lu, who was running towards her master, Li Miolin. Huang Xiaolong turned to look at Zhao Shu with a betrayed expression. Zhao Shu whispered, " Sovereign!!! We cannot interfere right now. That man is more powerful than us. I couldn't even comprehend his movements. Don't forget that that man is not alone. These new arrivals are atleast high level Saint Realm Cultivators. We will have to wait in order to know their intentions. We can atleast rest easy that they are not with Deities Templar."

Huang Xiaolong gave a reluctant nod and spoke, " If something happens, I want you to take Li Lu and run. Go to my family and protect them at all costs."

Zhao Shu panicked and said, " But....."

Huang Xiaolong said in a determined voice, " That's an order, Elder Zhao. I don't want anything bad to happen with my loved ones. But, I can tell you this, if something happens to Li Lu, I will find and kill that man when I will gain sufficient strength. It doesn't matter how much time it takes, I will have my revenge."

Zhao Shu suppressed a wince as he once again heard the loud sound produced as a result of the new arrival's blows. He thought, " I will protect you, Sovereign.Even if I will have to sacrifice my life. I cannot guarantee the safety of this girl but maybe, heavens will smile down upon us and we will get through this calamity unharmed."

Huang Xiaolong tried to move forward when he saw the man turning his attention to Li Lu but Zhao Shu's grip prevented him from moving. Huang Xiaolong watched with a helpless expression as the man prepared to strike Li Lu. As he was falling in the pits of despair, he watched as the man was ordered to stop by a tall goldern-haired man. The man also ordered one of his subordinates to heal Li Lu's master.

After listening to their talks, Zhao Shu said in serious tone, " They are not from this area. They are looking for someone. They are not here to specifically kill that person....."

Huang Xiaolong spoke up, " Maybe they are here on Chen Tianqi orders."

Zhao Shu fell in thought and said, " It could be possible but the sect don't have the resources to hire so many high level Saint Realm Cultivators. Moreover, Chen Tianqi is a very proudful and arrogant man; he will try to kill you with his own hands so that no one will question his position and leadership. Sending mercenaries after you will only weaken his prestige in front of the disciples and other forces of this world. Nevertheless, we should exercise caution when dealing with these people. I will ask them the reason of their arrival. Let's hope that they are not unreasonable."


Alexander watched as the old man guarding Huang Xiaolong stepped forward and spoke in a polite tone, " Seniors!!! I and Young Master Huang are not with this woman. She is an opponent of ours. Can I ask you, why powerful seniors like you, are on this weak continent? I am not that powerful but I am a Saint Realm Cultivator. I know this place to some extent. Maybe I will be able to help you."

Alexander smiled and said, " We don't need your help. We already know everything about this world. We're here to find and investigate someone." Alexander watched as the old man paled and said, " You Seniors, are not from this world. Are you the legendary God Realm Masters? I have heard only about them in stories. My life is fulfilled to witness such mighty Cultivators."

Alexander laughed and said, " I can see why the God Realm Cultivators go to such backward worlds and conquer them. If this is the grade of boot-licking, they exprerience when going to backward worlds, I can understand their motivations. Who doesn't like to hear praises? I applaud you old man, you are quite clever but such flowery words don't have an effect on me. Now, let's get down to business, shall we?"

Zhao Shu nodded and said, " I don't dare to occupy your precious time, Seniors!!! What can I do to help you? I know the Emperor of this little empire. Maybe he could serve you in fulfilling your goals...."

Alexander spoke up, " The people of some backward sect called Deities Templar has something we want. We are also here to investigate the worth of this world so that it could be occupied by our people. Don't worry we will not enslave the residents of this world. This world will become a resource world for our sect if deemed worthy and the people of this world will be given the resources so that they could cultivate to God Realm and beyond."

Huang Xiaolong stepped forward and said in a polite tone, " The woman that attacked you is a high ranking member of Deities Templar...." He then pointed the other fellow standing to the side and said, " This one is also a disciple of that sect. Li Lu is the ward of my family who was taken away by that woman without informing us. I and Li Lu were going to marry in future. This fellow informed us that only the members of the Deities Templar can become dao companions of each other. I humbly request that you help us in this matter."

Alexander smiled and said, " You saved our precious time, Young Man!!! I promise you that you and that girl will marry when you two reach the same cultivation realm."

Huang Xiaolong asked, " Why?"

Alexander, " We have a formation which when used on first coupling of the two people, increases the cultivation of both the parties. In order to prevent any misuse, the elders of our clan have stipulated that only married couples can use the formation. Also, to make the union favourable to both the parties, they should be on the same cultivation realm."

Alexander laughed loudly on seeing the blushes on the faces of the two lovebirds. He then spoke up, " We will interrogate these two now. You and this girl can go now. Where do you live?"

Haung Xiaolong pointed to the estate behind him and said, " We live there, Seniors!!! I humbly request you to come and stay with us."

Alexander, " I have to decline your offer as we have work to do. We will come back after taking care of Deities Templar....." Alexander turned to his people and spoke up, " Take these two with us. They will tell us about the Deities Templar. Leave the girl." The rest nodded and by using their spiritual force restrained the two and took to the skies.

Alexander turned towards Haung Xiaolong, Li Lu and Zhao Shu and spoke, " We will meet again soon." After that he also left.


Two grunts were heard as the two captives were dropped heavily on the ground. Alexander spoke up, " Tell us all about Deities Templar and I will let you live. You have half an hour to think. For your information, all of us are HighGod Realm Cultivators from Azure Dragon Galaxy. Don't try to escape."

Li Miolin paled and asked, " Seniors!! If this is true, why don't you directly attack the Deities Templar. We don't have a single God Realm Cultivator in our sect."

Alexander snorted and spoke, " This world is an ancient battleground. Who knows what kind of ancient formations are present here? You don't reach this stage of life without learning some useful and important lessons. Now, the more you will tell us, the more easy it will be for you. I will come for you in half an hour. You all, come with me."

The cave was the first staging ground for Alexander's troops in this world and was magically enlarged to form a hidden fortress. Li Miolin and Ao Bixque were being kept in the holding cells of the fortress. When the group reached the main hall, Alexander spoke up, " How much Draught of Living Death is required so that it can be effective on Cultivators, Sam?"

Sam who was also the poison specialist of the team, spoke up, " It depends on the Cultivation realm and the quality of his qi, Your Highness. Qi present in the body can either enhance or diminish the effects of potions administered to a cultivator. The scientists are studying this phenomena but no concrete theory have been formed till now."

Alexander, " What about chaos energy?"

Sam, " The chaos energy massively enhances the effects of potions, Your Highness. We lost a test subject because of this. The blood regeneration potion regenerated so much blood that all his blood vessels brust opened due to pressure and he died. We have marked the enhanced potions as highly classified and need-to-know basis to prevent experiments from curious denizens of your kingdom."

Alexander, " I am opening the realm gate. I want you to dose Huang Xiaolong with The Draught of Living Death and have our mind readers examine him. He has a shield around his mind. That's why I didn't go through to his mind forcefully. Who knows if there is some sort of cosmic trigger in his mind. If there is no danger then, my brute forcing would have cost us a future god of universe, which is unexceptable. Also, call in a couple of interrogators for our guests. Now, go!!"

Alexander reopened the realm gate and watched as Sam entered it. Alexander spoke up, " Now, we will wait for him to return."


For advance chapters go to P A T R E O . C O M/novicewriter