
Kingdom of Zo-An

The Kingdom of Zo-An has a great rulers which are called Royalties, Every people in the kingdom loved them, worshipped them, but the truth behind their wealth were soon to be discovered by the Zodiac (people who were blessed by the stars and had an ability that is superior from normal people)

Dash_vin · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

The Temptation of Aphina

The night is quiet and the chirping of crickets can be heard in the atmosphere of Shihati Desi.

Gaia poured a hot water as he rested peacefully inside his room that was provided by the Shihatium. while waiting for his coffee to be well mixed, he decided to stand up and look for a mirror. He first looked around to see if there were other people watching and made sure he was the only one in the room.

when he was satisfied that he was the only person inside, he faced the mirror and slowly lowered the piece of clothing that was blocking his neck. He assures that his marks of being a Taurus are still there but as time goes on it is still noticeable that his mark gradually became transparent. he also felt that his power was not that strong compared to when the tattoo of being a Zodiac was very visible.

He returned to his seat and sipped the coffee he brewed. He hit the table with his hand because of his annoyance with his condition. later he heard a knock outside his room.

High Guardian? I heard there was a sound inside your room, are you okay there? someone's words outside that seemed to be a woman's voice.

I'm fine Gaia answered immediately.

The woman spoke again outside her room and asked for permission to let her in. Gaia rejected it because he just wanted to be alone but the woman introduced herself as the princess she talked to earlier.

I am Princess Aphina. I'm sorry to disturb your rest but I just wanted to talk to you. Even though he hesitated to open the door, Gaia still allowed Aphina to enter her room.

Coffee? Gaia offered to Aphina as they both sat and stared at each other.

What made you visit my room princess? Gaia asked as he continued to stir his coffee because he was a bit nervous in the presence of Princess Aphina.

I just wanted to talk to you. We rarely have visitors at our place. it is too long to travel and the surroundings are so hot that you will walk through the desert before you reach our Desi. that's why I admire your perseverance and discipline to travel alone. maybe High Guardians like you are too powerful.

Gaia was lost in words in this situation so he couldn't say a word. the only thing he said was that there was a very important mission given to him by Lord Sirius so he wanted to finish it immediately by himself.

Aphina stood up from her seat and walked over to Gaia.

those muscles of yours and your very brave appearance. sorry High Guardian but I just can't seem to stop myself. Aphina said seductively as she approached Gaia.

Gaia, on the other hand, was stunned and unable to move because even though he was determined to finish his mission to his Desi, he couldn't help but look at the beauty of the princess in front of her. Aphina looks very attractive. a bright eyes, short blue hair red lips and a beautiful body shape that no one could ever resist.

Aphina sat on Gaia's lap as she whispered in his ears.

Don't worry High Guardian. you don't have to hold back. I'm yours tonight and anything you can do. I want you to just relax and make the most of this night with me.

Gaia couldn't contain herself anymore as Aphina sat on her lap.

Sorry princess but I'm just a man too. Right now, I'm at the moment that I can't stop myself from doing anything to you. Gaia said as he slowly removed the thin cloth wrapped around Aphina's upper garment.

He hugged her tightly and planted a kiss on her lips.

The princess was a little shocked because of what Gaia did but she didn't fight anymore. she also hugged Gaia tightly as he kissed her.

The surroundings are getting too hot and Gaia and Aphina are being carried away by intense body heat. it's like a wild beast that Gaia continued to kiss while Aphina also tightens her grip on embracing the High Guardian.

Gaia couldn't hold back anymore and he lowered the kiss to the princess down her neck. Aphina just closed her eyes because of the sensation. but she took courage and opened her eyes to prevent herself to be drown by the current situation.

while she hugged Gaia tightly, she reached for the coffee that she had turned her back on. while Gaia couldn't stop kissing her neck Aphina put a strange poison in Gaia's coffee. with her fingernail she was able to translate the strange poison mixed into the coffee.

little by little, Gaia began to take off the princess's upper clothes and wanted to see her bare skin without any clothes blocking it.

but Aphina begin struggled and suddenly pushed Gaia.

the princess retreated with her hand covering her breasts that Gaia was about to bare.

I'm sorry princess! I couldn't hold myself back too much. I was too tempted and I didn't realize what I was doing. Gaia hurriedly said while gasping for breath.

Even the princess was shocked by the whole incident. Gaia was about to undress and expose her body but she fought with the temptation because the princess had other plans.

She just smiled at Gaia and said, Don't worry. I insisted on this to you. you don't have to blame yourself for what happened. I'm sorry also but this is all I can make to you for now. maybe when we get to know each other better, then we can go deeper into what we want to do with each other.

Gaia's face shows disappointment because what he wanted to happen didn't go through in those times, but he also respects the princess so he didn't force it anymore.

he just sat at his table while watching the princess adjust her outfit. while he made the most of the moments looking at the princess's body, he picked up his cup of coffee and sipped it again.

Gaia took a third sip and put the cup down on his table again.

after only a few seconds he seemed to feel something strange in his body. He didn't realize that he just fell on the floor and couldn't move any part of his body.

he tried to turn to the princess and ask for help in his situation but when he saw Aphina's face, he saw that she was just smiling at him. in the end he realized that the whole incident was just part of Aphina's plan.