
Kingdom : History is rewritten

A modern day army veteran dies struck by lighting while playing Total war Three Kingdoms. His death only marked a new beginning as he woke up at a 12 year old kids body living in 260 BCE during the warring states period of China. Thrust into a bloody era, will he be able to defend his nation or maybe become the conquerer himself? What will his presence bring to the history itself? Read to find out! Kingdom manga AU with a few generals from the Three Kingdoms period.

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31 Chs

Towards the mountains

Unknown PoV

Shin screamed with tears running his face as he saw the man he admired and aspired to be pierced by an arrow and Houken's blade.

The entire Qin army was devastated and shocked by the defeat of Ou Ki, the last of the 6 greats of Qin.

Riboku sighed as he was prepared to give the order to all trops to disengage, suddenly he heard the thundering sound of thousands of cavalries approaching their location.

His face became tense as he looked towards the west. There was a storm of sands approaching and within it, he could feel about 40-50,000 soldiers rushing at him as if the devil was chasing them.

The Qin and Zhao soldiers both could feel the approaching army. Qin soldiers were hoping they would be reinforcement and the Zhao soldiers were dreading who it might be.

Everyone stopped fighting as they looked towards west. Soon they could see a Red and Golden Banner proudly flying with the gust. The words described in them spoke "Tian" and "Long" or Tenryu.

The Qin and Zhao soldiers were both a little confused but only about half them. Mainly the veterans who knew that flag, and the Ouki army, they all forgot their sadness momentarily and shouted with cheers as the famous banner of invincibility returned to battlefield once again.

It was once one of the symbols of Qin's might. A general who's meteoric rise was so quick and faded away so soon due to his apparent disinterest in war and thought to be assasinated. Much like Zhao's Rinshoujo? he was called "Phantasmal" as his existence was like a fleeting dream and his legends began to be counted as myth..

Bananji muttered softly, "this is very bad". He looked towards Riboku, whom seeing that banner could only utter one word "Impossible".

Present Day

My army marched continiously towards Taigen, mostly during night as we could be seen as enemies with our large numbers. It took us 3 days to reach the slope of the mountains. (near The area where Ei Sei went before going to Yotanwa).

I got to know my 3 generals as I wanted to know what was their background here since all of them are at their best days. Zhao Yun was 19 years old and Zhang Liao was 22. Zhuge Liang was about to turn 21. They had similar background to their three Kingdom versions.

There was a small castle called Shangjun just bellow the Taigen pass which would be perfect for me. According to my memory, King Zhao of Qin will die within a few years and Ryofui will begin his plot to put Zhuang Xiangin power.

I'll take the chance to buy a position in nobility and hopefully Take over Shangjun like Shibashou took Seika. I have taken a look at the castle already and it was quite good. It can house about 50,000 troops and more than 100,000 civilians or so.

To utilize my plan, I'll have to enlarge it so it can at least hold 100,000 soldiers and 300,000 civilians. I plan to make a fortress there and develop secretly till the plot begins.

It might be boring but I don't want to interfere much so that my knowledge is more effective later. Also, I can't afford to go into battles without proper training and skills as I don't have plot armour like Shin .

I settled my troops in a small town called Junko. There were about 20,000 people there. They were wary about us but soon got over it as we gave them some food and help with building their houses. It took us a week to buid the housing for my troops.

People were curious why a 12 year old is leading an army, they just assumed I was nobility. I started laying the ground work as I planned to include this town in my territory. There was also the reason that this area would be famous later for producing silk during latter Han era.

The people here had some idea about refining silk which I put to good use. I started making some luxury stuff like silk handkerchief and feather fans along with some luxury clothes to generate money and get some connections.

These things were easy to make and I added some unique designs which would make it more popular. Not to mention that stuff is expensive and would be given as rewards to generals.

Just as I expected, these products were a great hit due to their unique designs. It took me 6 months to properly set up the silk refiners but within one year, the business started booming. I was making some good money after that and saved up mosy of it or used to improve the infrastructure.

I met with a lot of merchants and Ryofui also sent a representative to co operate with us. He was suspicious of us in the beginning but I managed to make a deal with him.

I would provide the goods and he would sell them for 35% commission. Also, He would petition to the king to grant me the territories here for a sum of 20,000 gold. It was a daylight robbery but I plan to extract the money with interest.

I spread some lies like I was the only survior from a merchant family who moved here with all his assets from Qi which was believed by people.In the meantime, my soldiers were training regularly and fought a lot of bandits and outlaws to clean up the area.

Ryofui also managed to make his friend, the prince,as the next king candidate in this time.

Year 256 bce, King Zhao died and the Prince Zhangxuang was made the king after escaping from Zhao but he left his wife and young child there as hostage who became the subject of humiliation there.

On the bright side, I finally got the lands I wanted permanently along with the castle. I immediately started enlarging it by making 2 more outer walls like Constantinople. All the money I saved up went with this project and I couldn't even recruit more soldiers due to this.

I had recruited 500 guards for the merchant carravans and that was it. I built a nice and small palace for my living at the very center. There was very little movement from the other 6 states during this time so I took full advantage to put all hands to finish my castle as soon as possible.

Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao were in charge of the security and border patrols while Zhuge Liang made sure everything went smoothly. It was due to him that everything was going very well. He was great at governing stuff and he mostly dealt with the business side. Most importantly I found information about Yotanwa and Kanki.

Kanki was a famous bandit located south near Shu while Yotanwa was close to us but she just took over as her tribes chieftain. It would probably take her till 250 or 249 bce to unite all the mountain tribes.

I sent a congratulations letter to her coronation ceremony along with two Swords I got from the system to build some good connections. Afterall, she was the number 1 waifu in Kingdom.She wrote back thanking me for the kindness and spoke about meeting up in the near future.

We talked about trade between our people as I knew about her dream to co exist together with others. There was a lot of racism against mountain folk which I managed to curb out from my people by spreading liflets about them and the importance of co operation between us.

She actually decided to send a few families from her clan to live in my city who were well taken care of. Kanki on the other hand was terrorizing Shu and it seems Mougou hasn't yet beat him.

I could take him down and make him join me but he really isn't interested in following someone loyally forever.

Even the system deduced that he would betray me if he gets enough benefits. Speaking of which, the system was pretty useful for management system. It can also show who is my friend and who's my enemy marked in the map and their location.

I really wished I could have Ousen under me but he is too ambitious. I prefer loyal generals as they have honour and will follow their lord with all their strength.

Finally, at Year 257, I managed to finish my castle and the first layer of wall around it . It wasn't too grand or extravagant but it was solid as iron for defence. I placed the soldiers in only the key positions as I had a lack of them.

The new recruits were being trained by Gao Shun and it would take till next year to properly train them. I have about 20,000 Recruits training currently. It has been 3 years since I arrived here and at long last, I have managed to establish a strong base finally along with a good economy system and solid cash flow.

Now it was time to focus on warfare and gain as much achievements possible so in future I don't have to fight for ranks. My first target was Wan castle of Wei . I decided to start with Wei after all.

I sent a letter to Ryofui where I urged him to make the king send an army there and I will take 1000 of my men there to join them. Since I was nobility, I became a 1000 man commander directly.

I actually told Ryofui that once I become a general, I'll just take rest and focus on my business rather than getting involved in the political mess which further helped me build a better standing with him.

I also promised that all my future business will go through him as I needed his support to be safe. There were other people who did this before so It wasn't that suspicious.

No matter the era, money will alway be a valuable tool. I explained that my goal was to make a name from the wars to further advertise myself and to have a good amount safety. Shangjun was only annexed in 272 bce and Zhao had eyes on the area but couldn't do anything due to lacking manpower after battle of Changping .

So in the summer of 257 bce, I marched towards Wan castle with Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao while Zhuge Liang stayed behind to manage the territories. I took 1000 cavalry which was quite a force considering 500 of them were wolf cavalry and 500 white horse archers.

The commander for this battle will be General ChouTou which was good because I prefer orthodox generals as they are more predictable. The army was 50,000 strong as The king didn't think Wei would let us capture such a crucial castle so he decided send less men and the main purpose was to chip away at the Wei forces for future invasion.

Well, I'll just have to surprise him and take this castle successfully. It will be very hard with 1000 troops only but Its possible if a quick surprise attack. Sadly I was proven wrong as I had come face to face with one of the great generals of Wei, Sima Yi.