

Then his gray eyes stared at me with no emotion... "I'm sorry Maricella if I ruin your wedding day but you have something that I need,please allow me to demonstrate what it is.” And with that he wave his hand on my face and I am like a puppet who bent my head to the side exposing the naked skin of my neck. I scream in horror when I realized what he meant to do to me. Maricella found out that she's the cure who can save the entire breed of vampire. Her blood, which had gone through so many changes, appeared to be the only thing her creator, Lord Theo the last Nightwalker, needed to become a full immortal. But will she accept it if the price to save her loved ones is to forget her one true mate? Can their love for each other conquer this new ordeal or will their love be forgotten forever? Read to find out more.

LJ_Knight · Fantaisie
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22 Chs

Chapter -4 ( The Marking)

When the stranger began to close the distance between Maricella and him. She tried hard to tear her gazed off him, but It's the same like Maricella was glued to his hypnotic gray orbs.

Maricella tried her best to move but she can't, no matter how much force she used she still end up staring back at him. Maricella felt a very powerful aura surrounds her it was too strong that she could feel her stomach churn and if this go on she would possibly throw up anything inside her tummy.

When the distance between them is just an inch apart ,he raised his hand and reached for Maricella's cheek.

He wipe her hair on the side that covering her wet face from crying.

Maricella knows she looked like a mess with smudge mascara and eyeliner from crying.

Her hair isn't in place anymore because of her movement but that doesn't mean this stranger is allowed to touch her like he owns her.

Maricella cringed, feeling those cold fingers touch her skin. His cold demure is like a venom that went running through her body. His gray eyes roam in Maricella's face.

It seems like he's trying to familiarize himself in every spot in Maricella's unrecognizable face.

Maricella was surprise when the stranger bent down to her level and sniffed her scent.

He inhaled deeply that cause his body to shudder in delight.

Maricella felt petrified when she remembered her dream that is now happening in real life.

"I can hear your heart beating faster, are you scared of me I prinkípissá mou? " there was an annoying smirk in his perfectly sculptured face before he speaks again.

"You better not my dear, Because I am the reason why you and the entire vampire race are still alive " His voice as cold as ice it can make any vampire cower in fear.

Maricella wondered what the stranger mean?She can't comprehend in her mind on how on earth. He can be the reason why she's still alive?!

His words made Maricella confused but before she could asked him,he looked away scanning the surrounding.

His gray orbs stop to the corner where Martha was standing.

Maricella felt relief that she's no more hypnotized by those orbs but still her body stay rooted in place unabled to move.

Maricella watch as Martha's body went rigid for a minute before she started to walk towards their direction.

When Martha is just a few meters away,she stop and bow her head in respect to the stranger.

Maricella's lips turn into thin lines when she saw what Martha did.

Her blood starts to boil from anger thinking how could Martha bow and give respect to that damn vampire when Martha just witness how he pulverized and knock down Maricella's father and her Husband.

She started to doubt Martha's loyalty.

She started to think if Martha is a part of this?!

If Maricella is right How could Martha do this to them?!

Maricella thought she's on their side?!

"My Lord,forgive me but that child don't know you,

Why such a high royalty causing havoc in this peaceful ceremony?

If this child somehow offended you please show some mercy My Lord,She's just an ordinary child, your children too..."

Martha said in Maricella defense. Maricella heave a heavy sigh knowing she's wrong.

'Ohh thank goodness she's not betraying us'

What puzzled Maricella is the last sentence that Martha said,what does she means by

'Your children too?!''

How can that be possible?!

Maricella studied the vampire history and she's sure as hell that she never saw his face on the high royalty book.

There was no written history about him,what she knows is that there's one high or all high royalty that was not written in the book.

Could it be him what she thought he is?!

If he really is Maricella couldn't believed it.

It's was a very old story and is almost like a folklore in vampire history and society.

Suddenly, a mocking laugh echoed inside the church.

"You don't know nothing oracle" the stranger's deep icy voice made Martha looked pale and step back.

Maricella couldn't understand how on earth a single vampire can cause chaos and fear, Even Martha is scared to offend him.

Maricella got startled when the stranger's gazed went back to her.

His once gray eyes,

Is now glistening, It was now a fusion of silver and gray.

It's such a terrifying gazed his looks can give you a taste of hell by just staring at those orbs.

The stranger close the distance between him and Maricella, Even when she's scared and still can't move she didn't show it.

But Maricella's resolves was scattered when she heard the stranger uttered those same words in Maricella's dream.

"Forgive me my dear, if I ruin your wedding day but you have something i need,

please allow me to demonstrate what it is."

And with that the stranger wave his hand on Maricella's face and just like a puppet she bent her head on the side exposing the naked skin on of her neck.

Maricella started to scream in horror realizing what he meant to do with her!

His going to marked Maricella as his.

But that's not possible!

Maricella is already bonded with her husband

He can't marked a mated vampire whose soul is bound to others!

But he still did.

Maricella tried to trash out but no matter what she do she still stayed like a motionles puppet until Maricella felt his fang dig in her skin, on the crooked of her neck where her fellow vampires is supposed to marks their mate.

A painful scream came out of Maricella's mouth. It's like her body and soul is splitting apart.

Maricella knows what it is, this is the result of forcefully unbinding her to her one true mate.

Tears start to stream down her cheeks feeling helpless that she can't do anything to stop this from happening.

She knows nobody can't help her. Even though they try ,her family and friends are no match for him.

His power is beyond compared even the Queen, Dalton's mother can't be in his level of mobility and prowess to immobilized everyone in the cathedral.

Maricella isn't mad of them at all she know far too well that her family and friends will risk their life to help her but it's much more better if they wouldn't make any drastic move. Maricella wouldn't forgive herself if one of her loved once sacrifice their lives to save her.

Maricella felt the strangers fang went too deep that she shudder in pain.

He was not only marking her as his but his feeding also on her, His sipping too much of her blood that she could feel her life starting to fade away.

Slowly Maricella feel her eyelid went too heavy to stay awake.

'Too tired.' She murmured in her unstable state.

Maricella decided to closed her eyes happily welcoming her death.

In Maricella's mind there is no way she would live after this marking.

Her life, her love, and her soul belongs only to one demon prince and thats Dalton.

Whether in this life time or the others.

It will always be her, Dalton.

But when she's on the verge of death, there's something that pulls her back to life.

Please support my book many thanks my lovely readers:)

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