
King of the former dynasty

In the twilight of a fallen kingdom, where crowns crumble and shadows dance, a young prince ascends the throne. His coronation, a bitter symphony of loss, echoes through the marble halls. For the rebellion has painted the palace walls with blood, leaving no trace of kin but whispers of survival. And then there's Teri—the weaver child, half-ghost, half-mortal. His existence, a riddle etched in crimson threads.Born lifeless,buried alive, he clawed his way back from the abyss, the scarlet filaments clinging to his tiny fingers like secrets whispered by the earth itself. Teri's became the third ghostweaver in centuries. His mother, eyes wide with wonder and fear, cradled him in her arms, defying death's decree. The others fled, abandoning the babe and his spectral companions. The great general, Teri's father, defied the usurper king. In a hidden chamber, he revealed a box—an enigma of destiny. Three artifacts nestled within, each pulsing with purpose. "Find their owners," the general urged, entrusting the box to his daughter, Darlene. "Escape," he whispered to his wife, urging her to flee with their children. The constables hunted, but the family eluded their grasp. Days turned to weeks, and news of the great general's demise reached Teri's mother. Alone, penniless, she remarried—a fragile alliance that would soon shatter. Teri's stepfather despised the weaver's gift—the communion with ghosts. A poisoned pastry stole Teri's sight, but not his resolve. When his mother's screams pierced the night, Selena, his spectral sister, whispered the truth. Fury ignited within him, and the stepfather met his end. The mansion crumbled, and Teri fled with his sisters—Selena's ghost, Darlene, and Elley, the five-year-old. Now, seventeen,Teri try to find the box that was taken away. As the sun kisses distant horizons, Teri embarks on a quest: to find the rightful owners, to unravel the tapestry of fate or perhaps,just perhaps,to weave a new dynasty fromthe strands of the past.

dgirlblusky · Histoire
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64 Chs

The suspicious raven

The journey continued, the horses' hooves pounding against the earth as winter's chill crept closer. Mizak led the way, his determination unwavering.

"We need to find you a sun hat veil, just like the one you wore in the capital," Mizak said to Teri, who sat behind him on the horse.

Teri nodded in agreement. "Alright."

"Melovine told me you can see now",mizak said

Teri shook his head, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Melovine and her loud mouth. I can't see clearly—it's almost like being completely blind. My eyes ache if I keep them open for too long. So, I've decided to stick with my blindfold. If I were to see clearly, I'd let you know.

You're ever curious, young master,aren't you."

Mizak chuckled. "Am I not allowed to be curious?"

Prince Ivive glanced up at the sky, a sense of being followed tugging at his senses. But it was just a raven, nothing more. He turned his attention back to the road, urging his horse forward.

"Halt!" Melovine's voice rang out from behind, and the group came to a stop.

They all turned to her, curious about the sudden pause.

"Is anyone else hungry?" Melovine asked, riding toward an apple tree. The others followed suit, dismounting from their horses.

Kiera approached Teri, tapping his shoulder with a smile. "Hey."

"Kiera?" Teri sought confirmation.

"May I continue the healing so you can see soon? Melovine mentioned you could see a little last night. You should have woken me up—I feel hurt by finding it out from another person," Kiera said.

Teri's gratitude was genuine. "I didn't think it necessary to wake you, but I sincerely thank you. You're my benefactor. Without you, I wouldn't even have a glimmer of hope of seeing again. Perhaps our meeting was fate."

Kiera blushed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "An encounter by fate, indeed."

Selina appeared, her gaze fixed on Kiera. "She's into you," she declared, catching Teri off guard.

He whispered, "You startled me," his voice barely audible.

Kiera's confusion hung in the air like a delicate mist, her brow furrowing as she tried to make sense of Teri's words.

Selena looked at melovine, "Teri, Melovine is about to climb the peach tree."

Teri, with his silver hair glinting in the sunlight, shook his head.

"Then, Teri," Kiera began, but he cut her off and it stung her heart a little.

"The bad-tempered lady is climbing a tree? Is that a 'lady-like' thing to do after growing up in a wealthy manor?"

Undeterred, Teri flew and landing gracefully on a sturdy branch. He plucked a ripe apple and descended, presenting it to Melovine. "Take this so I can get more," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle.

Melovine hesitated, her eyes flickering between the apple and Teri.

"You don't want it?" he asked, feigning nonchalance as he let the fruit slip from his hand. But Melovine caught it, her fingers deft and sure.

"Didn't you know the apple slipped from your hand, silver-haired boy?" she teased, her lips curving into a sly smile.

Teri sighed, ascending back to the tree. "Catch it while I throw it down," he instructed, tossing the fruits to the waiting hands below. The others caught it one by one as they put it inside their bags.

As Teri descended, dusting his hands, Kiera prepared to thank him with a smile. But Melovine's next words wiped the smile from her face, replacing it with disgust.

"Teri Ereen," Melovine said, placing her hand on her waist, "have you fallen in love with me?"

Teri scoffed, his laughter echoing through the orchard. "You and your silly ideas," he retorted. "Do you think I'm in love with you just because I helped you gather fruits?.

By that logic, I'm in love with everyone here. So why don't we call this a harem.

The others joined in the laughter, and Melovine sucked her teeth in annoyance. "You can't hide your love for me forever, coward!" she declared, her voice carrying across the sun-dappled clearing.

"Little sister, did you get enough apples?" Teri called out to Elley, who answered yes.

Guided by Selena, Teri walked over to Mizak. "Melovine has nothing but nuts in her head," he confided to his friend.

Mizak grinned. "You two are suited for each other," he teased. "Don't forget to invite me to your wedding." And with that, laughter echoed once more under the peach tree, a playful dance of hearts.

Teri's slap landed on the back of Mizak's head lightly, "That will never happen," Teri declared, his voice firm. "I can't even believe you said that."

Kiera, the healer with a gaze as sharp as her powers, stepped in. Her face remained blank, but her words carried weight. "He doesn't like her, and you forcing him to like someone he does not? You should not have said that, Mizak."

The group froze, eyes darting between Kiera and Teri. The playful banter had taken an unexpected turn, and the air crackled with tension.

"It is called teasing," Teri finally broke the silence, his silver hair catching the sunlight as he spoke.

Mizak furrowed his eyebrows, studying Kiera. "Healer, do you?" he asked, seeking clarity.

Kiera's nervous laughter filled the quiet space. "I knew you were teasing him," she said, glancing around at the others. "Why are you all so serious?"

"Teri you need to sit on the grass so I can continue my healing.We need to continue our journey soon, and we shouldn't miss a day of healing.",Kiera said as she and Teri sat down.

As Kiera focused her powers on Teri's eyes, the others used water from their gourds to wash the fruits they'd collected. Mizak's gaze lingered on the healer and the silver-haired boy, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"Does anyone else have a feeling that we are being watched?" Prince Ivive's voice cut through the moment. His unease had lingered since they left Dew City.

"The only thing I feel is hunger," Melovine quipped, biting into her apple with gusto.

Teri's seriousness returned. "We still have to be ready at all times," he said. "We don't know what may happen. Keep your weapons close."

Melovine raised an eyebrow. "But the Herlian girl doesn't have any weapons," she pointed out. "Her only power is healing. How can she protect herself?"

"We will protect her," Teri asserted, his gaze unwavering.

Kiera's eyes lit up as she finished healing him, a silent thank-you passing between them.

Mounted on their horses, the travelers prepared to move. Prince Ivive, however, looked up at the tree. A raven perched there, its dark eyes fixed on them. Disturbed, he wondered if it was the same raven he'd seen before or it was another.

He chose to believe it was an ordinary bird, and with a determined shake of his head, he turned away.

And The journey continued.