
King of Spades

You were once a very ordinary girl living an ordinary life: The Student Council President, top of your class, the glorified teachers' pet, all-around perfect, and plus! (and honestly, most importantly) the cutest boy in school was your boyfriend. But of course! Despite such an ordinary life, it's really in human nature to be jealous, so really it didn't surprise you when one day a group of girls ganged up on you and cornered you behind the school. Such happenings were unfortunately the norm though, as this wasn't the first time it happened to you - and they only escalated when you finally managed to snag the cute boy. What was the first time though was, when one of the girls roughly pushed you around, you managed to slip on a banana peel (WHO THE HELL EVEN LEAVES THEIR OWN TRASH ON THE GROUND? THE GODDAMNED TRASH BIN IS RIGHT. BESIDE. YOU.) and cracked your head open. Instant death. But wait! It seems like everything wasn't over for you yet! You managed to transmigrate into this gorgeous new place. And (despite your gender because apparently this new world said fuck you to gender classifications) you're the strongest King in the whole continent to boot! Although... there seems to be a little problem... "You stupid stupid book say that again!? What do you mean I'm the main antagonist? I'VE ALWAYS BEEN THE FEMALE LEAD YOU BRAINLESS NIMROD! I refuse this! WHO IS THIS IMPOSTER WHO HAS STOLEN THE LIMELIGHT FROM MEEEEEE." And thus now starts your new life as Annika Von Grimmelshausen, The feared King of Spades, and all the various (shenanigans) adventures you'll embark on as you try to dethrone the female lead apparent of this new world.

mayazero · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

The Unnecessary Introduction

So... what the hell just happened?

All you remembered was getting pushed around by another batch of your boyfriend's groupies and slipping on a banana peal (seriously you have had it with those wannabe delinquents that likes to smoke and litter around here. Really? Does those bastards think that just because they refuse to confirm to the rules they're already "cool" enough? No! It just makes them look like the moron they already are when the trash bin is RIGHT. FUCKING. BESIDE. THEM.) and when you woke up again, instead of the blinding white of the hospital ceiling gretting you, two twinkling gem like amethyst eyes zoomed in on your face was what you saw.

If people think you were above screaming in shock at the persons face like a loser then think again, because you definitely weren't above that.


"You finally woke up!"

The owner of those gem like eyes giggled, finally pulling away from you as she showed a dazzling smile that almost had you blind with how white her teeth was. What kind of toothpaste do you think she used, you wondered? And the hell? Her skin looked so dewey and glowing it enhanced her already near perfect features to look like one of those delicate fairies you keep on seeing on the internet. What kind of products was she using?

But wait. That doesn't seem to be the point.

"Where am I?" It was only then that you finally had the mind to take notice of your surroundings. Based on the gorgeous hues of velvet blues, purples and silvers painted on the walls, plus the antique and expensive looking medieval furniture strewn all over the huge room - not to mention the humongous crystal chandelier hanging above and the huge canopy bed you were lying in, it was safe to say you weren't inside a hospital. Or if you were, then it was some damned expensive hospital.

"Welcome to the Kingdom of Spades," The woman beside you said with flourish, arms spread as she twirled around the room. If only she didn't look so beautiful and she wasn't wearing such a gorgeous dress that fanned out as she twirled, she would've looked like a lunatic as she continued to giggle.

Sigh, it was ridiculous how beautiful people remained beautiful even though they were doing exremely stupid things.

But you weren't one to complain. After all, you have taken advantage of that fact countless of times as it helped you get out of numerous awkward situations.

Aaannd you were getting out of topic again. What was it she said again?

"Pardon?" You blurted out, gaping at the only other person on the room.

The woman hurriedly approached you again from the other side of the room, where she had ended up after her twirling.

"The Kingdom of Spades! You see, it was such a perfect coincidence really that when the original owner of that body you are currently wearing rejected her fate, you had died at the same time. So in order to keep the balance of this world - since once an important character refuses to cooperate, the world ejects them as a means of self-preservation so that imbalances wouldn't occur and cause the collapse of said world, I summoned you over here to replace the original owner." The woman patiently explained. When she saw that you were staring blankly at her obviously not understanting a word she said, she giggled and snapped her fingers, a huge gold embossed book entitled "Golden Diamonds" suddenly appearing in her arms.

That made you embarrassingly jump on your place in surprise, eyes widening as you gaped at the woman. The woman only grinned at you as she opened the book and skimmed the pages, stoping somewhere close to the middle where a huge picture of a gorgeous woman with wavy platinum blond hair, piercing sapphire blue eyes, fair skin, and sharp features wearing an elaborate imperial gown with sapphire gems and crystal clear diamonds sewn all over it and a huge silver and blue crown.

She pointed at it, then turned back to you. "In simpler terms: The world we are currently in right now is a story and both of you died at the same time. The problem is she-" The woman tapped the picture, "-is an important character to the progression of this story. If she disappears, then the whole story would stay stagnant - it wouldn't move at all. If that happens, slowly and slowly this world would collapse and everything inside it would dissapear.

"To prevent that, thats where you come in. As someone who came from another world, you and her are actually in the same situation: both of you are important to your own respective stories and without the both of you, your worlds would collapse. But since both of you had died already and your bodies won't accept your souls anymore, both authors of both worlds had decided to instead exchange your souls. In that way everyone would be happy and no worlds would collapse. And that's why you are here! Replacing the original soul and becoming the new Annika Von Grimmelshausen, the King Of Spades!"

You blinked at the woman before shifting your gaze down to the book, to the image of the original woman who owned the body you are wearing now and - if the fairy-like woman beside you is to be believed - is now currently residing in your body back at your original world.

"So let me get this straight: the world we are in right now and the world I lived in before are both stories. Both this woman, Annika, and I are important characters to our respective stories that without us, our world would collapse. But because we had already died - she because she rejected her fate while I because I cracked my head open - we can't return to our bodies leaving the authors - or the Gods of the worlds essentially - no choice but to exchange us to prevent the destruction of both worlds." You faced the woman beside you again. "Did I get it right?"

The woman enthusiastically nodded. "That's right!"

That got you thinking again. "In that case... in my original world, what role did I fulfil? If you don't mind me asking."

"The female lead! You were the very main character of the story that's why with you gone the story won't ever progress." The woman opened her mouth seemingly to follow-up on something but immediately stopped short, crystal eyes getting glassy as it looked like her soul left her body. That immediately got you into a panic as you never expected that the woman who was lively talking to you would suddenly lose her life.

Damn it! You had just lost your life and right now was still processing A LOT of things - you didn't need this right now!

Fortunately, and much to your immense confusion, it didn't take long for those amethyst eyes to restore its vitality as the woman clasped both your hands in her hold, looking so seriously at you it made you feel a bit disjointed as it was completely different to the almost ditzy image the woman projected earlier.

"I'm sorry but I need to go, the author has summoned me and as his editor I need to answer his call. But don't worry! I'll leave you this book-" She handed you the golden storybook, "-so that you can learn as much as you can about this world, since its completely different from yours. I'll be back later to answer any of your questions and supply you with any lacking knowledge!" And just like that she disappeared right in front of you, surprising you so much you managed to let go of the book and injure yourself when it landed spine-first into your thighs (you had not expect the book to be that heavy, as the woman had carelessly just held it like it weighted nothing - you guess its gold covering isn't some mere imitation, the book was made out of real gold!)

As you hurriedly took the book away from your personage and hiss in pain, the woman returned, surprising you again (damn it! You were getting tired from all of these surprises. When would it end?) only to warn you about "When I leave, the spell I casted to keep time still would be gone. So I hope you remember that from now on you are Annika von Grimmelshausen. I also suggest you familiarize yourself with your family, as I have no doubt they'll come by later to visit on you." before giving you a cheeky smile and with a parting, "I hope you'll survive until my return!" she dissapeared again.

You blinked blankly at the place the woman disspeared at before turning your attention to the book, cracking it open and going towards the page where your current body's portrait was shown, first familiarizing yourself with the names of your family while at the same time constantly reminding yourself that this time you actually have a given name.

This would be the only chapter where I'll be writing it in 2nd pov. So for those people who don't like reading stories in this pov, rejoice because the succeeding chapters will be in 3rd pov. While for those that does, all I can say is I'm sorry and I hope you'll still like and enjoy this story :)

mayazerocreators' thoughts