
King Of Null. {A Tower Of God FF.}

A disgruntled man tired of losing his friends in war received a message on his computer one day. It was a message that changed his life. He was sent over to a world that defies all human logic, all sense. This is the saga of a man who will do more than just shake the tower, no, he would bring its inhabitants to their knees. Disclaimer: I do not own Tower Of God.

Sohioe · Anime et bandes dessinées
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23 Chs


As soon as Hansung Yu left, Erik fell onto the bed and laid there while staring at the ceiling in contemplation.

'Defeat Jahad and climb to the top of the tower. Then I would be able to leave huh? Sigh. Judging from how they talk about him, his power must be something that not even the top member of the organization can stand against. So they need new people and I'm guessing maybe irregulars play a special role. Sigh.'

Eric got up from his bed and headed toward his porch. As he opened the door, he couldn't help but marvel at the incredible view that revealed itself. Looking down from the porch, he could see a few other regulars resting on their porches as well. The place he was currently was the large structure floating in the sky that he noticed when he first arrived on the floor of tests.

'The sight is way different from up here. Wow, what a beautiful world to live in. I'm sure I haven't even seen half of it if this is only the second floor. Sigh, why do I even want to leave such a world? What is there at home for me to go back to?'

Erik looked up into the clear blue sky as he continued searching himself for his true goal.

'I don't have many remaining friends. My family disowned me for not becoming what they wanted me to be. They said I wasted my intelligence and talent. Heh, what a joke. In reality, going back to my old life would be nothing short of stupid. I would put myself back into that hole of depression and self-blame for the death of my men in the war. I'm sure they wouldn't want me to live like that.'

Erik looked down once again and noticed three familiar figures shouting at each other on a lower floor.

"Mr. Khun, Mr. Rak, please! Calm down!"

"You damn crocodile! Stop eating all my bananas! Bam! Tell him to stop!"

"Crocodile?! I am your great leader! So that means all the yellow things belong to me!"

Although it seemed like the two fellows, Khun and Rak were at odds, Erik could tell that was there no sign of hostility in their words. It was the type of quarrel good friends would have. Erik couldn't help but chuckle when he saw this scene.

'Must be nice to find such good companionship in a dangerous place like this. They would be able to support each other when things get rough. Ha, that ordinary-looking boy reminds me of Edwin with how innocent he is.'


Erik pounded the metal railing in front of him, bending it as if it was made of cardboard. 'Tch! If only I was stronger then. If only I wasn't such a damn coward! I could've saved them...I could've saved them all! Damn! No matter how much I regret it, I wouldn't get another chance. I know that! But still... it's hard to come to terms with it!'


Erik smashed his head against the railing this time, causing cracks to spread out across the concrete porch. As soon as he did that, Erik's exasperated, angry expression turned back into one of pure calm. An eerie type of calm that would send chills down the spine of anyone who saw him.

'Next time, when I find those that I will climb the tower with, I will protect them from everything. Even if the sky fell or the tower split into two, I would use my body to shield them from the aftermath. This is my oath to myself and the ones that I failed.'

Just like that, Erik had thought of a new goal in the tower. A new purpose. He didn't want to start a world-changing war with Jahad just to go back to his old boring life. This was his new life now and whatever sent him here, did so with a purpose.

'No matter what I want to achieve, unless I join him, getting into a conflict with Jahad seems to be inevitable. Well, I want to reach the top of the tower and Jahad is stopping me so unless he willingly lets me pass, which I doubt would happen, I'll have to kill him. Sigh, it looks like a war is unavoidable huh...'

Erik turned around and walked back inside his room as his head was bleeding profusely from the earlier impact. He didn't even seem to notice that happening as he was deep in thought.

A few floors below, Khun and Bam were looking up at him with interest.

"Bam, don't you find that boy...weird?"

"Y-yes Mr. Khun! How does he have two pairs of eyes? Is that even useful? And how is he moving around so soon? Wasn't he bleeding a lot yesterday?"

Khun laughed a bit and responded, "Very perceptive, Bam. You're right, but that's not what I mean. He's too strong. Maybe he's from one of the ten great families, but I somehow doubt it. If anyone of them had a starting regular with that kind of power, I would know about him. Everything about him, even down to the way he acts, is just not normal."

Bam thought about what Khun said for a bit and soon came up with a suitable response as his face lit up. Suitable for someone who thinks like Bam, at least.

"Maybe we should be friends with him, Mr. Khun! If we can make him our friend, doesn't that mean we can gain a powerful ally?!"

"Y-yes we can, Bam. But, that's not what i-"

"Good, let's make sure to talk to him as soon as possible."

Khun sighed and could only smile wryly at the situation. Bam was simply too innocent and naive for him to argue with. But, even though he didn't tell Bam, Khun had another objective in mind.

'Even if he denies it, that boy might become one of Bam's biggest enemies while climbing the tower. It's clear that he's not the naive type from how willing he is to kill. I don't care if Bam hates me for it, but if I deem that he's not allying with us, I'll have to assassinate him.'

Unbeknownst to Erik, he had made a new enemy, one so sly and cunning that he might regret not killing him in the crown game when he had the chance.

Erik was currently lying on his bed thinking about training when his pocket suddenly appeared without his command. Although one would be usually alarmed at this development, Erik only sat up and looked at the device with interest.

Suddenly, a familiar screen popped up from the pocket in holographic form.

[99...100%. Integration with pocket complete. Pocket upgraded to A rank. Welcome to your Information A.I, host. You can search for all kinds of information about your old world here but the information about the tower is limited.]

Erik looked at the screen in absolute shock when he realized what it was. This was the same thing that sent him here. Although he had just decided that leaving the tower wasn't his top priority anymore, he couldn't help but ask...

'Can you send me back home?'

[Not until your purpose is complete.]

'Purpose? Are you talking about the reason I was sent here?'

[Affirmative. You were sent here to destroy the ones who call themselves the ten great families and Jahad. They were all people who ran away from their duties outside and escaped into the tower. Because of that, the place where they came from is now destroyed. They were all creations of the God of that place who was destroyed with their departure. As such, since they caused his destruction, he wants you to repay them in kind. With the last of his power, he created me and sent me to the first mortal his divine eyes saw, which was you.]

Although he had a small feeling that it was so, it was still kind of upsetting to hear that this was all luck. If the God had seen someone else, then he would've still been stuck in his room. But, he didn't let it bother him more than it should as the fact that he was chosen settled everything.

'I see. So I would have to fight them regardless. Well, conflict is inevitable so I can kill two birds with one stone this way.'

[Correct, host. I was created to help you. I can't grant you any more power but I can grant you knowledge about different martial arts from different worlds. Also, leave any technologically-based problems to me.]

'That should be fine. The more arts I master, the more versatile I can become.'

Erik was glad that this development came to pass. It made his determination stronger and gave him a more focused direction. He couldn't wait to get started with his training.

{The next day.}


"So Mr.Erik, have you made your decision?"

Hansung Yu looked at Erik carefully when he asked this question. Any sign of deception would be met with instant death.

With no hesitation, Erik responded, "I will join your organization." Hansung Yu was surprised that Erik suddenly became so determined as it was the complete opposite the day before.


Hansung Yu put down his cup and responded, "Good." With one wave of his hand, Erik blacked out and Hansung Yu gave him to a certain red-haired woman who was outside of the door, waiting.

"Take him and don't forget his sword. That thing isn't easy to lift. By the way, when you see Quant, tell him to get me my regular type of coffee. This one doesn't taste good at all."

And with that, Hansung Yu's visit ended, and Erik's legend began.

{Six Years Later}



1. No, MC and Bam aren't gonna go up the tower like best friends so get it out of your heads.

2. He's gonna finally look like an adult now so the ones who were unhappy with his kid form, there you go.

3. That whole Jahad and the families thing, was all made up by me. The reasoning is kinda eh, but I think it can work.

4. The MC is not gonna become a hero or reliant on a team. He's just a lonely guy who regrets his past actions and is hoping to correct them. Although his thinking is a little naive, he still has more to develop so don't jump to conclusions.

5. Thanks for reading and don't forget to tell me your criticisms.