
Chapter 300: Revelations and Reunions Part 1


Once Aron's companions understood the situation, their expressions mirrored a mixture of surprise and awe. Claudia, always curious and perceptive, voiced the collective sentiment. "They're of the same race as you?" she exclaimed, her eyes widening in realization. "It makes sense, considering how they stand at staggering heights."


Aron nodded, his gaze shifting between his companions and the towering figures around them. "Yes, they are," he confirmed, his voice filled with a hint of egotism. 


Claudia, ever the practical one, inquired about their next steps. "What happens now then?" she asked, her tone tinged with curiosity and concern.


Aron turned his attention to Claudia and the rest of the group, his voice calm and determined. "First, I have some questions for my father," he revealed, his eyes glancing towards the crowd. Just as he spoke, Skar appeared from behind, catching his attention.