
King of Lands and Seas

Follow the story of Jack who is the son of a blacksmith in a small village far from the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, in this story Jack who has a dream of knowing the seas and later becomes the King of Lands and Seas. 1 chapter per day.

goodlion · Fantaisie
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74 Chs

The Fight to Protect 2

The lion attacked using his charge boost on the shield trying to pass, but the hunters were experienced and had already fought many wild animals and would not let the shield fall in this situation.

When the lion tried to attack again one of the hunters was quick and pierced the lion's chest with his sword, seeing that the lion was wounded they came out from behind the shield and attacked the lion again, killing him.

At that moment the hunters saw Jack approaching with the sword covered in blood and with a tired smile on his face of duty done, so the hunters realized that the other lion that was just wounded was now dead and that it was Jack who had killed the lion.

"Jack, are you okay?"

"I am, thank you very much for coming to help me even with three lions here."

"Of course we would come, it is our job to protect the villagers and hunt wild animals that are close to the village, but we are surprised at your courage to protect the women who were in the river, and you even killed a lion yourself."

"The lion had already been hurt by you and I thought that I really should help women who were in danger, especially since I had already prepared myself in case something happened."

The hunters thought it was a game that Jack had prepared and he was lucky with that, but in fact, Jack had had a premonition a few weeks ago that something bad could happen and that is why he always came to the river every day with his sword and today something happened.

Ever since he was a child Jack always had premonitions when bad things could happen to him and that is why he never got hurt in games like his friends in the village even though they always played with dangerous things.

"Was it the women in our village who warned me that I was in danger?"

"Yes, they came when your father was already worried and so after we know what happened your father loaned us some weapons and so we came quickly to help you."

"But we hoped to meet other hunters on the way or that other hunters were already here fighting the lions, after all the women in our village said that the other women in the other villages were also here and we thought they had already warned the hunters in their villages."

"But it doesn't matter, you must be tired, Jack, let's go back to the village and rest because your father must be worried about you, congratulations on your courage, you saved all those women."

Jack was tired because of the stress of his first fight and also the fear of dying at any moment if he fell or something else happened, but he was feeling very proud because of the praises of the hunters that he always admired.

But Jack was still afraid of the scolding that his father would give him when he returned home, his father always warned him not to go to the forest or other dangerous places, but Jack usually did not listen because nothing happened.

But this time three lions appeared and Jack was at risk of dying if anything had gone wrong, Jack went back to his village with the hunters and soon they saw the torches lit on the poles illuminating the streets of this village that had just over 30 houses.

This village was just one of the many villages that were in the kingdom of Andaria that they lived in, it was a big kingdom more because of the forests and rivers that make it difficult to invade, the kingdom had only the capital that was within the walls and had no other cities.

The king of Andaria was very dear to the people and was also fair, he considered the villages outside the castle walls to be free peoples who did not have to pay tax because they were not protected by the king's army or by the walls.

So the poorest people lived outside the castle walls and formed villages and they had their livestock, crops and sometimes even their trade using coins of great gold, gold, great silver, silver, great bronze, and bronze.

The castle walls and gates were 10 meters high and were the pride of Andaria, normally the people who had a trade, the families of the guards and soldiers of the kingdom and the most talented people lived in the capital of the kingdom.

But some talented people also decided to live in the villages outside the capital's walls, Jack's father was someone like that, Tim was a talented blacksmith who had a small shop in their village and made excellent swords, bows, arrows, shields, armor, and more things.

So Tim had the influence to get the hunters to go quickly to save Jack and even bought weapons for them, Tim was a strong man and had been fattened long after Jack's mother died in childbirth.

Normally Tim was very kind and Jack had a good relationship with his father, but Tim was terrifying when he was angry and he was always angry when Jack disobeyed his orders like this time.

When Jack and the hunters entered the village, they saw that Tim and the village leader were waiting for them, Jack wanted to go home without his father realizing it, but the hunters noticed this and called for Tim before Jack ran away.

"Hi, Tim, look who we met near the river."

When the hunters said that, Jack forgot that they saved him and cursed them in his mind, Tim who was talking to the village leader looked towards Jack and the hunters and saw his son well and walked quickly towards them.

"Dad, sorry for disob-"

Jack didn't even have time to apologize for disobeying his dad because Tim gave him a tight hug, in a moment that Tim knew Jack was at risk he didn't think about fighting with his son who was the only family he had.

Jack was surprised but felt his dad trembling and hugged his dad tightly too and was moved now that he knew he was safe again.

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