
King of Lands and Seas

Follow the story of Jack who is the son of a blacksmith in a small village far from the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, in this story Jack who has a dream of knowing the seas and later becomes the King of Lands and Seas. 1 chapter per day.

goodlion · Fantaisie
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74 Chs

Another Hunt in the Forest 7

"WAKE EVERYONE !!!, I want everyone out of the tents prepared to fight in 1 minute, a bear is coming to our camp."

The soldiers woke up frightened by Jack's screams in the middle of the night, but they managed to hear that it was an emergency and a bear was coming to the camp and so everyone left the tents quickly having already put on their armor and weapons.

Normally Jack would not be in such a hurry, but it was unusual for a bear to approach their camp even with a fire burning, something like that could happen, but Jack had never heard of it from the other hunters.

Jack knew it would be difficult to fight a bear because the other soldiers had no experience fighting bears, so he was even concerned about facing a bear during the day, but at night it was even worse because they had to fight near the fire to see the bear.

When everyone left the tents in less than 1 minute, Jack realized that the group of 5 soldiers who gave him problems were not with the other soldiers, Jack soon thought they were trying to provoke him again.

"Did anyone see soldiers who didn't hear me and stayed in the tents?"

"No, Private Jack, I saw that nobody was in the tents."

"So where are Pietro and the other soldiers in his group?"

The soldiers heard what Jack said and started looking around and really noticed that there were 5 soldiers missing, but other soldiers also saw that no soldiers had stayed in the tents after they left.

"Private Jack, I think I saw Pietro and the other soldiers in his group leaving the tents a few hours ago, they were in armor and using weapons, I didn't know what they would do so I went back to sleep."

Jake and the other soldiers were surprised to hear that Pietro and their group had left the tents during the night, it was clear that they had gone elsewhere and were not at the camp anymore, Jack also realized this and thought about something and spoke to the soldiers.

"You all get ready for the fight, the soldiers who have shields stay in front protecting everyone and get ready for the strength of the bear, whoever is using the sword is at the bottom and the archers are in the middle."

"Whoever is an archer has to understand that you will be fundamental in this fight today, using the bows is the best way to kill a bear, a bear is not so fast and it is a big animal, so you can't miss the arrows."

"We have to kill the bear before it gets close to the soldiers who have the shields, or at the very least we have to leave the bear badly injured so that it loses strength."

After saying this Jack went running towards where he heard the bear's roar even though he had to walk in the darkness of the forest, Jack realized that the bear could be chasing Pietro's group in the forest and was, therefore, approaching the camp.

Jack hoped that Pietro and the other soldiers were still alive, he had to help Pietro and the other soldiers escape to the camp and would also try to hurt the bear as much as he could before the bear arrived at the camp.

After Jack ran for a few hundred meters he heard the roar of the nearest bear, shortly after Jack heard the desperate cry of one of the soldiers, so he knew he was close.

Jack knew how to walk well in the forest so he could run quickly even in the dark, but Pietro and the other soldiers who came running from the river and fell a few times were very tired.

Pietro was ahead and the other 4 soldiers were right behind him because they fled afterward, a fatter soldier stayed further behind and the other soldiers did not wait for him with a bear approaching.

Luckily the bear was not so fast and could not reach the fattest soldier, after running for a while Pietro saw something running fast in the direction he was running, he took the sword and immediately relaxed when he realized it was Jack.

"COME BACK TO THE CAMP !!! Be quick if you don't want to die."

Jack shouted angrily and intimidated Pietro and the other soldiers who knew they were wrong, Pietro and the soldiers ran quickly towards the camp and Jack went to help the fattest soldier who had shouted and try to delay the bear.

Jack was quick and pulled the fattest soldier close to a tree and tied a rope around that soldier's waist, after which Jack quickly climbed the tree with the experience he had and pulled the rope by lifting the soldier up the tree with him.

The fatter soldier was very shocked and only realized he was being pulled when he felt a great pain when Jack was pulling him up the tree, Jack used a thicker branch of the tree as a support to pull the rope and so he had to do less force and can pull the soldier faster.

As soon as Jack managed to bring the fattest soldier up into the tree, Jack tied the soldier very tightly to the tree with a knot that only he could undo, the fattest soldier had dropped his sword and other things when he was trying to escape from the bear.

"I will leave you tied up here on top of that tree, the bear cannot reach you here and I will attack him from elsewhere to attract his attention to where I will be, when I kill the bear I will come back to search for you."

Jack said that and soon jumped from the tree even though the bear was very close to where he was, Jack went to another tree that was a little far and quickly climbed the tree and started preparing his bow and put an arrow in the bow.

The fat soldier realized that Jack had abandoned him tied to the tree, but hearing what Jack said he knew he could do nothing and had to wait for Jack to return after the bear died.

Only when the fat soldier started to relax did the bear stand close to the tree where he was and hit the tree hard, pushing the tree with his great strength, did the soldier startle and just didn't fall off the tree because Jack had tied him with wake up.