
King of Lands and Seas

Follow the story of Jack who is the son of a blacksmith in a small village far from the capital of the kingdom of Andaria, in this story Jack who has a dream of knowing the seas and later becomes the King of Lands and Seas. 1 chapter per day.

goodlion · Fantaisie
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74 Chs

A Very Difficult Mission 7

The archers were already prepared to start attacking the bears and were just waiting for Jack to order after he got ready Jack shot an arrow that hit the chest of one of the bears that started running towards the soldiers.

The archers were ready and started shooting arrows quickly, luckily the bears were very big and slower than lions, so the archers were able to hit several arrows that had the special poison that Jack had prepared.

Jack kept this poison just for use against bears because lions could be more easily killed without using the poison, besides, Jack didn't know if he could find the ingredients to prepare this poison on the mountain, so he only had a few pots that he prepared for this mission.

Jack was the only one who managed to shoot 3 arrows and hit the 3 arrows before the bears got any closer, just as Jack ordered the soldiers to retreat while the archers fired the arrows by retreating more slowly.

Jack was separated from the rest of the army because he was trying to guide the bears into the traps he prepared, after being hit by several arrows the two bears started to get slower and weaker.

Jack was lucky and managed to attract one of the bears to one of the traps he prepared, the trap was a thick wire that was tied to two stones, so when the bear stepped on the trap the wire was released and hit the bear's paws that were almost severed.

The other bear did not fall into any traps and so Jack ran from the slowest bear while the other archers who were far away continued to shoot arrows at that bear, after a few minutes the bear that was hit by dozens of arrows fell.

Jack who was running came back and attacked the bear with his sword, seeing that the bear was still alive and called the rest of the army to kill the two bears, Jack got more tired in this mission because he did not expect the bear to last so long before to fall.

The soldiers killed the bear that was poisoned and then went back to kill the other bear that was bleeding badly and had also been poisoned by the threads that almost cut off his paws.

The soldiers were only able to relax after killing the two bears, in this fight the soldiers who used shields only watched the fight and had nothing to do, normally they were the ones who had more work in the fights.

The soldiers spent several hours resting and then went back up the mountain because the day was still far from over, due to bad luck that day they still found another bear, luckily that bear fell into one of the traps that Jack set up and the soldiers killed more easily.

The soldiers continued to climb the mountain for the next two days until Jack ordered the soldiers to hide at the bottom of a large natural earth wall, on top of that wall was another path and Jack had heard people approaching.

The soldiers were lucky to have this earth wall so they could hide, after all, there were 100 soldiers in Jack's group and they couldn't hide anywhere, after some time the other soldiers could also hear someone approaching, they realized they could be the thieves.

"Hector has been very paranoid in recent years, he is the strongest warrior in our group and the leader of all thieves, but it seems that he is also the most cowardly of all."

"Be careful not to say that at our base, otherwise, we could end up dying because you talk too much."

"I know that I will only talk about it with you because I trust you, but you know that this is true, even our boss is angry with Hector."

"You can't compare yourself to the boss, we all know how skillful and strong Hector is, he who made our base here on the mountain so strong, it looks like he got more cowardly after making a deal with the nobles."

"It's true, after that agreement Hector got even stronger and has the best weapons and armor from our base, so our boss and the others cannot do anything about it."

"Just because Robin's group hasn't returned to the base yet Hector doesn't let any group leave the base until Robin's group returns, we all know that Robin's group is the weakest group."

"I do not doubt that they managed a great robbery and took the opportunity to go to the other part of the mountain to be with the prostitutes."

"It may be that they did this, but we can't do anything since Hector has forbidden our group to leave, at least we can walk near the base."

Jack and the other soldiers were listening to everything the two thieves were saying, Jack can understand that the leader of the thieves' base was named Hector and that he had several groups of thieves at the base.

Jack could also understand the most important thing was that the thieves' base was close to where they were, that was good because Paolo no longer knew the way they were walking and it was Jack who was guiding the group up the mountain.

Paolo did a great job and left them close to the thieves' base just as Jack hoped, now they could capture or kill the two thieves, if they caught the thieves they could find the base more easily.

But even if they killed the thieves Jack was confident of finding this base that was close to them in 2 days at most, what they could not do was let the 2 thieves leave this place alive.

Jack decided to try to capture the thieves, if afterward, they did not want to speak Jack would kill them, and even if they spoke Jack would also kill them, in the group of soldiers there were some soldiers who had torture skills.

It was something that Captain Max found necessary in this type of mission and Jack did not care about torture, the most important thing was that they completed this mission as quickly as possible, and for that Jack had to find the thieves' base, just so he could create a plan.

Jack signaled to some soldiers who were close to him and the soldiers understood, Jack and 10 soldiers went on the attack and Jake ordered the other soldiers not to participate in this fight, Jack and the other soldiers walked slowly to a part of this natural wall. land that was lower.

The 2 thieves did not even imagine that there were other people in that place on the mountain where only the thieves arrived, so they were relaxed and did not notice the noise that Jack and the soldiers made.