
Night Out


The door of the restaurant opened as John came in.

"Goodmorning, boss!" Katie came over and greeted him with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Goodmorning" John just gave her a short greeting before hastily walking passed her as Katie stared at his back with a confused look plastered on her face.

"Morning John, you're late again" Elise greeted him when they bumped into each other in the kitchen.

"Goodmorning! Yeah, sorry for being late" John showed her stiff smile before hastily disappearing at the corner and entered his office.

"What's with him?" Elise said as she felt that there was something different to John today!

John immediately plopped onto his chair as he still vividly remembers that beautiful dream he had last night where he was getting it on with Katie on the bed!

"Why did I dream about something like that with her last night? Does that mean that I actually want her? God! Seeing her wouldn't be the same now" John mumbled to himself and he also admits that he had also thoughts of getting laid with Katie before but he actually didn't expect that he would learn a secret of hers that would actually awaken that "sleeping beast" inside him.

"I'm such a horny dude" John bitterly smiled, "Katie is Elise's best friend. I can't just go over and try to flirt with her"

"Wait! Why am I even thinking about having sex with her!? Erase those thoughts! Erase! Erase! Erase!" John started lightly slapping his cheeks to get his sh*t together.


"Alright! I'll try to-" Leo stood from his hit as he slapped the small table in front of him and it broke into pieces!

"Oh shit! Elise is gonna be so mad if she finds out about this!" John started picking up the pieces and immediately ran towards the backdoor and threw the pieces of the table who had served him loyally for months in the trash bin!

John just turned around in relief when he suddenly looked at the person in front of him in shock!

"Sorry, boss. I was just taking a short break" Katie snapped out of her daze and immediately threw the cigarette on the ground and extinguished by squishing it with her foot.

"It's fine. Can i have one?" John walked over in front of her and stretch his hand towards her.

"You smoke?" Katie looked a bit surprised but still handed him a stick.

"I only do it when I'm thinking a lot of things" John bitterly smiled as he took a puff.

"Like what?" Katie smiled as she lit another and looked at John with a glint in her eyes.

John stared intently at her and said, "Women"

"Oh my. I didn't know our handsome boss is also having troubles with women" Katie said teasingly at him.

John just gave a stiff smile as he really had the urge to tell her that it was because of her that he's being like this but he just held the urge because he had already decided the moment that he had approached her that he would certainly get laid with her!

After all, he can't just fire her because he started getting uncomfortable around her now, does he? And it's his fault for suddenly craving for her, right!?

He'd rather do it before he would even do something that's out of his control!

'And a one night stand wouldn't be bad, right?' John thought to himself as he stared intently at Katie.

Katie who noticed John staring at her started touching her face with her hand and said, "Is there something on my face?"

"Ah? Nothing! I just thought..that you're really beautiful today" John gave her the best smile.

"Make sure to come inside because its would be opening soon" John said as he turned around as he extinguished the cigarette on the ground and walked back inside the restaurant with a nervously pounding heart.

"Wha? What was that?" Katie was in utter shock at John's sudden compliment that she lowered her head with a slight smile and bashful look on her face.


"Phew~ that was nerve wracking. I didn't know that a simple compliment would feel scary" John sighed to himself as he went behind the counter as the restaurant would open soon.

After that, the restaurant opened as usual as people come and go.

But it suddenly became awkward between John and Katie for some unknown reasons as both of them would suddenly catch each other staring at them which made it worse, especially for John as he kept remembering the scenes from his dream last night which made him really horny as he just can't help himself to look at Katie in a weird and perverted way.

After all, it has been quite a while since the last time he had sex with a woman especially to someone like Katie who is not only beautiful but she also has a bombastic body that would make men take a second glance at her!

Luckily for him at around six pm just an hour before they closes, there was sudden traffic of customers entering the restaurant which distracted John from his lustful thoughts as he focused more on cooking for orders instead of having unnecessary thoughts at the side.

While John was cooking, someone suddenly tapped his shoulder which made him looked over and saw Elise standing behind him.

"What is it?" John said as he continued cooking without looking at her.

"I won't be coming home tonight" Elise suddenly said from out of nowhere that it startled John so much that he immediately turned off the stove he was cooking on and luckily the food he was cooking was already done and ready to serve.

"What do you mean by you won't coming home tonight?" John asked as he stood in front of Elise with that stern look on his face.

Elise smiled as she grabbed his chin and shook and said, "Relax, it's not like I'm to meet a guy or something. We're just gonna do a study group with my female friends from college for a project we are working on so don't worry about me, okay?"

"Where?" John asked.

"At the dorm back at the college"

"Alright, you take care over then, okay?"

"No worries. I'm not a kid anymore" Elise smiled as she winked at him and took the plate of orders before she went back at the dining area to help Katie out with the customers.

John just shook his head and went to do the dishes.


After closing the restaurant.

"John, Katie! I'm going now! Bye" Elise said before walking away as she waved at them.

"Call me if you need anything, okay!?" John shouted at her from which she replied with a thumbs up.

What the people didn't notice was the few shadows stealthily following behind Elise.

A few moments later.

"Well then, I'm going first" John immediately said to Katie as he started walking away but before he could even take his sixth step, Katie suddenly called out behind him.


John came into a halt and turned around and said, "Do you need anything?"

Katie stared at him with a blush on her cheeks and said with a bit of nervousness, "Uhh...do you want to go and have a few drinks for a bit?"

When John heard her, his heart suddenly started thumping wildly that he could even hear the beat of his heart right now.

John swallowed and slowly said, "Tonight?"

Katie nodded and she added, "Its okay if you d-"

"Alright, where then?" John immediately cut her off before she could even finish what she was about to say.

Hearing his reply made Katie smile a bit and said, "Come on, I can't tell you. You have to see it for yourself"

"Seriously?" John smiled.

"Yep" Katie smiled back.

"Let's go!"

They walked some distance away with Katie leading him, chattering all the way.

Eventually, they walked into a local bar where she walked in with the cool confidence of someone who's a regular of the place.