
King of Eternal Night

The world of Eternal Night was originally the world of the dark race. The four major races of vampires, werewolves, spider demons, and demons controlled the world. The human race became the slaves and flesh of the dark race, living a dark and miserable life. One thousand and two hundred years ago, the human race emerged from despair and successfully established the Qin Empire to compete with the four dark races. For thousands of years, the strong men of the human race have worked hard to create a balance between the human race and the dark race. The human race who practices the dawn force corresponds to the dark race who practices the dark force. On the continent at the bottom of the Evernight World, Qianye rose from hardship and fell from betrayal. Since then, one person and one gun have walked between eternal night and dawn, but a legend has emerged. If eternal night is destined to be his destiny, then he will also become the master king.

DaoistVCkSbV · Romance
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70 Chs

Chapter 5 eternal night and dawn

Qianye was extremely tired both physically and mentally at this moment, and he fell into a deep sleep in the blink of an eye.But only three hours later, Qianye was awakened by the harsh ringing of the bell. Long Hai's order pierced his mind almost instantly. He immediately got up, rushed over to grab the clothes thrown at the end of the bed, and put them on as quickly as possible. In the process, of course, he inevitably touched the whip marks on his back. Then the pain made him gasp again.From getting up to gathering, these children only have five minutes, and the last three will receive an additional punishment of three canes.Qianye stood in the queue almost numbly, and almost numbly followed the order and started running along the path up the mountain. When he finally returned to the starting point after running five kilometers , he felt really numb.In this run, Qianye performed quite well thanks to his experience of surviving in a garbage dump, and was the tenth to return to the finish line.This is followed by an hour of strength training, and those who fail to complete the training will be whipped. The skinny Qianye was unfortunately whipped.This is just the beginning. In the following training, the whip will be the most impressive thing for these children.Strength training is over and then it's breakfast time.Breakfast is the most commendable part of the entire training camp. Not only is there a wide variety, but the quantity is unlimited. You can eat as much as you want. There is no limit except time. The allotted time for breakfast is thirty minutes, which is almost extravagant, so no one will go over time.The experience of the past day has already made these children understand that any behavior beyond the prescribed time limit will be punished by a whip.There are children from prominent families in the Huangquan training camp, but most of them are civilian children selected from various places. There are also a few orphans who have experienced similar experiences to Qianye. When those children who have been struggling with hunger for many years see such a rich first meal, most of them lose control and eat desperately, fearing that they will not have such a chance next time.Qianye carefully ate until he was a little fuller than normal and then stopped. In the garbage dump, he often saw people accidentally picking up a large bag of food, but instead they were strangled to death.Breakfast time was over, and when the alarming bell rang, the children rushed to the door like a tide. At this time, an accident happened. A little girl suddenly fell to the ground, then rolled in pain, kept screaming and screaming, and stopped moving for a while.She ate so much that she lost her life.This breakfast, and the little girl, taught the surviving children a lesson in moderation.After breakfast, it's training again. The entire day is filled with a variety of workouts, and it's all about strength and endurance.Halfway through each training session, Qianye felt that he would not be able to continue. However, his stubbornness and perseverance since he was a child supported him, allowing his little body to complete the training tasks one after another in numbness. The days in the garbage dump taught him that even in the most desperate times, as long as he gritted his teeth and persisted, he would always see tomorrow.When he finally lay on the bed again, Qianye didn't know how this day had come to pass. This time he didn't hurt himself again and slept on his stomach. There were three whip marks on his young back.Almost as soon as he went to bed, Qianye fell asleep immediately. That night he had a dream, and the dream was filled with the sound of whips cutting through the air.At six o'clock in the morning, the harsh ringing of the bell woke Qianye from his sleep. He rolled over and jumped out of bed, then relied on instinct to get dressed and rushed out of the barracks at full speed. During the whole process, his eyes were not fully opened.As soon as he left the barracks, the oncoming sunlight suddenly blinded Qianye's eyes. He suddenly remembered that it should be the dark season now, why was there sunshine at six o'clock?The next moment, Qianye realized that he was no longer in the garbage dump, but in the middle continent where the empire was located: Qin. The sunlight here is rarely blocked by other upper continents, so there is naturally sunlight at six o'clock.Qianye was stunned for a moment, then rushed to his position and stood upright like a javelin .A new day has begun.On this day, Qianye's most profound memory was still the whips in the hands of the instructors. He was caned again because he failed to complete the specified amount within the specified time.The other children's experiences were similar to Qianye's, with only the strongest ones not being punished. The weakest one received five lashes and finally fell to the ground, unable to stand up on his own strength. He was immediately dragged away from the training ground. Since then, Qianye has never seen this child again.On the night of the third day, the instructors brought a large bucket of black ointment and asked the children to apply it on the whip marks. It hurts to put this stuff on, very painful, even worse than when a whip falls on you. But after the pain that kept him awake most of the night, the whip marks on Qianye's body were almost healed by the next morning.In this way, the days passed day by day. Qian Ye would have dreams every night, and these dreams were all related to whipping.It wasn't until a month later that Qianye had his first day without being whipped. And that night, Qianye suddenly counted the partners who had started training in the same period. He was shocked to find that there were only seventy-six people around him now. There were more than 100 children at the beginning, but within a month there were already 30 fewer.What follows is still endless strength and endurance training, as well as endless whipping.Since the bloody first day, Long Hai has no longer directly executed any children for trivial reasons. Only direct violations of the prohibition were punishable by death. But just like that, when Qianye entered the training camp for three full months, there were still only sixty friends left, nearly half less. Most of the children who disappeared were eliminated by cruel training.However, three months later, Qianye's body has become much stronger, and he is completely different from when he first entered the training camp.On the first day after three months, Qianye and his friends were taken to a building and received a special lesson.The person teaching them was a tall and beautiful woman, about 27 or 28 years old, and her uniform could barely restrain her extremely plump breasts.She strode up to the podium and wrote the five characters "The Nature of the World" on the blackboard. She read it again first, and then said: "I know most of you don't know these words, but it doesn't matter, you have It takes a month to study. I will send you the teaching materials in a while, and you can read them well during the training. There will be an exam in one month. Now, I will talk about the nature of the world we live in. "The essence of the world is the Force.According to this beautiful teacher named Zhang Jing, the source that supports the entire world is the Force.The Force is not static, it is also divided into two different qualities: the one that is biased towards light is called the Dawn Force. The one who prefers darkness is the dark force.All life depends on a certain side of the Force for survival, and is naturally divided into two different camps: dawn and eternal night. However, even races in the same camp will have different degrees of preference for dawn or eternal night.The human race is located on the dawn side, while the dark races that have enslaved mankind for tens of thousands of years are located on the eternal night side. Their power, and even their lives, depend on the dark force. The dark race was once extremely powerful and had many branches. Among them, the vampires, werewolves, demons and spider demons were all famous and tyrannical races.However, the human race is a strange race. Although most people lean towards the dawn side, there are also many who devote themselves to the eternal night. There are even people who awaken to the Force of Dawn, but end up dedicating themselves to the eternal night. This is completely unimaginable for the dark races who have been baptized by the dark force to become adults, but it is not uncommon among humans.It is said that between the eternal night and dawn, there is the purest force. However, few people can feel the original force, let alone practice it. In this world, there is no race that corresponds to the original force.The force and practice...When Qianye heard this, he couldn't help but make a fist with his right hand, as if to grasp the remaining warmth. That restless crimson moon night, that powerful hand was like a glimmer of light in the darkness to him.Zhang Jing patted the podium. The smooth and smooth metal platform was separated on both sides. Amidst the subtle mechanical rotation, a strange structure composed of countless metal wires, long and short metal branches, large and small metal gears, and more irregular components appeared. Things rise and unfold one by one in the air. This diorama is the world map.The whole world is dynamic, with gears churning, metal wires pulling, and components representing continents and stars moving slowly according to different orbits.Unfamiliar nouns came out of Zhang Jing's mouth one after another. There are twenty-seven continents that humans have explored in this world. They are not stationary in the void, but are moving slowly and without stopping according to mysterious trajectories. Above these continents, there are two suns, surrounded by several different huge stars. It is said that these stars are the moon that can be seen at night. Depending on its orbit, the moon seen on the same continent is not the same every night.Most of the children, including Qianye, were confused and could only memorize everything she said. At the same time, he stared at the model with so many lines and so complex that he was dizzy, hoping to remember enough things in the shortest time.There are only a few children from wealthy families who seem to have known this knowledge for a long time, so they don't look surprised at all changes."The sun's light will be blocked by the upper continent, so the lower the continent, the shorter the time to get sunlight. The Force attributes of each continent are different, some are located on the dawn side, and some are located on the eternal night side. On one side. Those with clear Force attributes are the natural habitats of different races. There are also some continents with vague Force attributes, and these continents are the focus of competition between the two camps." Zhang Jing's voice was very pleasant, and she spoke in simple terms. Otherwise most children wouldn't understand it at all.She pointed at the lowest continent group and said: "For example, this one has the longest night time among all the continents. Although there are four seasons on the continent, they are mostly divided into light seasons according to the length of direct sunlight. And the dark season. Three months of the year are the light season, and the rest are the dark season. Therefore, the living conditions on this continent are extremely harsh. However, it is the origin of all races. The empire also rose here, although it Now it is dispensable in the empire's territory. We call this continent the Eternal Night Continent, and it is also known as the Abandoned Land."Qianye's whole body suddenly trembled, and something warm seemed to be flowing out of his eyes. This Eternal Night Continent is where he has lived since he can remember. In fact, in his memory, there seemed to be someone living with him at first, but he couldn't remember when. That person left and never appeared again.Before I knew it, this class had come to an end.Zhang Jing took the model back to the podium, and then said: "We will meet again in a month. The title of the next class is the Dawn War. This is the true rise of the human race. It is a battle of destiny and a battle for the founding of an empire."