
Chapter 2

Opening the gate was a bit of a test of my strength, but some of the crash courses I got from Mimir about "Aether Reinforcement" helped a bit as I was able to channel Aether to strengthen my body to push that huge fucking gate away!


"Alright, we're in—" I cut myself off as soon as I was able to witness the beautiful scenery around me. 


The walls were so high and intricately designed, there was no natural light, yet it was somehow being illuminated by something. Probably a spell. 


The faint blue light that illuminated the huge room just took my breath away. The walls were decorated with such beautiful and intricate tapestry. It somehow seamlessly blended into the wall very easily, but it was also easy to read. Don't know how all that worked. 


In the center of the room, there was a huge ass armored stone which looked like a guardian. It had a core of some sort on its chest..?


The area he was standing on had a circular, intricately designed pattern and the rough radius of the pattern seemed to be around 5 meters. 


On the ground, there lay hidden some intricate symbols. Darian was first a bit confused as it looked nothing like the runes outside the gate. 


«This is the ancient Yomoka language, spoken by the ancient Nymphs that used to habit this forest. I could translate this for you, but I believe it'd be best for you to learn the language on your own.»


"As much I am capable, I don't believe I have the time, Mimir.." I said in an annoyed tone. 


«Yes, but with your amazing capacity to absorb information like a sponge, it'd work great with the Ski—»


"Yes, I learn things very quickly AND easily, but it'd at least take me a week to learn an entire new language. Perhaps even longer since I can't just jump and skip and skim through them because all of their structures, vowels and consonants follow some sort of a pattern! It's a brand new world governed by completely different rules!" I yelled out in frustration. 


«Haaa… If you'd let me finish, I was about to say your capacity to absorb an insane amount of information would work great with the Crash Course feature of the World System. This was also another gift to you by the system. This essentially allows you to learn any skill with the necessary coins.»


" Ahh, I see " I said a bit dumbfounded. 


"Wait, coins? Have I been receiving coins which I'm unaware of?" I asked a bit excited at the thought of learning a new language, but first, what the hell was this coin?" 


«You have been rewarded coins. These coins are a bit special as you can use them in every single shop in the System, but you can also convert it into usable currency in other Kingdoms. Currently, you posses 1789 Coins.»


"Hmm, I see. " I said after contemplating a bit. 

"Alright, take me to the shop menu." 


«Opening Shop»


Available Skills:-

[Elemental Manipulation] 500 Coins

Controls and manipulates the elements.

- Fire Control: Generates and controls flames.

- Water Control: Manipulates water in all its forms.

- Earth Control: Shapes and controls earth and stone.

- Wind Control: Manipulates air currents and creates gusts.


[Regeneration] 200 Coins

Rapidly heals injuries and regenerates lost body parts.

- Cellular Regeneration: Heals minor wounds instantly.

- Limb Regrowth: Regenerates lost limbs and organs over time.

- Revitalization: Restores stamina and energy.


[Quickstep] 100 Coins

Improves the user's speed, reflexes, and overall agility.

- Quickstep: Increases movement speed.

- Reflex Boost: Enhances reaction time.

- Acrobatics: Improves balance and coordination.


[Beast Tamer] 250 Coins

Grants the ability to communicate with and tame any member of the he Beast-Folk race and Seirei's. 

- Beast Communication: Understands and speaks with animals.

- Beast Command: Issues commands to beasts.

- Beast Bond: Forms a bond with a beast, enhancing its abilities.


[Telekinesis] 500 Coins

Manipulates objects with the mind.

- Object Levitation: Lifts and moves objects without physical contact.

- Fine Control: Manipulates small or delicate objects with precision.


[Language Comprehension: Yomoka] 150 Coins

Allows the user to understand and speak the ancient Yomoka language.

- Instant Translation: Automatically translates Yomoka to the user's native language.

- Fluent Speech: Enables fluent conversation in Yomoka.

- Ancient Lore: Grants knowledge of ancient Yomoka texts and runes.


[Healing Touch] 200 Coins

Heals wounds and ailments through physical contact.

- Minor Heal: Heals small cuts and bruises.

- Cure Disease: Removes common illnesses and poisons.

- Restoration: Accelerates the healing of major injuries.


«Level Up to unlock even more Skills»


Hmm, all of these seem useful. But, I'm on a tight budget," I muttered as I put my hands on my chin.


"Any recommendations, Mimir? You know this world far better than I'll ever know. What are the best skills to purchase with my current balance?"


«Considering your current needs and the challenges ahead, I recommend the following skills: Elemental Manipulation, Regeneration, Quickstep, Beast Tamer, Telekinesis, and Language Comprehension: Yomoka. These will cost you a total of 1,750 Coins, leaving you with 39 Coins.»


I nodded, trusting Mimir's judgment. "Alright, let's do it."


«Confirming purchase... Skills acquired.»


A rush of knowledge and power surged through me as the new skills integrated into my being. I could feel the raw potential of the elements at my fingertips, the ability to heal rapidly, move with enhanced speed and agility, communicate with beasts, manipulate objects with my mind, and understand the ancient Yomoka language.


"These are incredible," I murmured, feeling the newfound abilities settle within me.


Suddenly, that familiar blue-ish hologram opened in front of me. 

You have acquired the skill [Elemental Manipulation]

You have acquired the skill [Regeneration]

You have acquired the skill [Quickstep]

You have acquired the skill [Beast Tamer]

You have acquired the skill [Telekinesis]

You have acquired the skill [Language Comprehension: Yomoka]


Okay, this definitely felt weird. I could suddenly... read these strange runes. It's like I remembered something I learned a long time ago. 


I went over to the middle of the room and started to read the runes on the ground. 


First, call the spark that dances bright, 

A symbol of life and consuming might.

Then, summon the flow that carves the land,

With a touch so gentle, yet strong as a hand.

After, the ground beneath you will rise,

A testament to endurance that never dies.

Last, whisper to the unseen breath,

That swirls around, both life and death.


"Okay, let's first break it down," I murmured. 


First, call the spark that dances bright, 

A symbol of life and consuming might.


'A spark that dances bright, which is also a symbol of life and consuming might. Sounds a bit like fire, if you ask me. Many cultures depict this as fire,' 


Then, summon the flow that carves the land,

With a touch so gentle, yet strong as a hand.


'A flow that carves the land...? Water carves land, it's shape and other things— wait, is this signaling the Elements?'


After, the ground beneath you will rise,

A testament to endurance that never dies.

Last, whisper to the unseen breath,

That swirls around, both life and death.


'The Ground beneath you will rise and whisper of unseen breath that swirls around— that's definitely Earth and Air!' I jump up in realization. 


I look at the Stone Golem and the strange platinum colored core on its chest... I bet that's where I need to channel my Elemental Spells! Good thing I bought [Elemental Manipulation] by listening to Mimir. Unless I had these skills, I would've had to use my Aether to manipulate the atoms and other particles around me to conjure elemental sorcery. Good thing I asked Mimir on how the magic in this world fucking works!


I readied my fist to channel some magic, but then I thought

'In what order should I be doing this? Should I follow the same order in the riddle? Fire first, Water second, Earth third and Air fourth?'

'Well, let's just see.' I thought as I readied my fist. 

"Flame" I muttered as a small torrent of fire escaped my open palm. 

Immediately, it locked into the core of the golem like a tracking missile and the core glowed a crimson color. 

«I recommend you immediately prepare your other elemental spell. This trial requires you to cast these spells in quick successions»

Heeding Mimir's advice, I chanted "Water"

 A small water stream rushed towards the core and this time, it glowed a light blue color. 

Continuing, I muttered "Earth" as a small rock flew into the core, turning it an earthly color. 

And last but not least, "Air" as a small gust escaped my palm and crashed into the core gently, turning it a light green color. 

"Alright, now that's don—" I was cut off by a sudden rumbling. 

"What the fuck!?" I shouted as my Omni-Sense started to scream at me to move—


I barely dodged the giant stone greatsword which was aimed at my head by performing a backflip. 

I landed some distance away and— THE FUCKING GOLEM WAS ALIVE!

«Warning: You've encountered Geldan, The Lost Hero. This enemy is way above your league. I suggest escaping.»

"You do fucking realize that the gates of this room closed immediately as this fucking golem awakened?" I said a bit annoyed. 

How are you a super advanced AI whilst you can't even scan my surroundings? Fucking weird. 

Geldan was a huge golem. Standing at approximately 14ft and 4 inches, and a huge overall body made of stone, I was thinking of ways to defeat this behemoth. 

I mean, I obviously could use Astral Slice to end him, but I don't think it's gonna be that simple. There has to be a reason why Mimir is calling this dude out of my league. 

I tried to look into his stats using one of Mimir's sub-talents [Appraisal]

«[Appraisal] Active»

Geldan, The Lost Hero

Level: 200

Health: 10,000 / 10,000

Mana: 5,000 / 5,000

Strength: 800

- Defense: 1,000

Agility: 100


Stone Skin: Dramatically reduces physical damage.

Earthquake: Causes tremors that destabilize opponents.

 Stone Gaze: Temporarily petrifies anyone who makes eye contact.

 Elemental Absorption: Absorbs and neutralizes elemental attacks.

«Recommendation: Engage with extreme caution. Target weak points. Avoid direct confrontation.»

"Great, a golem with almost impenetrable defense and the ability to absorb elemental attacks. Just my luck," I muttered, feeling the weight of the situation. Geldan took a menacing step forward, the ground shaking with each movement.

«Your best chance lies in exploiting its weak points. Aim for the joints and the core.»

"Got it," I replied, trying to stay calm. I activated [Quickstep], feeling a surge of speed and agility. The world seemed to slow down slightly, giving me an edge.

Geldan swung its massive stone sword again, and I darted to the side, narrowly avoiding the crushing blow. The sheer force of the swing created a gust of wind that nearly knocked me off balance. I needed to think fast. Elemental attacks were out, so I would have to rely on physical prowess and my new skills.

**I took a deep breath and summoned my Aether, channeling it into my legs. With a powerful leap, I launched myself at Geldan, aiming for the joint where its arm met its shoulder. I delivered a swift, powerful kick, the force of the impact barely cracking the stone. Geldan's arm jerked back, but it remained intact.**

"Okay, let's try something else," I muttered, quickly retreating to avoid another swing. I needed a plan, and fast.

As I circled Geldan, I noticed the core on its chest, glowing with the colors of the elements I had used earlier. That had to be its weak point. But how to get close enough?

An idea formed in my mind. I could use my new abilities creatively. With [Telekinesis], I could manipulate objects without touching them. I glanced around the room, spotting several large rocks scattered across the floor.

Concentrating, I extended my hand and focused on one of the rocks. It lifted off the ground, floating in the air. I sent it hurtling toward Geldan's head, hoping to distract it. The rock smashed into Geldan's face, causing it to stagger back.

Seizing the opportunity, I activated [Quickstep] again, dashing forward at incredible speed. As I closed in, I summoned a rock with [Telekinesis] and slammed it into the back of Geldan's knee, causing it to buckle.

Geldan dropped to one knee, and I jumped, aiming a powerful punch directly at its core. The impact sent cracks spiderwebbing across the stone, and the core flickered.

Suddenly, Geldan roared and released a wave of energy, throwing me back. I crashed into the wall, the wind knocked out of me. Pain shot through my body, and I struggled to get back on my feet.

«Warning: Geldan is preparing a powerful attack. Dodge immediately!»

I didn't even have the time to react. Geldan's sword came crashing down again, I rolled a bit to the side— 

I got hit with the blunt area of his huge sword and crashed towards the Labyrinth Walls at full speed. 

 Dust and debris filled the air, making it hard to see.

I coughed, struggling to breathe. My body felt battered and bruised, and I knew I couldn't take much more of this. 

I put my hand on my body, feeling for any broken bones. 

"Agh!" I squalled in pain. 

From what I could feel, at least 3 broken ribs and most likely a fracture. 

Ignoring the pain, I got up. Even though my body told me to 'Fuck myself,' I just ignored it. This damn stone motherfucker was more dangerous than some broken bones. 

«New Skill Unlocked: [Pain Nullification]. This skill allows you to reduce or just nullify pain, if it is at a high level. Currently, you nullify 20% of any damage you take.»

"I guess that helps…" I said clenching my teeth. 

Looks like Geldan was being a gentleman and giving an honorable fight. He was waiting for me to recover a bit. 

Well, good thing I don't give a flying fuck about morals and honor. 

"Think, Darian, think," I muttered to myself as I started to circle around Geldan. 

He slowly started to move towards me, and I got ready. 

Geldan's movements were slow but relentless. I needed to use my speed to my advantage. Activating [Quickstep] again, I darted around the room, trying to stay out of Geldan's reach. My mind raced as I searched for a way to exploit its weaknesses.

Before I could analyze his movements further, Geldan rushed towards me at blinding speeds. 

How the fuck can a giant piece of stone be this fast!?

Before I could even dodge, this big-boned gentleman grabbed my foot and started to throw me around like I was a fucking toy. 

Every crash felt like a truck. I couldn't even think straight. Definitely got a concussion. I had never felt this much pain. My head felt like it could pop any minute. Even though the damage nullification I got from [Pain Nullification] was just 20%, I think this was the only reason I was even awake at this point. 

Finally, this man threw me away like I was a useless toy. 

The wall cracked as I smashed into the wall, so did some of my bones. 

I struggled to my feet, feeling the jagged pain of broken bones and the throbbing agony of bruises. Each breath was a battle, but I couldn't afford to stop. Geldan advanced, his glowing core a constant reminder of his immense power.

"Alright, you stone bastard," I growled, spitting blood from my mouth. "Let's finish this."

I activated [Quickstep] and darted around the room, narrowly avoiding Geldan's crushing blows. His sword crashed into the ground where I had been standing moments before, sending shards of stone flying. The air was thick with dust and the acrid scent of magic.

I activated [Astral Slice] and swung my arm as a astral blade flew and made impact with his stone exterior which hardly made any cracks. 

'Guess my assumptions were correct. Astral Slice ain't doin' shit..'

'Maybe it's time for [Void Collapse] ? Mimir told me not to use it, but this seems like an appropriate time to use it.' 

«Using [Void Collapse] is acceptable in this current predicament. I suggest using it at full output.»

'Full Output? If you're in a panic, that means this is deep shit. I thought I could escape somehow.' I thought with a laugh. 

"Full output it is," I muttered, gathering my remaining strength. I focused my mind on the core of my being, where the power of [Void Collapse] lay dormant. The air around me seemed to grow heavier as I began to channel the immense energy, combining both repulsion and attraction.

Geldan, sensing the shift in power, paused for a moment, its glowing core flickering in response. I could feel the intense pressure building within me, like a storm about to break. The room darkened, and a deep hum filled the air as the energy reached its peak.

"Alright, Geldan," I said, my voice low and steady. "Let's see how you handle this."

With a shout, I unleashed [Void Collapse]. A swirling mass of energy, both repelling and attracting, erupted from my outstretched hand, consuming everything in its path. The air crackled with power, and the ground trembled under the force of the attack.

The vortex slammed into Geldan's chest, and went through him like a hot knife to butter. The vortex dissipated a couple of inches away, because it ran out of energy I suppose, but Geldan— well HALF of Geldan was sorta shaking whilst the other half of him was just gone. [Void Collapse] essentially deleted anything it came into contact with. I mean, when you combine attraction and repulsion, it just results in zero. 

As an example: 1-1=0. It's a one-hit-knockout. An OHKO. 

Somehow, this stone golem was still standing..? 


The entire room shook as he collapsed on the ground. 

Suddenly, a sharp headache made my entire body quiver. It was like someone put hundreds of small needles into my brain. 

«Caution: Aether Levels are at a dangerously low level. You're experiencing Aether-Burnout and Neural Overload which happened as you used such a powerful ability like [Void Collapse] and it put quite a strain in your Frontal Lobe as it is where your Talents are stored. Your Meridian Network has also become quite strained and saturated. I suggest taking a rest.»

"Wait, what's Neural Overloa—" Before I could finish the sentence, I suddenly felt something at the back of my head. I activated Omni-Sense and felt my headache getting stronger, but I decided to ignore it. 

I felt my blood go cold. I just stood there as I sensed what was happening behind me. 

Geldan was standing tall and fully recovered. The parts of him which was deleted by [Void Collapse] were there. They grew back? How? Even if he has regeneration, it should've taken some time. 

«Warning: Geldan's core stores Aether over time and he used all the stored Aether to recover his lost parts all at once.»

Even Mimir's voice sounded like an advanced AI like him was in panic. I could tell. I was in deep waters. 

I quickly started to formulate a plan as Geldan rushed at, intending to end  me. 

I barely used [Quickstep] to dodge away. But I was slowly losing my vision. My focus, my senses were all distorted. My headache was going crazy and I could feel my entire body burning a bit. Is this burning sensation because of Aether-Burnout— DAMN IT. No time to think of that. 

'Think Darian! How can I get out of this place alive?' 

I quickly scanned the room, searching for anything that could help me. My vision blurred, and my head pounded with every heartbeat. The walls seemed to close in on me, and I struggled to maintain focus. 

Geldan's relentless advance left me with precious little time to devise a plan.Through the haze of pain, I noticed the glowing runes on the floor—the same runes that had given me the clue about the elemental spells earlier. Maybe there was a way to use those runes to my advantage.

Then I remembered the ancient Yomoka language runes on the floor. They had guided me this far; maybe they held the key to defeating Geldan. I scanned the symbols quickly, trying to recall the sequence:

First, call the spark that dances bright,

A symbol of life and consuming might.

Then, summon the flow that carves the land,

With a touch so gentle, yet strong as a hand.

After, the ground beneath you will rise,

A testament to endurance that never dies.

Last, whisper to the unseen breath,

That swirls around, both life and death.

I needed to channel the elements again, but in a specific order. Taking a deep breath, I readied myself. "Flame," I muttered, sending a torrent of fire toward Geldan's core. The core glowed crimson.

"Water," I continued, conjuring a stream of water. The core turned a bright blue.

"Earth," I said, launching a small rock. The core glowed an earthy brown.

Finally, "Air," I whispered, sending a gust of wind. The core turned a light green, pulsing with energy.

Geldan roared, and I could see the core beginning to destabilize. This was my chance. Summoning every bit of strength I had left, I channeled Aether into my fist and launched myself at the core.

The impact was tremendous. Cracks spiderwebbed across the core, and it began to fracture. But Geldan wasn't done yet. It released another wave of energy, knocking me back again. I hit the ground hard, pain radiating through my body. My vision blurred, and I struggled to stay conscious.

«One more hit. You can do this, Darian. Get up.»

Gritting my teeth, I forced myself to stand. Every muscle in my body screamed in protest, but I couldn't give up now. I summoned another rock with [Telekinesis], sending it flying at the core with all my remaining strength.

The rock struck true, and the core shattered, releasing a burst of light and energy. Geldan let out a final, agonized roar before collapsing into a heap of rubble. The room fell silent, the only sound was my ragged breathing.

I lay on the ground, exhausted and battered, but alive. "Well, that was intense," I muttered weakly, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. I approached the remains of the golem, noticing a small, glowing object among the rubble.

«Congratulations. You've defeated Geldan, The Lost Hero.»

«You have acquired [Core of the Ancient Guardian] and 7000 Coins.»

«Congratulations! You've gained 600,000 XP.»

Level 5→Level 29 


"Sick—" I half yelled as the whole world around me suddenly started to spin. 

I was losing consciousness. This had happened before, so I was definitely familiar with the feeling. 

«Warning: Going into Rest.» 
