
King Adventure

A queen who lost her home A hero wanting to prove himself a lord who is ambitious a king who has gone mad a hero with new ambition

ihatepower_45 · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Alliances and Enemies

"You saved my life for that I'm forever grateful." The man who was injured yesterday had awoken since yesterday.

He was surprised at first but soon realized it was a hospital. I had to wait until the next day to talk to him because he was unable to talk for a brief moment.

"That's my duty as a doctor, let me be blunt how did you get injured? That mark wasn't from an arrow and not a bladed weapon." I would love to just take the weapon from him and begin to try and reproduce it but I have no idea if he even has it.

"I was in my workshop with my younger brother Michael testing out a new weapon we had built but unfortunately an accident happened and pellets went flying everywhere and I was hit." He created the great weapon this is marvellous but what about his brother?

"Is Micheal okay? He was closer when the explosion happened. It was all my fault, I moved here with him and his wife and kids to give him a better life. One where it's not filled with war like back home." So he's not from here that explains his accent.

"I will check up on your brother but I need something from you rather I have a request." His brother is dead and I'm doing this to him, I'm a monster but it's out of my control.

"Alright, then doctor." That's great, now I can move on with parts of my plan.

I leave the room then go to one of the nurses and ask her a question.

"They should be two people who were injured what happen to the other person?" If the other person is alive It will double production speed.

"He was dead before we reach. If you want to see the body I can show it to you if you want." Damn It, the worst outcome. Of course, it wouldn't be easy.

"I will be taking my leave for the day." Today I'm supposed to have multiple guests arrive today. I can't be late for the party.

"You look marvellous my Duke." Christina says while helping me out on my clothes. It's my family colours of blue and yellow. On my hip is an oriental sword.

While I'm wearing an oriental sword Stephanie is not. She has Hrunting on her side and unlike her sister who is wearing a silver dress she isn't wearing a dress but she's dressed like a man. The reason being she shall be my bodyguard.

"You look beautiful." That's the first clear sentence she has ever said since I've taught her. Christina hugs her sister while I applaud her.

"It was nothing." That's right small steps, just like Stephanie I should take small steps.

I then exit with both girls beside me to a small but stand out group of people with many different origins. One of them is a half-Elf from Rom Empire, she's dressed in a crimson and black dress. Next is a man with a violent aura about him who is drinking heavily, his naval style uniform hints at his background. Next is a bunch of men with big and strong physical features, either giants or orc and maybe both. The final person is someone with a small but bright smile, he isn't wearing any fancy clothes but dirty leather with his tools attach.

These are the power base of the city or rather the invisible power bases. All control different but important aspects of the city.

"I welcome you all to a small and humble ball. I hope the wine is to your liking." I ask and everyone nods.

"I didn't just invite you here to drink though, I'm here to offer an alliance between us one that benefits all of us." Soon had I say that everyone stops what they are doing and stare at me.

"In this paper, it details the extent that I'm willing to participate with you and all the benefits and downsides it brings." Maids begin to hand out envelopes to everyone available and they begin to read, not that they can.

"It's empty." The half-Elf says and everyone looks up at me in disgust and disappointment.

"The details to my plan are only available to those who swear allegiance to me." If I just gave them the plan they would just take it for themselves. Plus I can test out them this way.

"I'm part of a union I can't just do what I want even if it's the Duke son." The man dressed in dirty leather says.

"I also need to contact my partners, my company is owned by multiple people after all." The half-Elf says closing the letter.

"My brothers fight for money, glory and honour. Make me one of your knights and give me 100,000 gold and my men are yours." The orc says while his men nod.

"My ships are available to the highest bidder, although it's weird working for someone who wears a mask I've done worst." The navy admiral says.

The answers are as expected. I choose people not only on their abilities but personalities and who they are allied to.

The half-Elf is a part of a merchant company called the Sons Of Freedom. They originated from the Rom Empire but migrated to the Fren kingdom and set up a branch in En. Her name is Renny "Gold Touch".

The Orc is part of a knight group that called themselves Winter knights. They migrated south from the extreme north and slowly gain power and numbers. They struck gold here due to all the times Scot Invaded. They are stopped by one thing every time, the fact they are Orcs and/or giants. Even though we don't hate orcs their violent nature makes them unpredictable. The exception is Ra the Knight, a highland Orc who is the leader of the Winter Knights.

Privateer Jones, he's a former pirate who turned once he realized how much money there is to be made hunting pirates in Wyvern River. He used to be the person to call to hunt pirates but the tactics pirates used have long changed causing a decline in his fleet.

Finally is Thor, a blacksmith whose family used to be raiders and pirates during the Viking age. When Norman Kingdom was destroyed and taken over by both En and Fren in 332 A.E his family and others used their skills in blacksmithing to start a union of blacksmiths called Union of Norman. They had to flee to Enland for safety.

These are all their circumstances and all of them have the potential to be great allies. Let's see how their discussion changes into the future.