
killing God of Douluo

Becoming God in douluo universe ---------------------------- (A N) : it might contain a few things you have already read and i am just trying to copy but bear with it.... if anyone finds it bad I am sorry..... (a sorry can't solve your all problem but it can solve most of it )

gRiMlOrD · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs


After getting there spirit ring they both returned and went for the rest of two days before starting there training again.

Feng liu also went to his teacher and told about his spirit ability.

" well, although your ability is good but it's still needs your spiritual power and if the speed exceeds your range then it's all useless "

As expected of limit douluo , he directly told the weakness of his ability.

" Xiao liu when are you going to start your team building "

just as Feng liu thought about leaving, Qian Douliu asked him, looks like he is also interested in golden generation.

" teacher , we already have four members ready, after three days , we will start our joint training under fifteen ton douluo in two days , as for details there is Wang ping , me and other two one is going to be control or assist and other one is healing "

" well, I already know that much but i want to know why? , you know gathering all the geniuses and forming a team is not a small thing "

Qian Douliu also has a serious face at this time, all these genius can become the known figures of there generation and every force will try there best to win over them.

" teacher , although its been only a year but I understand many things and from what I see... spirit hall will fall into the hands of pope sonner Or later.

Although , I know that you don't want anything with external affairs but still giving the pope that much power with her unstable and revengeful mindset, I think it will only cause disaster to us "

Qian Douliu again showed his gloomy face , although he knows that Bibi dong nature is not appropriate but there is no suitable candidate except her.

" you know that, no one is more sutable then her for becoming pope, her strength is far superior then you think not to mention she also has a God's inheritance .

Even , I have to mention she is a good leader"

" But teacher .... "

" stop!!, these can be talked about when you have strength to face her and say these things on her face , don't try to divert your cultivation time by these nonsense... you can go now!! "

Qian Douliu knows that what Feng Liu is saying is right but right now he only hopes to make the spirit hall more stable and with elder hall contradicting with pope hall, things will get bloody inside.

" yes, teacher "

Feng Liu also went outside with depressed face but there is still a light of determination inside his eyes.

Before going out he screamed on top of his voice.

" I will become the new pope of spirit hall!!! "

Although normal people wouldn't be able to hear but Qian Douliu can.

Inside elder hall , he is having a slight smile on his face like watching his son rebel.

Days passed and soon break time is over.

Feng Liu also decided to make his training harder and started truly showing his full abilities.

Now they both have become two ringed soul master, and they also need to cultivate team work, so seventh offering decided to play with them for there training..

Feng Liu also called other two geniuses with cultivation of level 21 and 18 .

Both of them have a top level martial soul.

one is rainbow lotus it's auxiliary abilities are great and the other one is three eyed python which is developed as control but she will do good with interference and support type.

All the four members are arranged and another round of training started,

Soon a month passed and all of them got used to each other.

In seventh offering training plan, he also started to train them with his might.

In his training plan he put main focus on body like and second is there coordination building.

Inside there training ground, four of them could be seen standing opposite to seventh offering.

" okay, everyone get ready you are about to be beaten again "

As soon as he said that , he took a wooden stick from his storage tool and started walking towards them.

" xiao ping come with me , yu rou support should be on time and xiu kai find an opportunity and then show your move "

Feng Liu stated his plan and no one objected, in this month they all have seen how strong and mature he is , so everyone has no problem with him being his leader.

Seventh offering is still walking towards them waving his stick, without any pressure.

Soon his stick collided with Wang ping stick, at this moment again wang ping has a blood thirsty smile on his face but his moves are calm playing round to round with seventh elder,

just as wang ping drew his stick overhead to smash seventh elder, a kick greeted his face and seventh elder came moving his stick towards his throat,

But soon a shadow appeared above him and Feng liu came while waving his claws over head, but it was easily blocked and with a rotation of a stick it stuck his legs,

but Feng liu didn't flinch instead he used his wings to slash seventh elder, but only to be blocked by him easily.

Wang ping used that time to stabilise himself and quickly came forward to support Feng liu.

Seventh elder didn't leaved a chance to humiliate them he kept on walking forward no matter how much Feng Liu and Wang ping attacked him.

Seeing the situation is passive and seventh elder is walking towards Yu rou, Xiu kai used her second ability and Yu rou also on time used her only ability, a yellow ring flashed and a yellow leaf flew inside the Xiu kai, who touched the ground and

green gas flew around both of them under her control forming a circle of protection,

Seeing poison in front of him, seventh elder also stopped nodding his head.

Just as he stopped Feng Liu again dived from above swinging his claws on seventh elder face and Wang ping coming from the side while his stick also aims for seventh elder head,

Seventh elder just shook his head and disappeared from his place and the stick that is about to land on Seventh elder striked Feng Liu hands , making him crash on the ground,

" ohh shit!!... It's not my fault it's him tha..... "

" Stop!!!! get ready "

Feng Liu didn't said anything just went to the front to face seventh elder who is watching him with playful eyes , again provoking Feng Liu.

With another few rounds of battle when they all were about to lose Xiu kai also joined both of them and they all lost very badly to say.

After few more rounds of beating they all are sitting in front of fifteen ton douluo again, listening to there mistakes.

After that all of them got to leave, they walked towards there compund.

Wang ping is also very enthusiastic after Xiu kai joined there team, clearly showing his intrest in her.

" hey, xiu kai do you want to go outside to play "

" no, I will practice "

" okay , then you can practice with me we can spar or cultivate together "

" nn.. no! I will go now!! "

Xiu kai is getting shy from all wang ping advances and quickly ran inside her room.

Few distance away , Feng Liu looking at wang ping dejected look also showed a smile at went to him.

" hey... it takes time, and you also need to be patient with her "