
Welcome to my Web novel

Part 7: the fiasco of apophis.

*thinking of Apophis*

My existence has always been dedicated to manipulation and suffering either from me or from my neighbor..

From my creation where I ate the forbidden fruit to become the demon of sin later!!

I didn't know that eating a small fruit of nothing at all would have caused all these conflicts exist

Through the fault of Lucifer who manipulated me, my existence was hell, I never wanted to become the enemy of the father god...

After I was driven out of the beautiful garden where I lived I lived in the realm of existence and I was always targeted by several Gods and angels who could no longer support my existence...who was bound to the sin of which I am the source.

Indeed as long as sin exists I will always be among you, which explains the fierceness of the gods and angels on me. I always wanted to redeem myself but how?

It was enough that I left my cave to undergo multiple attacks from everywhere... I listened somewhere that the god father always forgives his children therefore his creations why I was always so attacked? I kept apologizing but nothing for over 1000 years so i decided to destroy them all i turned into Apophis which is my Giant serpentine form and then i wanted to devour the world of existence but Adam beaten down....

After this defeat I fell from an unknown world that had no name I was all bloody... I was afraid I wanted to rectify my mistakes but it was impossible in this world when I was not in a state to do anything angels found me and attacked me in the worst way, with their divine swords they then all pierced me with their shredding blades I then lost my life in this nameless world that they named the world of oblivion.

I thought I was finally free but my consciousness was too big I wake up 9 billion years later and I see that I am a young demon now a child of Lilith.. the most annoying thing was that I had kept all the memories of my previous life because of this immortal consciousness that I possess. It made me mad, I was sad, I cried every day and night nonstop until I was 15,000 years old

Lilith knew who I was where I came from. She knew I wasn't her child so she didn't have as much attention on me as her real children.

Some time after vines the birth of erasa. This demon baby had a different background from the others that intrigued me... it looks like Lucifer's, this treat I understood that this baby was not azazel or samael so it was necessarily Lucifer's but I wasn't 100% sure so I should make sure. After a few years erasa was 9 years old. She had a conversation with Lilith about her real father and I was interested. So I had to call erasa to me

Sata "erasa what did you say mom about your father's identity? "

Erasa "mother told me my father was the devil himself"

I was slightly puzzled but I had all I wanted to know too

Azazel, Lilith, Samael.... are devils but the one in person could only be Lucifer for sure moreover it was Lilith who mentioned the devil in person..

i took erasa in my arms and i was about to devour her i was somehow going to wreak my revenge on the daughter of the man who is the cause of all i now live this same man who promised me a reward... but there is only suffering

Lilith stopped me with a soft smile. I knew she was up to something I dropped erasa

Lilith " erasa can you leave us alone please I want to talk a bit with your big sister Erashia "

Erasa"OK mother"erasa was gone

Lilith " isn't she cute my erasa , you look like you at her age you have a lot of traits in common except that she really is my daughter " huh... where is she coming from?

Lilith " then I would be really very irritable if something bad happened to her especially if it is you who causes this, so what do you think I have left to do Erashia? "

Sata " Grrrrr, you don't scare me with your stupid threats, erasa is the daughter of Lucifer this Lucifer who is the source of all my suffering, I will devour his daughter to take revenge and if you get in my way Lookout for yourself !!! " my body releases a murderous aura but Lilith remained indifferent despite this, she was really not afraid of me

Lilith " I knew it, you are too dangerous for my children so I will ask you to leave this world "

Sata " let me laugh!! " I was good at attacking Lilith but she grabbed me by the throat

Lilith " if you push me to repeat myself again you will see that the suffering inflicted by Lucifer on you will be nothing compared to what I will do to you now "

Lilith's gaze was monstrous, it's really being above me, my body was in all its states this fear that came over me made me feel bad

Sata " let go of me, let go of me !!!!" I kept screaming for her to let go of me, that at one point I even started to cry

Sata " let me go I beg you!!! " she let go of me and at the same time I took out my wings to disappear from this world I flew away without looking behind to quickly disappear from this chaotic world. And I did, I was now in the world of existence, no world was foreign to me because I knew them all from my old life.

When I left, I was crying so much that my body was turning into a little girl. The body of a little girl for me was innocence and fragility, so I found myself very fragile these days. I cried and I did not stop, my sadness and my despair were so great that it attracted shadow spirits around me, for those who do not know them these spirits are often covered with long hair which covers their faces leaving only their eyes to shine Luminous white, these spirits are also covered in torn clothing and oversized fingernails. They are very terrifying but harmless.

I stopped crying for a moment to look around me and I saw them everywhere

Sata " huh, what do you want? "

At that moment the spirits began to speak to me

_ why are you sad ?

_ why do you cry ?

_ your sadness makes us sad you know?

Sata " um... " I didn't see the point of answering them so I got up to fly away and go away from this area.

But even though I escaped from this area, the news where I had just landed was a mountain and the spirits were still there too.

Sata " what but, what are you doing here? "

_ we wanted to know why you are crying stranger?

_ is this our world that makes you sad?

I thought I understood something but I wanted to be sure

Sata " what are you for this world, how do you know that I am a foreigner here? "

_ we are the guardians of this world, nothing escapes us here!!

Sata"the world of existence had no guardian before!! "

_ we were created recently 5 billion years ago

Sata " do you eliminate bad intruders? "

_ no, we don't have the power to fight, we just see everyone and the day one of our superiors wants to know what's going on we'll tell him

Sata " I understand, you do it in this whole world even though it is too big? "

_ yes, this world is certainly immense but the power to observe it has been bequeathed to us.

_ yet this world is so big that sometimes it seems impossible to monitor

_ it is so big that to illustrate it explicitly we play with the laws of the Dimension G

Sata " what is the law of the Dimension G ? "

_ imagine that a G dimension is a Quarks or a lepton by basic representation and that the quarks and leptons in the G dimensions that we know are the equivalence of the G Dimensions in the world of existence itself in this example the dimensions G are the Quarks and the world of existence is the G dimension hence the difference in size between them which offers us too much work

Sata " there are worlds bigger than him for example the world where I come "

_ ho really?

_ can you describe it to us?

Sata " um... it's a world I'd like to forget "

_ ho... our apologies dear!!

_ Is it this world that made you sad then?

Sata " um... "

I was therefore able to observe that for them there is no other world than that of existence, at the same time they are not wrong, this world is really immense.

Sata "please don't follow me anymore" I took out my wings to fly away and the surprise from long ago appeared. A god it's been a really long time since I've seen one I can't be wrong because the gods emit this very recognizable particular aura

The god " who is this child? "

Sata"you!! "

The god " what? !"

Sata " you gods it's been a while since I've seen you at all "

The god " but who are you? "

My body then slowly transforms into a creature half woman half snake

The god is a demon!!! " he took out a sharp and luminous sword then he attacks me with it.

I used my reptile tail to attack him but his sword sliced ​​my tail like a knife sliced ​​through butter.

I grew my cock again at the same time

The god " so she can regenerate!! "

Sata " I want you to die in the worst way...haaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!! " my body was spreading poison like steam everywhere this poison around me was scaring away the spirits and had melted the sword of the god in front of me. The god began to fly away to escape me so I made this poison stronger, this poison which now formed a thick fog to the point that I was no longer seen at all, the god was cornered because this smoke even reaches the sky and ends up having it and eliminating it without difficulty. I then resumed my normal form, the smoke disappeared the more the mountain was filled with this smoke of poison which killed all the beings who lived on this mountain from the smallest microbe to the largest spirits. I had resumed the form of an adult woman, morphologically a 28-year-old woman. I was completely naked, I had to find something to wear and leave this mountain. I teleported to the forest below, I felt my powers like they were sleeping inside me all of a sudden, they didn't seem to want to work anymore, they were weak inside me. I think the god's weapon had the effect of weakening my powers to eliminate me afterwards, I was sleepy I had to sleep so I passed out in the forest.

Later I wake up in a bed, a spacious room. I didn't understand anything about that.

Then I heard tracks outside and footsteps. Someone is approaching!

The door opens and I see a bearded man with long black hair.

Man " you finally woke up! "

But who is this man?

I'd rather not answer it and ignore it

Man "we found you in the woods of the forest, you too must have fallen victim to that evil smoke on top of that mountain"

Evil smoke he says?

Man "that smoke still won't go away and it even killed my soldiers, you couldn't even see their corpses anymore to believe it completely consumes that filth!! "

Pfff this evil smoke as you say my poor consumes the whole being to the depths of its roots without leaving anything of it

Man " we think you were lucky to have breathed it and still be alive haha, so what's your name? "

Hmm.. is this man bored or what?

The man " sorry I must first introduce myself what rude I am doing, I am Giffereld, Sir Giffereld the king of this country and you who are you? "

So he's a king!! Alright

Sata"my name is hinata"

Sir Giffereld " magnificent name, you are magnificent like your name where are you from? "

Sata " um... "

Sir Giffereld " er.. I see that must not be good for you, so I will avoid this subject in the future my beautiful hinata "

I see, this human is trying to woo me haha...poor ok I'm going to offer myself to him to later get the whose of humanity's own creation.

I then lay down on him so that he could feel my heat on his body.. he was turning completely red, it's won.

Sir Giffereld " uh... hinata... um.. miss hinata did you want to join our royal meal? "

Sata " it's okay it's an honor to be able to eat with the king "

Sir Giffereld " hohoho... you are doing me this honor, look in this wardrobe there are lots of pretty outfits for such a beautiful queen... oops I mean Beautiful woman like you "

He then left the room and let me get dressed. I think it's not really fun I should forget all that and go away.... no I'm going nowhere to cry again. In the dining room there were many people, they all ate while telling their exploits in time, but once I arrived there was more noise. A great silence was established, all eyes were on me some of them dropped their meals, and others even drooled just by seeing me

_ who is this goddess?

_ she is beautiful, I have never seen such a splendid woman!!

_wahou if I had a woman like that I would not want anything.

There were so many words about me in my view. I was heading towards King Giffereld. He stood up and said

Sir Giffereld " your attention everyone, I present to you hinata, my goddess hinata, yes she is beautiful but that nobody approaches her it is understood because she is mine and no one else hehehe!! "

I was in front of him as he gave his speech

Sir Giffereld"you could continue to feast now turn the music on again!!! " the party continued and Sir Giffereld said to me softly

Sir Giffereld " hinata, here I took it upon myself to serve you your meal, take it!! " I took the meal

Sata " thank you my king " he then pointed me to an isolated place so that I could eat alone what I was doing but a man came to sit by my side

The man " hi beauty! " he smelled of alcohol and was completely drunk

The man " My name is Henry and you I want you as the future Mrs. Henry, the future bearer of my descendants what do you say? "

Hmm I'm not going to answer this one so ignore it so I continued to eat my meal

Henry " uh... you're deaf, you don't listen to what I say? You know I'm a king too, today it's just a meeting between kingdoms you see? "

What is he waiting for to leave I'm going to end up killing this one

Henry " but shit why don't you answer me you dirty slut? "

I fixed him coldly in the eyes to scare him but nothing he was looking at me and even seemed to be amazed

Henry " you have beautiful eyes you I would be ready to kill for you I swear "

Sata"haa!!! Sigh "

Henry " you finally answer me, so you are very capricious you at the same time given your beauty it's normal you all have this right "

I got up and walked away from this guy before I killed him, anyway he wouldn't even feel the pain seeing how drunk he is so badly that all these people are leaving

After a long evening, everyone went home. Only King Giffereld and the members of his kingdom remained, I was on the roof of the castle looking at the moon when the king himself came to fetch me

Sir Giffereld"hinata!! "

Sata " um... good evening to you sir Giffereld "

Sir Giffereld " how did you get up here? "

Sata " huh... it's very simple yet I just did as you did to join me here!!"

Sir Giffereld " haha, I see you seem to be very agile, there are lots of pretty little butterflies here at altitude it's weird because it's very unusual but it's still beautiful isn't it? Nature is really splendid. .... like you !!"

Sata "hum...hahaha...yes indeed Sir Giffereld nature is splendid. "

He couldn't know the poor thing.. that these butterflies are spiritual and created by me, the goal was to make him crazy about me to the point that he would do everything I ask without thinking about it so I could quickly end them all That .

Hihi... it's already won, the simple fact of seeing my spiritual butterflies is to accept being gaga of me.

The night passes and the day dawns,

Sir Giffereld rushes into my rooms and shouts

Sir Giffereld"hinata i would like to make you my wife since yesterday i only have eyes for you so accept my request please make me the happiest man till the end of time!! !!! " I knew my butterflies were going to walk um... I have to answer him

Sata " it's ok, I want to become your wife and make you a happy man until the end of time my king I don't have any problem " this way every word I said still made him crazier about me than the second before

Time passes again and again and 30 years later he decides to marry me for good, he could have done it earlier but I preferred to take time, maybe it was a mistake because humans don't live so long.

On my wedding day I was getting dressed by the women of the castle and at that moment I observed an image that struck my most distant memories, this image in this frame was that of Adam and Eve the father and mother of humans , back in time I remember losing to Adam in a fight caused by the fact that I wanted to devour this world and at that time there weren't so many humans like now. It is necessary to believe that it is well multiplied this Adam but thanks to these children I would have the power to conceive and create humanity to perfection in a few moments.

_ Madame, how do you like your wedding dress?

Sata " er...!! "

_ you are resplendent the king is lucky to have you!!!

_ you will amaze everyone madam I swear!!!

Sata"ha.. thank you!! " The ladies of the castle were so proud but they didn't know their end was near.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I could see a lot about humans, but I will confirm if I was right or not later.

After my dressing, I got into a horse-drawn vehicle, there were two guards taking me to the place where the wedding will take place I smiled to give a good impression for my famous husband King Giffereld. When I arrived he seemed to be upset and pissed off

Sir Giffereld " why does my wife take so long to come? " he said but seeing me he smiled and stood straight ..... straight to die hihihi !!

The marriage is launched

Silence reigned, only the priest, Sir Giffereld and I have the floor

The priest"Madame hinata on this day would become King Giffereld's rib to you and in becoming him you should...."the priest spoke again...again and again so this is how humans form their sacred bonds between men and women?

The priest "... to cherish him, love him until the end of time?! "

Sata " yes my father I want it for eternity "

The priest " very well you could kiss the bride Sir Giffereld!! " he was excited and pleased King Giffereld. He moved his lips towards me to kiss me and thus seal our marriage ties once and for all. I stop him with my hand on his chest

Sir Giffereld " huh, what's wrong my heart? "

Sata " I planned for my husband a spectacular thing before our kiss you let me show you my darling? "

Sir Giffereld " hehehe you're the best go ahead don't be shy!"

The priest " but it is not done ... "

Sir Giffereld " chuuuuut, it's my wife asking me a favor so let her do what she wants without opening it!! "

The priest " but, son!!! "

Sir Giffereld " Shut up I said!! "

Hmm.. he calmed the priest down nicely... I was heading to the middle of the podium the gaze of the crowd which was stretched out as far as the eye could see was staring at me firmly curious to know what I would do

I joined my hands and created a blue sphere in the palms of my hands

_ hoooooooo!!!

_ what is this ?

The crowd were puzzled as was King Giffereld

I then hold out my left hand, the sphere rises in the areas more than 13 meters from the ground

Sir Giffereld " but what is it, a magic trick? "

Sata " huhum .. yes that's exactly it "

The sphere became more and more luminous the brilliance was magnificent for the eyes but after the body of the men began to empty of all seeds that they had to such an extent that their bodies became completely dry and dry like a completely emptied fruit of its juice and its kernel leaving only the skin. No man was spared, King Giffereld, the male people contained throughout the planet, humans, male animals, male plants ..... it is in atrocious suffering that they lose their lives. The women were screaming, crying everywhere

_ species of witch!!

_ you are a monster what have you done?

Sata " I haven't forgotten anyone don't worry "

The bodies of the men on the completely empty floor were more than puppets to me. From their souls which were still within them, I reconstituted all these dead as living dead thirsty for female blood. The planet was now a chaotic territory where men devoured women until the last drop of blood. I had nothing more to do here so I took my blue sphere and swallowed it.


All passed in a loop... I could connect my existence with that of humans. A human is a fascinating creature that unlike other creatures is created directly by god with a body, a soul and a spirit....

A sentence comes to my mind I think it is this see, yes this way which expelled me from the garden of Eden... God the absolute god... from my form linked to humans a revelation of God constantly passes through my consciousness

"""'I created man in my image!!""""

Suddenly I saw myself in a mysterious void where I could see myself in a mirror.... is that really me? No it's not me, it's God I am now the image of god by the link that binds me with humans I then became an image of god... I reach out my hand to touch myself in the mirror but my physical form cannot interact with this image of me in the ice... nor my spirit form.. but With my soul I was able to finally hold the hand of this liner in the ice... the man is actually very powerful I will exploit this human capacity to its climax... a human is linked to god by his soul... by my reflection in the mirror so I will take advantage of it. I then absorbed my divine self... and there flashback...

I could see the creation of the world.. the link created between man by god the power, the creation of magic and all these hierarchies.. creation of laws, creation of nature, creation of animals.....

I know, I will become God now..

Then the flashback suddenly stops and I come back to reality, falling to the floor suddenly. There was always this chaos that I created around me. The men always ate the women.

Sata " no ... no no no no !!!!!!!! It can't end like this, I want to go back to this trans.. "

An idea suddenly crosses my mind... what happened to me might be what a human always sees before his creation or his existence... I believe that God offers him directly the secrets of the world and existence... if a human exploits all that it will become invisible it's obvious... too bad they prefer to do trivialities pffff. I get up awkwardly.

Sata " well I will now become the image of the absolute God and take revenge against the beings of existence who have seen me crying all this time and ignored me you too Lucifer I will eliminate you " seeing what became this planet the gods will come to destroy everything it's obvious... I have to slip away from here.

Part 8: the resolution of sata..

After this mediation or trans where I could see the sacred link between god and humans, I decided to become the image of god himself.

First of all I wanted to learn the constitution of all elements exist, no matter from the smallest plant, molecules, microbe, bacterium, to the largest planet, galaxies, universe, world and even the external vacuum and the elements such as the wind, fire, air, earth and water.. I was even able to control any device created by humans it was even the simplest of all contrary to the laws of nature and what it contains. I had also taken the opportunity to have links with all of this, which is obviously. I could already control any existing physical part and by that I could create powers and techniques from that. The big bang is theorized... the beginning of the creation of a universe. A molecule even smaller than a grain of sand explodes in a vacuum and this explosion repeats itself again and again without ever stopping it is an infinite expansion even now the universe is expanding. This kind of stuff interests me because imagine if my body itself is expansive in such a way as to move away from what threatens me while being there!!

I joined my hands

Sata " divine creation * " I created a technique that I call "expansion space" this technique will therefore make me inaccessible to my opponent a bit like the laws of the universe.

Let me take you an example imagine that a being moves at the speed of light in the universe which is always expanding. Well, he will simply be trapped because for him the distance would continually move away and he will have the impression of treading water. To better explain this imagine that you have a balloon, and you put an ant in front of another, then you blow this balloon and the ants will move away from each other even if they move. It's a bit like that with the expansion of the universe and my technique will be in constant movement and will therefore never be the same point as the next second and the distance is exponential. But that's not enough, I want even better than that. Thanks to my ultimate knowledge of the world I could detect the places frequented by the deities so I spotted some far from this area. Then I changed dimension by going to a parallel universe I could go to a planet where there was life.

Here I could see humans believing it is said that gods exist because there are people who believe them so can I eliminate them by erasing them from the belief of men? No !

This reputation just allows the deity to claim to exist here by frequenting this world or at the base they are not part of it.

Sata " er... an angel!!! " there was an angel hovering over the surface of this village but humans couldn't see it because it is only visible spiritually and not physically. I have to touch it.

I took a leap and then I took out my wings to fly towards him. As soon as the angel notices me and stops

The angel " who are you? "

Sata " no matter who I am, I can just inform you that I mean you well "

The angel"haha...what a disgrace to warn me to kill you soon"The angel conjured up magic on his hands, which were a beautiful blue then he rushed at me so fast that I dodged him at sadness.

The angel" not bad!! " I have to pay attention

The angel appears behind me and hits me with his hands full of magic.. but to his surprise my body turned to stone then I appear in front of him all intact my space expansion works very well but I want to be part of it sure... i let the angel hit me at will but nothing happened to me, i didn't feel any pain or even his hits, expansion space always protected me from that so i can now say that expansion space protects me from any physical attack? Would it be the same with magic and mental attacks and even those of being and fate? Yes !! I am now immune to all of this no attack can reach me now, The angel gave his all to hit me but the body touched automatically moves away another which makes me reappear without a scratch...

The angel " but how is it possible? " he says being annoyed

Sata " all simply because it's like that " I have an idea, I would like to add another faculty to expansion space for later for example I could shape it to make me really immune to the techniques that affect me from physical and mental way ... yes but not now

Sata " leave it to you Angel, you have no way to touch me "

The angel gets angry and attacks me I turn my lower body into a snake and wrap it completely with my lying body

The angel "shit!!! "

Sata " I warned you you have absolutely no chance against me "

As I saw in the future of erasa, she will have used a weapon of mass destruction called "kami"... this weapon will destroy anyone by hitting directly on their root... it's an excellent idea, because beings like that angel in my rings of death tend to not really be there, just using fake forms of them like some of them dreaming and some it's a little different . I'm going to take the case of entities who dream, they can use their dream self to come and attack us and thereby his real self, which is his root, is not in our zone and is certainly far from here, certainly in consciousness. emptiness . So if you attack in this form of his dream he will never die, but if you attack his root which is his source yes his he really you got him the form of the dream will just serve the attack to reach his real him a little as a way to go Towards the original... well, it's the principle of the future weapon of destruction of erasa I'm going to copy it....

I corrugated with silk the body of the Angel who could reach his roots, he was motionless and was made like a rat.. I will devour him...

After my experience with The Angel and devouring him, I still wanted more power to be the image of God himself. By devouring the angel I was able to have all his powers and when I say all I mean all he could do. And I was right she was a dreamer...really annoying those..now I'm a dreamer too. This form of me is no longer really me as it is like an empty shell with no soul or spirits just a physical body. Now my real self is in my consciousness and inaccessible however this form still has all my harvested powers and knowledge of the world.

Now enough about my powers, I'm going to relax a bit.

I started walking in the forest when suddenly screams echo in my head. What is this ? I close my eyes and I see this boy in such a distant future... but who is he? I then created a breach towards its future and I plunged into it. Several chronologies are overtaken. I close my eyes and think

Sata " who is it? Why do my senses make me listen to someone's screams? " looking further into the future I can see the disappearance of a goddess

Sata"Mu Thanatos...."

The birth of a handful of human beings who are specific to his creation and his authority

Sata " the killer mans... "

Of which some of his human men will even be able to compete with gods


And one of them had attained such great power that even the original gods could be challenged by him.

Sata " Sakolomé... " after listening to this no I suddenly stop and I think... I wonder especially if I should kill these humans or not?

Sata " no... this sakolomé will surely intensify his bond with the deity and become a threat... he is definitely a reincarnation of adam... anyway I have to kill him and quickly "

I continued to cross the time and I arrive at the place of the time where the cries challenged me. The cries were a few houses from the place where I had appeared around 1 kilometer.

Sata " very good!! " my frustration turns into anger which like the angels my emotions reflect my energy and my aura. So that's what was happening. The sky was turning black and torrential raindrops were falling from the sky. I began to levitate a few heights from the houses around me and the windows were shattered everywhere by my presence. Dogs were crying, babies were crying, people were getting dizzy around me just because I was there. But how ...

_ where do you plan to go like that demon?

Is that a god?

Sata " you want me to eliminate you right? "

_ um...haha...haaaaaaaaaaahahah!!!

Sata " what are you laughing at? "

_ you see, to say that you can eliminate me is a bit stupid since it's impossible. Now listen to me, get out of here now!!

Sata " and if I refuse? "

The boy in front of me frowned, he was a god I'm sure but why does he look like a kid? With little black and brown horses? And why was he so sure of himself?

Sata " wait, can you tell me who you are? "

_ of course, I am Goth I am also called cancellor I am the cancellor Goth Cancellor the primordial god number 25 . And like all primordial gods we are very fair with the creatures but can punish them severely.

Sata " a primordial god? "

Goth " you understood me well, now if you don't upset me too much I could be nice to you "

Sata " who do you think you are, do you think you scare me? "

Goth " very well I think we are in agreement "

Sata"huh....!! " he's gone...thin and his hand is squeezing my face...it's painful he'll crush my skull if this continues...but how can he hold me when I have expansion space? ..

Goth "I'm going to be nice today but watch out soon"...then he dragged me by the face. He was moving way too fast, to the point that he transcended space and time tugging at my face...it's painful...he's squeezing harder and harder I feel so ridiculous.. . then suddenly he let go of me violently and hit me on the stomach with his right foot ..

I quickly regained control and I noticed directly that this place was different from where we were, we changed places? No, rather vintage...

Sata " where are we? "

Goth " I brought you back to your time you weren't from the future I've been watching you for a while now, you should stay stable if you don't want too much trouble "

Sata " grrrrrr who do you think you are to spy on me? "

Goth " I'm a god, I know everything, I see everything, you should be careful with me because I'm not as vulnerable as those gods you eliminated these days who are low hierarchy... " low hierarchy he says ! Are the gods therefore of several categories? If so, he's certainly the first god I've come across of his type, he managed to spy on me without me realizing it, he held me despite my space expansion... he's dangerous...!!!!

Sata " you should shut up, haaaaaaaaaaa " I made a frontal attack towards him and all of a sudden I couldn't move... what was happening to me

Goth " you attacked a lot of being conceptual and you already devoured a lot of it, so you're conceptual! What would you do if I sealed you in a meta-conceptual sphere? Nothing you'll ever get out so this will be your punishment" he materializes a small purple sphere that he could hold in his hand and then he hits me on the forehead with...argh.....lightning bolts paralyze me completely.. .

Sata"hyyyaaaaaaaaa!!!! " the pain was unbearable...

Goth"I'll be back to see you in 30 trillion years to see if you've changed and maybe pull you out of here, for now I'm going"he then disappeared

Me, on the other hand, I was in a hoped-for situation, expansion space was useless I had no capacity to get out of this divine sealing, this sealing even affected my roots which was my source so I was trapped, how am I going to get out from there, how, how? How ?!!!!! ...

Then expansion space seemed to want to get used to it to get me out of there but it was too slow, at this rate I could get out of here after 18 billion years.. I closed my eyes and focused on this sealing technique.. i meditate on his discharges made to punish my being... i then connected my being with these discharges.. the discharges seemed more docile and moved in my being as it had always been its source. The shocks didn't hurt me anymore. My source was now free from this pain as well as my being.... I then made disappear all these glimmers of purple lightning in the sealing sphere. Then the sphere was empty. It only served as a prison now. I used the same method to tame the lightnings, to tame the sphere but this time I used Expansion space and in the blink of an eye I was out of the sealing sphere. I was completely free but even better I was also able to use this sphere at will as well as this enlightened, so expansion space had evolved it now worked even more than I expected it had not only her normal way of acting, but also she allowed me to tame all the attacks she released to me and so I could now use those attacks for myself at will.. expansion space also allowed me to have information on someone from his attacks that I would have transcended and tamed, for example if this Goth god touched me despite expansion space it was because of an ability called authority which is specific to them, I was now able to master also how lucky i feel invincible all of a sudden... the power of a primordial god is just too much abused just this can there lifted me exponentially.. they are definitely the closest source of god... i want more, more power ance without limits!!!!!

After that, I had noticed a lot of changes, no creatures from the world of existence could reach me since I had inherited the powers of Goth, I felt invincible so I fixed myself on something else, finding myself stronger opponents...

Again and again for millions of years I made my presence felt among the absolute divinities, nothing had secrets for me, nothing was capable of destroying me.... I had pretended to be for being so different my most massive experience was my humanoid serpentine form called medusa where i was able to devour several Gods and even seal away several who remain as a poor statue... i was also able to manipulate them to cause a war huge between them and much more...

I only wanted the pain now, anyone's ultimate pain why? One wonders ? No it's insane... the reason is simply because this world had simply rejected me even when I wanted to be forgiven in any way possible in time but nothing we're talking about the gods who are supposed to answer me but sent angels eliminate me like a calamity, they will all pay for it to me....because now I am indeed a calamity without restrictions.

Part 9: Events and Decisions.

Satan " very well then I know what remains for me to do " She said in front of Apollo

Apollo " um..!!"

Sata "You see, My consciousness does not dwell in what you call existence it is far beyond and ultimate, my consciousness is what retains my true self which is inaccessible to you, my consciousness is my root my consciousness is absolute, my consciousness is...."Suddenly sata Said nothing more and seemed to be extinguished when suddenly a maximum of aura came out of her body completely unleashed. She was undergoing a transformation, sata opened her eyes, blood red in color and she was screaming

Sata " you the god, you will be the very beginning of a long series of attacks on the primordial gods!! "the power it gave off was so great that even Apollo found it considerable

Apollo " I see, it's a shame you're not a flower because your power is colossal you could have been a good sata ally! " said Apollo hair in the strong wind caused by this aura

Sata"haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "she was screaming, and then sata's body cracks and turns into a snake that keeps growing bigger and bigger..

Apollo" separate beings can be endowed with so much power, god father you are really generous to let anyone have it"

The giant serpent was sin in its reptilian form. That same serpent from the Garden of Eden long ago that was unreal Satan

Apollo" I now remember Satan, what a chance to face one of Lucifer's imposter"

Satan "shut up, and get ready to disappear" she said with a voice that thought of the worst suffering of distant darkness.

Apollo " I suppose your true form is this and now you will use the powers related to the sin that you represent!! "

Satan " this form with this immense power is the only true gift of gratitude that Lucifer has given me, apart from all other suffering, I am invincible in this form, it accumulates anyone's sins and makes me more powerful, in this form representing sin and all that flow from it I am almighty "

Apollo " I see !! "

Satan attacks Apollo opening his jaws as wide as a world, Apollo materializes his spear to fight.

Satan against Apollo and his spear which was infinitely small for Satan Apollo was so small that he seemed to be a non-existent microbe

But an overpowering microbe

Satan " no need to counter me, you won't be able to resist indefinitely!! " multiple attacks between the two opponents were felt. A strange phenomenon made Apollo think

Apollo " how my spear has no effect on her? "

Satan " there is nothing that can beat me it's impossible! "

Apollo " what we will see!! " Apollo charges up with energy and rushes towards Satan, Satan opens his gigantic jaw but Apollo manages to dodge it with accelerated speed. Apollo lands on Satan's serpentine back, he then thrusts his spear into his back

Apollo ""destruction of being superexist"!!!! " Satan's gigantic body is covered with fiery cracks all over

Satan " aaaaaaaaaarrrgggg!!!!! "

Apollo then runs still with his spear planted on Satan and tears his back

Satan turns around and bites his back Apollo jumped up and thrust his spear into Satan's eye, which squirmed in all directions

Apollo " the problem in this fight is the height, my height gives me more advantage than you in this fight "

Satan rippled his body all over thus distorting the space of the second outer vacuum layer Apollo was thrown into the areas.

Apollo " pfff how clumsy she is!! " Without seeing it coming, he gets a tail blow from Satan which propels him away

Apollo " hugh...!!!! " he looks at Satan from afar and sees how gigantic his reptilian form was, it stretches as far as the eye can see and even seemed to be unlimited in size in the second layer of the outer void

Apollo " awesome! " he then stagnates and observes

Satan " you can't win you know why? Because attacking your neighbor or anyone is normally a form of sin, by doing this you make me stronger instead of hurting me you always give me more power "

Apollo " ah..yes? "

Satan shapeshifted again and had a serpentine humanoid form with legs and small waists

Satan "I present to you my final form"

Apollo " oh yes and then you .... " Apollo narrowly dodges Satan's claw strike

Apollo " she is fast!!! "

Satan then attacks Apollo on multiple occasions without giving him a moment's respite.

Apollo " do you think you scare me little one?"

Apollon kicks Satan but no effect Satan remains unmoved and watches him

Apollo " but how? " Apollo attacks Satan with several blows and stabs him with his spear but Satan's body was still unscratched and appeared to be as hard as the metal of the heavens

Satan " how am I going to tell you that sin is the report of what is not good, the mere fact that you fight is a sin and it is not good, all sins that you commit is me I am the sin Apollo it's impossible to beat me now if you want keep hitting me I will do nothing at all, no attack can harm me because they all embody sin, go ahead unleash you I will do nothing promise "

Apollo " very good! "Apollo increases his aura

Apollo ""destruction of being and destiny"!!"Apollo's spear was now all red

He rushes at Satan and hits him but to his surprise the spear breaks into a thousand pieces on Satan's body

Apollo " no, it is not possible the destruction of being and destiny? ?? "

Satan grabs Apollo by the neck and says

Satan " no matter your attacks it will be a sin, the more your attacks are powerful, the more your sin is so the more powerful I will be it's impossible to beat me don't you understand? All attacks regardless of form, aspect or type are intended to harm and represent sin therefore me, how do you think I could kill myself given that I am your sin therefore your evil deeds Apollo? "

Apollo " huh... I see hehehe!!! "

Satan " what are you laughing at? "

Apollo " in reality I had lost the fight from the start from the moment I faced you, indeed you were in your field from the start the simple fact of fighting is to want to harm the other so a sin....fighting against you is therefore always losing...."

Satan " glad you finally open your eyes!! "

Apollo " in reality, no being is able to beat you seen in this angle, the concept that you embody is too important for a duel but.... I am a god "

Satan " ah... so you really think you still have a chance against me? My poor I am unbeatable all that harms the other is a sin so me and I could never harm myself "

Apollo " um...!"

Blood in the second layer of outer void

Satan " how is it possible? "

Apollo holds Satan's arm in his hand, which is completely severed.

Apollo " let me teach you a secret, we gods are above sin you know why? Because a god is a perfect being

And a perfect being does not sin no matter what he does"

Satan " no... no I refuse to believe that you've been getting roughed up for a while "

Apollo " I was just doing comedy "

Satan " grrrrr...haaaaaaaa!!!!! " she attacks Apollo with full Anger

Apollo materializes his spear and says

Apollo "this fight lasted too long, don't you think?

It's time to end this for good"

Apollo's spear began to shine with a golden color that cast yellow lightning everywhere

Apollo ""Pocăința crimei""

Satan approaches and is pierced by the spear of Apollo which formed an orb of black energy which shatters and ejects a powerful red destructive ray. The ray was so intense that it let itself go as far as the eye could see, illuminating the second layer of outer void... then nothing.


Satan " kof..kof... " Satan Coughed up blood with the spear of Apollo stuck in his belly

Apollo observes him and withdraws his spear from the belly of Satan

Apollo " it's over! " Satan resumes his human form with long white hair and red eyes still this resemblance to erasa

She grabs her belly and notices that she's not bleeding at all anymore and that she had even regained all of her powers from when the garden started until now.

Satan " but, how, what did you do Apollo? "

Apollo " I freed you from your anger, your hatred, your sadness and all that hurt you so much that pushed you to hate everyone so much to the point of wanting to destroy everything, you are free now and you no longer have need to blame anyone "

Satan " huh... but I have my powers, I can always attack you Apollo, don't you think? "

Apollo touches Satan's hair

Apollo " let's go...!! You don't think you suffered too much, I'm really sorry for what the gods did to you, that's why I have to fix it, I tell myself that if I eliminate you, the real monster would be me!! "

Satan "oh...Apollo!"

Apollo kneels on the ground and prostrates himself before Satan

Apollo " I blame you on behalf of all the deities I am currently their representatives, who apologizes for all the evil... "

Satan catches Apollo

Satan " get up please!!!!! " she says being red as a tomato and all distraught

Satan " I can't stand to see a being as imposing and powerful as you start doing this in front of me "

Apollo " um... it's very bad manners to interrupt a divine apology session!! "

Satan " think what you want but I don't want to see you do that Apollon and anyway I've never had an education so I don't really care!! "

Apollo stood up and said

Apollon " OK as you wish but accept our apologies, you will never be bothered again and the apologies you asked us for in the past are all accepted now "

Satan blushed even more and covers his face with his hands and turns around

Satan " huh... yes.... it's... it's accept!!! "

Apollo " I would like you to look at me to say it to my face!! "

Satan turns around and shouts

Satan " I accept your apologies!!!!!!!! "

Apollo " haha... no need to shout so loud now let's go home! " Apollo turns around and walks in the void under the gaze of Satan who thought about what Goth Cancellor the first primordial god she had encountered in time had said to him

" "" of course I am Goth I am also called cancellor I am the cancellor Goth Cancellor the primordial god number 25 . And like all primordial gods we are very fair with creatures but can punish them severely. """

Satan still stares at Apollo and tears come from his eyes

She then whispers

Satan " the primordial gods are fantastic, yes you are right, if only I had thought of seeing you from the beginning I would never have suffered like this "

She then wiped away the tears.

Apollo turns around and says

Apollo " hey.. aren't you following me? hmm... are you crying? "

Satan " it's none of your business!! "

Apollo " eh.. well !! " Satan presses on Apollo and gives him a hug

Apollo " um...! "

Satan " thank you very much, since the time that I dream of being free finally free... I still embody sin but I feel better I wouldn't know how to thank you Apollo...!! Snif.."she was starting to cry again which bothered Apollon

Apollo " you should start by letting go of me first don't you think? "

Meanwhile, in the Netherworld, Thanato was sitting waiting for Apollo to arrive, then to his surprise Raiku appears

Raiku"you!!! "

Thanato " me ???? "

Raiku " you coward used this technique was useless on me now I'll make you swallow your death face you... "

_uh Excuse me?!!

Raiku " but who dares to interrupt me? "

Thanato " haha.. wamy, what are you looking for here? "

Wamy" I'm sorry to interrupt you but the room is still waiting for you, I located where Arcanum is and thought I'd let you know about this if ever!! "

Thanato " super thank you it's nice of you wamy "

Raiku"you dare to ignore me? "

Thanato " you the demon I bequeath you the victory you know the gods are constantly busy "

Wamy " in addition, hitting such a pretty woman even being a demon would be a crime!! "

Raiku blushed

Raiku " uh... are you stupid or what? "

Wamy/Thanato!" we are very serious!!!!"

Raiku " heuuu... !!! I don't even have the words!!".

Satan appears with Apollo at his side

Raiku"Sata, what are you doing side by side with Apollo like that? "

Satan " call me Satan now, that's my real name, and for Apollo let's say I have no more reason to face anyone!! "

Raiku " where are you coming from? "

Satan " that I will finally rest in peace "

Thanato " wow... what is the source of this sudden change?

I feel like seeing a new person"

Satan " well, this source just comes from the fact that I am satisfied, let's say that in time... I cried they did not comfort me

I helped I was not rewarded

I was starving nobody offered me bread

I was cold, they didn't make me a fire to warm me up

I needed attention they ignored me

I had more hope I was not encouraged I was even rejected


I needed affection I got hit and kicked out

Sadness, reflection, resolution

I've come to think it's funny how people immediately notice when you change in them. But they never notice that it's their behavior that caused this change... but precisely speaking of behavior, I was served with the primordial gods... I don't know how to thank you you know? "

Raiku " are you really Satan? I no longer recognize you, Apollo, what did you do? "

Apollo " what to say?"

Satan " I know Raiku, it's hard to believe but it's really me in front of you "

Satan materializes butterflies

Satan " I will right away fix my mistakes "

Wamy " what are these butterflies? "

Satan " well... it's me in a way, they reflect my conscience and push those who see them to do what I want for eternity, I've used them to erase memories also in time .. "

Wamy " awaits those who watch them? ?"

Satan " don't worry, I have given no authority currently so they are as harmless as ordinary butterflies "

Wamy " Phew..!!! "

Satan " I will restore the memory and behavior of all those who still exist come on!! "

Butterflies took flight

Apollon " well we have not only that to do you see!"

Satan " Raiku are we leaving?!"

Raiku " I wouldn't like to follow you with this sudden change but what to do, you are my best company so let's go!"

Raiku and Satan disappeared.

Thanato " wamy , you let me know you knew where the little girl was right?"

Wamy " of course! "

Apollo " he makes our job easier this one!"

Wamy " uh.. follow me please! " they disappear from the world of nothingness.

The events were different, after finding Arcanum, zeus had cursed the world of nothingness by implanting his authority, zara had been sealed in this same world also Shiba had been sealed to him in a weapon on earth. As for Satan and Raiku, they now had a more humble life and no longer harmed anyone.

Erasa was still in his world living in peace with his subjects and continuing his training and the training of his soldiers

Lucifer" erasa, where does this ambition and joy of existing come from? "

Erasa " father, I am certainly a demon who mixes the familiar and the jinn but, my appearance does not prevent me from living and being appreciated by others, do you see? "

Lucifer " I'm proud to have you as a daughter you know? "

Erasa " gone father our fight is not over yet gone " erasa took her training to heart but who knows, she may have other ambitions behind her head, the rest will tell.
