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Part 9: My choice and remorse

More than 4 million years passed Erasa reigned as a deity but on his throne, news came to him through one of his men who served as his messenger

The messenger << lord erasa !!.... Lord erasa a newcomer from the world of myths which I have been instructed to take you through, there would be gods who challenge you and want your end of reign what should- I say? >> erasa slowly opened her eyes and said

Erasa << that's good... I was just starting to get bored so I'm going to say hello >> Erasa stood up and said

Erasa << Jerome....Nehemi !!>> Jerome and Nehemi appeared prostrating before Erasa and said

Jerome/Nehemi << what did you want my lord? >>

Erasa << I'm about to go out. Jerome you keep my world anyway nothing can get here where it is, you Nehemi you come with me >>

Néhémi /Jérôme<< it's understood!! >> Erasa walked to the exit door of her palace followed by Nehemi and the two arrived in the courtyard where there were many pretty flowers being watered by a guard. Erasa took a flower and sniffed it saying

Erasa << you are doing a good job as guardian.. you really show this passion you have for plants >>

The guard << thank you very much lord erasa you know it makes me so happy to hear you tell me hehehe..>> Zémira approached and said

Zémira << hey!!!!.... I work on these plants too, it's not fair to only favor others!! >> erasa touched Zémira on the head and caressed her then said

Erasa << I don't thank you ... nor compliment you because you are my friend >> erasa winked at zémira after that

Zémira blushes and says

Zémira << heo.. that's fine huh!! >> she says tilting her gaze towards the ground

Erasa << sorry Zémira but I have to go away for a while I will come back a little later >> Erasa opened a portal and entered with Nehémi then appeared directly in the world of myths where there was a village of monsters and mixed creatures

Nehemi << lord erasa what exactly are you doing here? >>

Erasa "to make myself understood by fools"

Nehémi << ho!!.... I see >>

An ogre appeared in front of erasa and howled

The ogre << who are you? What are you doing here ? >>

Erasa while walking says

Erasa << get out of my way or I'll kill your pig!!>>

The ogre << What? >> he jumped towards erasa to devour him but he was overtaken by Nehemi and his weapon which shattered him into a thousand pieces

Other ogres appeared to say

_ let's kill them!!!!!!

erasa kept walking then created a throne to sit watching nehemi slaughter over 500 trillion ogres

From his weapons Nehemi burst them in a single blow leaving organs, detached limbs and much blood.

Erasa << wow I'm proud to see Nehemi slaughter so much it's been so long that she was venting >> Nehemi quickly brought down the number of ogres in a quick time

300,000 billion ogres, 90,000 billion ogres, 70,000 billion ogres then a well-dressed ogres appears and says

The ogre << stop!!!!!!>> The ogres stop fighting as well as Nehémi The ogre seemed to have powers and was floating in the air. He approached Nehemi and said

The ogre << my name is Eder I am the master of his ogres the lord ogres and you have killed many of my warriors your crimes will be sentenced to death by me >>

Erasa << pfff what an idiot you better shut up before I get mad for good! >>

Eder << no but?!!! what insolence for... >> Nehemi cut him off

Nehemi << shut up when Lord Erasa speaks, happy to obey, otherwise I'll eliminate you, understood? >>

Eder << hahahaha... eliminate me? You already had all the pain in the world to beat my warriors... and you are going to beat me?>>

Nehémi << the paines of the world me? You're funny it was just a warm up look >> Nehemi raises his weapon and slams it on the ground creating a sphere of red aura that instantly ripples like a shock wave killing all the ogres that were still envious in the battlefield except Eder

Eder was surprised and said

Eder << What? How could you? >>

Néhémi << I'm nice today get out and I'll save your life >>

Eder << Hmm... what exactly are you looking for in this world? You're human from what I see so what are you looking for in a world that doesn't belong to you? >>

Erasa rose from her throne, gently clapping her vanished throne. Erasa then says

Erasa << if only the other ogres were as respectful as you ... I came to see a god with whom I must discuss he is in this area I know so be kind and tell me where he is >>

Eder << a god? Lord Nimrod is the only known god here >>

Erasa << Nimrod?? Hmm... wouldn't that be a wizard instead? >>

Eder<< I have no idea but at least I don't know if it's a legend but he's been known that way for ages now >>

Erasa << Very well... Nehemi for his friendliness you could reward him at best don't you think?>>

Nehemi << I agree my lord >> Nehemi raised his weapon and struck it on the ground again and the whole dead ogres came back to life

Eder << ... how is it possible? Is it a magic weapon? >>

Nehemi << no ... but with the hastou nothing is impossible for my weapon it is just me who commands it although it weighs more than 3000 billion times the mass of a star >>

Eder "but of course" Nehemi handed him the gun and said

Nehemi << catch!!!>> Eder caught and Nehemi let go of tears which fell to the ground with Eder's arms which were detached from his body for lack of weight

As the weapon fell, the whole region vibrated like a huge earthquake.

Eder << no... but!!!! >>

Nehemi "pathetic" she picked up her weapon and put it on her shoulders

Erasa <<let's go Nehemiah>>

Nehémi "it is understood my lord"

Eder <<Because you know the road perhaps? >> he says regenerating his arms

Erasa << yes of course an ability named "author" can allow me >> Erasa used this ability by writing on his spirit sheet (the nooks and crannies of the world of myths have never been a secret for me) right after having written, erasa could know now all who was in this world, place, type of living being...

Erasa grabbed Nehemi and disappeared then appeared in a city where there were several billion inhabitants and others

Erasa << owl... so it is this god who does this? >>

Nehémi << Nimrod this famous god I don't think he comes close to you >>

Erasa << we'll see you've never seen it anyway! >>

Erasa and Nehemi arrive at a castle where soldiers prevent them from passing

This city was filled with creatures such as fairy, dwarf, dryad ....

A soldier << what are humans doing in this kingdom? It is forbidden >>

Nehemi snapped his fingers and erased him right away and answered the soldiers.

Erasa << I am a demon and Nehemi is one of my henchmen I am not of this world as a demon I come from somewhere else... I just need to see a Nimrod I have to talk to him don't we do no harm when we can avoid it >>

The soldier << Hmm... very well wait a moment I will look for him >> the soldier withdrew

Nehemi << lord erasa... why not impose yourself against his kingdom which insulted you? Instead of harming >>

Erasa << I have nothing against the inhabitants of the Kingdom... it's Nimrod that I want that's all >>

Nehemi <<I see...>> the soldier came back and said

The soldier "Lord Nimrod doesn't want to see you, he said get out"

Nehemi "What?? What an idiot >>

The soldier << I do not allow you to insult him ok? >>

Nehemi << ha yes? Otherwise what are you going to do? >>

The soldier cast a magic spell which was level 6 a kind of black flame which can destroy body and soul Nehemi stood still to take the attack on purpose and the attack hit her but had no effect

The soldier "how?..."

Nehemi << such nonsense... all nonsense you really believed that you were able to kill me? To at least affect me, you must first be able to have the hastou >>

The soldier << the What? >>

Nehemi << the stupid hastu a type of physical and spiritual aura that flows through me if you don't have this source of energy you can never beat me or even affect me in a fight or I, on the other hand, can still affect you and kill you whenever I want >>

The soldier "that's bullshit...kill!!>> the soldier was so fast that he was moving at a speed much higher than light and attacked Nehemi on several fronts, Nehemi was just standing and going to yawn the soldier got angry and charged with an attack that completely disintegrated the body but was outrun by Nehemi who tore his head off with his bare hands in an instant

Nehémi "what a bore"

Erasa << as long as the hastou exists Boaz will never die in the real world I created him and linked him to Boaz to give him a kind of eternal life... and currently Boaz just like the hastou are now 4 million years old > >

Nehemi << I love your idea my lord >>

Erasa "thank you" a shout cut them off from their conversations it was Nimrod completely pissed off

Nimrod << who dared to kill my soldiers? >>

Nehemi << it's me and so it eats at you? >>

Nimrod << what insolence... well very well follow me for a moment >> Nimrod returned to his castle followed by Erasa and Nehemi

Erasa << where are we going? I came to talk for a few minutes before returning!! >>

Nimrod walked into a dirty room and said

Nimrod << welcome to this dirty fight.... if one of you wins a fight and the other loses you both go home you will only have information if you two triumph if you refuse, you will be taken as a loser and would go home immediately >>

Erasa << do we really have to do this? At the same time why not seeing that I normally want to massacre you Nimrod >>

Nimrod << Hm....>>

Nehemi << what is this room? It is made of stars, galaxies like in our world, is it a universe here? >>

Nimrod << yes and yes it is indeed a room created in an infinite higher dimension... I was inspired by the universe itself to create it and so that everyone can enter there, I put this door which has become the way to get there easily >>

Erasa << in short, when do we start? >>

Nimrod << now if you would,

Here is the bulletin board... look >> a board appeared with the names of the participants. They were 4 in number and the fights were displayed like this

Erasa confronts Gim

Nehemi confronts Nimrod

Erasa << wait is that a joke? I wanted to massacre this Nimrod me ... anyway Nehémi gives just what it takes okay !!>>

Nehemi << I will try my lord !! >>

Nimrod << hahahaha you are very sure of yourself but your Nehemi will be massacred you were going to cry to beg me to spare him bugs >>

Erasa << ok..ok if you say so... where is this Gim? >>

Nimrod << he'll come don't worry... he's even already there >>

The board then wrote "Let the fight begin

Nehemi confronts Nimrod"

The two participants entered the universe and the door disappeared

Nehemi << it's not very smart to make this door disappear.... No one will come to save you now and you will not be able to escape >>

Nimrod attacks directly with a kick but goes through Nehemi

Néhémi << you don't have a hastou.... how are you going to touch me if I don't decide? I'm curious >>

Nimrod << close your room ....>> he was interrupted with a punch to the mouth then a kick and another punch then Nehemi grabbed his face and rushed on a planet with him she hit him on the planet with such great power that they crossed the planet leaving a huge hole in the middle Nehemi hit him on several planets like a rag doll that one hits to scare away insects after Nehemi let go of him and hit him a kick that threw him causing him to fall into a planet

Nimrod stood up and saw a bright light in space

It was Nehemi planning an attack she says

Néhémi <<creation of "60,000 mega nova" explosion by hastou >>

Nehemi then threw this light into the planet where Nimrod was and the explosion was gigantic an explosion that wiped out billions of galaxies from this harem This explosion was so large that it created a black hole from the area where the explosion had begun

Nehemi looked down

Nehemi << is it already over? Pfff I didn't even have fun there!!! >> Nimrod stood before her in a disastrous state, he had had blood everywhere and his face deformed by the explosion

The top of his skull was split open

Nehemi << do you want more? >> Nehemi punched him several times which made Nimrod's condition even worse, he was now completely unrecognizable.

Then Nehemi grabbed him by his remaining hair and said

nehemi "never play lord erasa again... if one day you insult his greatness again or even if you just mispronounce his name i will kill you with my own hands" then nehemi let go of him and the painting wrote

"first combat victory of Nehemi and defeat of Nimrod both were teleported outside this room

Erasa congratulated Nehemi and entered the room in turn.

The table displayed

"Erasa Confronts Gim"

Inside erasa asked

Erasa << where is this Gim that we end it >> the universe inside materialized a small humanoid form which was 1m70 like erasa

The humanoid form << I am Gim... would you like to start? >> Erasa nodded and kicked the humanoid form on the stomach and threw it as far as the eye could see into the universe

Erasa << he is awfully light as an adversary >> the universe around her formed from galaxies and stars an immense face which says

The "let's go" universe

Erasa stared at the Giant figure without saying a word.

The universe formed a punch that went through erasa

Gim<< What? How it is possible ? >>

Erasa << you have no hastoo bad for you >>

The universe blocked part of him by containing erasa which was surrounded by several stars which exploded, the explosion had no effect on erasa

Erasa << voracity you know? >>

He remembered a conversation he had with some gods who claimed that Mü Thanatos had killed Gilead and pretended to be a demon the demon *erasa* and that they would avoid getting into trouble with her because she scared them

Gim << what a disappointment Mü Thanatos as a goddess you should be ashamed of doing so much bullshit >> the board displayed outside death fight "Erasa / Gim"

Erasa did not understand where Gim was coming from in what he said

Gim attacked with rage but his many attacks had no effect

Gim screamed

Gim<< how dare you... become a demon just to slaughter gods? Aren't you ashamed Mü Thanatos? Answer me !!!! >> Erasa held out her hand and said

Erasa << "voracity" >>

A purple flame appears on erasa's hand. In just 10 seconds, the universe disappeared completely and Gim with it.

Erasa "it's over"


erasa teleported out of the room

Nehemi << you won my lord hahaha >>

Erasa "it was too easy let's drop our questions and go home Nimrod got his beating anyway" Nimrod yelled in his picturesque state

Nimrod << you idiot.... for who dare you.... >> erasa appeared behind him and said

Erasa << I have the nerves assé tense there now you shouldn't annoy me too much otherwise I devour you alive imbeciles >> erasa took out his tongue which was more than 20 centimeters and licked Nimrod's cheek.

Nimrod was shaking like a leaf and erasa put his tongue back in his mouth and went back to Nehemi to join their world

Meanwhile in the world of the gods, A world located far away and just like the world of the underworld is said to be metaphysical and meta-conceptual

Mü Thanatos sat on her throne pondering if she could truly rule like zeus later with all that was happening all over the place saying her name.

Then wamy enters the room and greets Mü with respect, bowing and saying

Wamy << you seemed worried, what are you thinking about.?... um... if I may of course allow myself >>

Mü Thanatos <<Wamy, I want to change my mind, you have nothing to offer me maybe? >>

Wamy with a surprised look answers

Wamy << But obviously my great lordship I will offer you a game that will be played with that!! >> wamy raises the but and on his finger was a pawn.

Mü Thanatos << what is this thing?? >>

Wamy << a pawn humans use it to play games for entertainment in their castles for even kings spend their time on it >>

MÜ Thanatos << do you take me for a human? >>

Wamy with fear responds

Wamy << No... of course not I swear it's just that I think it could distract you I'm sure we will add complex

If I win you will owe me a favor and if you win you will decide anything with me ok? >>

Mü Thanatos << um... ok that's understood >>

A moment passed wamy and Mü Thanatos were playing an opening game. The victory went to wamy but it didn't really count because it was just the beginning of the game, wamy explained the rules to Mü Thanatos while keeping the useful tactics for himself.

Wamy << So my dear goddess, you understood, didn't you? Now and if we continue there the victories will be counted and the conditions will also apply >>

Mü Thanatos << you just won a game so ask me what you want >>

Wamy << huh?? No it's just an invalid part because I was just explaining the rules of the game you see? ... the real game should start now! >>

Mü Thanatos << you won for me so make your wish because after that you won't win any more game >> wamy started laughing and said

Wamy << you are not serious there? Very well as you wanted I wish that you multiply my current strength by a number beyond the norm >>

Mü Thanatos "it's understood" and as if by magic Wamy's body lit up and his power increased.

Wamy couldn't believe his power was on a whole new level, he who was already above existence and non-existence saw himself climbing even further he said within him

Wamy << wahou... what power... currently I could perhaps beat the great goddess... I am capable of it yes... yes..!!! >> Mü Thanatos then said

Mü Thanatos << don't even think about it..!>> wamy surprised, looked away and said deep down

Wamy << how?? She could read deep inside me? >> he said in him before asking Mü Thanatos.

Wamy << how about goddess? >>

Mü Thanatos << you will not be able to beat Great goddess even now if you go there the same scene from the last time will happen again the level of great goddess is much too high compared to yours currently you just do 14% of her power or that that we see is actually not even her but just a reduced form of her just like the other gods our forms are infinitely weaker than our true forms wamy if you face her again only once it's me who you would kill I would not tolerate that you use what I offer you for stupid things >>

Wamy closed her eyes and said

Wamy << I'm ashamed of myself ... please excuse me my goddess >>

Mü Thanatos << it's not a big deal, don't think about something like that again, that's all I ask... shall we continue the game? >>

Wamy << yes of course you said you could beat me now I'm curious to see that >>

Mü Thanatos "Alright then let's play"

the game started, but wamy was sweaty because he was beaten by Mü Thanatos he hadn't won a single game anymore. Wamy was under pressure because Mü Thanatos accumulated victories without asking him what he will do for her.. the pressure was at its peak on wamy who feels obliged to say

Wamy << you have already won so many times... you ask me anything already? >>

Mu Thanatos says

Mü Thanatos << Wait a little longer it's not the time >> a Divine messenger knocked on the door of the castle of Mü Thanatos who asks him to enter he arrives bows down and says

Divine Messenger << Goddess Mü Thanatos we have learned that a demon resembling you very much by the name "erasa" has already devoured gods and we want to know if you created this demon from yourself? >>

Mü responds without really paying attention

Mü Thanatos << no now have things to do!! >>

Then she looks wamy and asks

Mü Thanatos << wamy you will tell this demon to stop what he is doing Then you come back you will have to do everything you can to convince him but don't kill him ok? I have an appointment with zeus at the father's son when I return you must have finished it's your condition to make it more interesting!>>

Wamy understood and said

Wamy << what a coincidence with this new power I would like to know how far I can go now >>

Then he replied to Mü Thanatos

Wamy <<with pleasure my goddess ... a demon who devoured gods it should be interesting to talk to him >>

Mü Thanatos smiled and said

Mü Thanatos << go ahead you don't need luck it's not a being who should intimidate you >>

Mü Thanatos left and wamy decides to go and thinks he might not have to fight and says

Wamy << Hum... yes it's better that actually >>

Wamy expands his localization presence and searches where erasa is then he stopped and got excited because erasa had created a world itself out of the author's story in the real world

He's shaking with excitement with a crazy psycho smile

Meanwhile in this world outside of the imaginary

In a universe of this world, a planet where erasa sat on a throne with thousands of humans worshiping him as a god and singing praises to him humans seemed happy erasa him sitting on his throne watches the show with a glass of red wine on the hand and a smile on the side of the face.

He took the offerings that were due to him and promised humans a great and beautiful life then the atmosphere of erasa ceased because wamy appeared and erasa stopped smiling and wondered

Erasa << who is this one? What is he doing here? Hum... well, if I ignore him, he might clear >>

Wamy looks at him from head to toe and says

Wamy << wow it's true that he looks strangely like my favorite goddess, I'm almost in love with him! >> he puts his hand on his chest and looks at the sky with a joyful air these red eyes become bright Claire

Erasa completely ignored him and said to himself

Erasa << um ... it may be lost after all >>

wamy walks towards him, erasa remained seated and still pays him no attention.

Wamy stopped the noise and the cheer of the crowd with a pressure that brought them all to their knees except erasa

Erasa << uh who are you you want to steal my kingdom? Try and I'll cut your throat >>

Wamy did not answer and said to himself

Wamy << wow, how does it feel to be sovereign?>>

looking at fear in the eyes of humans

Erasa << hey you the weird guy I'm talking to you !! >>

Wamy answers him and says

Wamy << I didn't come for your kingdom or even your world I just want you to stop attacking the gods you insult a deity for lack of this appearance which is the same as my goddess Mü Thanatos! >>

Erasa << Mu Thanatos?

I don't see what you're talking about >> without paying attention to wamy continuing to look at his offerings he says

erasa << now I know and I'm sure you're a stranger go away before you perish it's better for you! >>

Wamy approaches and says

Wamy << you too are a stranger when you transcend the worlds >>

erasa did not answer and continues to handle his offerings without even looking at wamy

Wamy stopped smiling and pretended to be serious, he disappeared and appeared behind erasa, touching his shoulder

Erasa doesn't seem surprised and tells him

Erasa << take your arm off!! >> without really paying attention to wamy, as for wamy, hardly wants to answer him that he finds himself in space with his head upside down erasa had just slapped him in the face

Wamy in space, head upside down opens her eyes, made a regular face and said

Wamy <<Why do I always find myself in comic scenes?>>

Meanwhile erasa looks at the sky and says to herself

Erasa <<I don't think this attack was right on him, plus guys like him are often sticky pfff


His people who had not seen what had happened so fast the attack just saw that wamy had disappeared they began to praise glory to lord erasa praise be his name so proud they were

Erasa smiled and said

Erasa<< anyway strong or not i separated this fantasy world from everything here i established but own laws and i dictated this world to use free rein to my abilities to touch me he will have to master the hastou if it is not the case he will never touch me in a fight and will not even be able to use these powers that she pleases for him the poor >>

Then he raised his hands to the sky and shouts of joy from his subjects who adore him in being grateful for all he has done for them echoed.

Erasa says

Erasa << go have fun ... as if it was the last time friends >>

Then he turns around and walks to his throne, wamy comes back with a serious facial expression erasa sees him and says deep inside

Erasa << I suspected his resistance is not bad but at the same time it was nothing! >>

Wamy smiles and advances elegantly while pulling his gloves which had the same patterns on them as Mü Thanatos' hand he says closing his eyes while advancing

Wamy << Well erasa I was hoping to convince you with words but I have no choice anymore he stops there the crowd is silent there was no more noise erasa asks wamy

Erasa << where are you coming from?>>

Wamy responds

Wamy << my goddess asked me to tell you to stop attacking the gods and pointing out too much I wanted to use the word but I realize that I will make you understand with force > >said wamy with a serious look

Erasa wanted to laugh out loud and instantly he finds his head put under pressure by the hand of wamy pressed against the ground, he wonders

Erasa<<how can he touch me? I have my hastou he can't control it, it's impossible!! >>

Wamy tells him straight in the ear

wamy << look at your subjects how they look at you he does not believe their eyes, their almighty god finds himself in such a position of submission or situation of weakness?>>

Erasa looked and saw the fear and astonishment in the eyes of his subjects which began to irritate him and said

Erasa<< no it's impossible!!! >> he frees himself from wamy's submission position then wants to hit him

Wamy dodges with a smile and great elegance to annoy him better and grabs him in the face then throws him into space

Then he looks at the terrified crowd, closes his eyes and gives a cute smile to say

Wamy <<I'll borrow it from you for a few minutes, please excuse me >> said wamy before taking off into space

In erasa space still don't understand what's going on

Erasa held her face with her hand and said

Erasa << how is it possible I don't believe it at all >> wamy suddenly appeared in space erasa asks wamy

Erasa << hey you!! >>

Wamy who answers with a smile to annoy erasa

Wamy << yes! What do you want ? >>

Erasa<< do you know the hastou? It's a source of energy that I created in this world outside of your only being that I confirmed to be of this world master it you I didn't do it to you how could you touch me? Without that you could not have... ever seen touching me without my authorization >>

Wamy << but it's simple I am reflected by the capacities of the omnipotent gods me too >>

Erasa<< and what does it mean >>


<<It all simply means that I control all that exists or not or that is done in any place, world, dimensions I control everything and nothing... power, new magic which means that in your world I become able to do everything there is here besides mine but i also have an advantage i am not submissive an undimensioned named being hahahaha for me the concept of dimensions are like cages for those who are subject to them so hard to get me without being as out of these cages as me so these dimensional concepts....she means nothing to me so i can interfere or easily have all i want , you are out of luck cause a to be subjected to the dimensions will hurt each time to touch me, it is simply impossible for yes. For me you are just a victim in a cage that I can mutilate and you will never be able to change what I want for you but don't worry we will play on the same level this time!!>

Erasa << um... I don't really understand but too bad >> then deep down he said

Erasa << if he tells the truth it will be an ordeal for me he should be like Aaron with this hierarchical plan not dimensioned what a wound I hope he tells anything! >>

After erasa understood the concept of reflecting what wamy was talking about

He says

Erasa << Anyway no matter what you say you just made me look like an idiot in front of my subjects >>

Wamy who laughs and says

Wamy << Your subjects?

You took them out of this world

Why don't you create one yourself >>

Erasa << it's none of your business and you can't understand you fools you humiliated me and I'm going to make you regret all that !!>>

He attacks wamy with a mighty punch, the power of which was so raged that thousands of stars instantly went out and ceased to exist along with part of the galaxy but wamy has it yet dodged with disconcerting ease

Erasa attacks with a multitude of punches and kicks

Wamy always dodges like nothing happened erasa uses a technique shaped by hastou

Erasa <<** aqueous eradication **>> said erasa

The technique takes a form of vapor and begins to melt galaxies in the distance, at the same time wamy smiles and sucks all the gigantic smoke

Erasa << Not bad, we're going to have to get serious, don't you think >>

Wamy said while contemplating her fingers

Wamy "I'm just waiting for you to really motivate me to fight what would be impossible".

Meanwhile Mü Thanatos goes to his appointment with the son of god with zeus who end up getting there

A totally unknown world was there Mü Thanatos asks zeus

Mü Thanatos << what is this world? Why didn't I know it?? >>

Zeus << This is the world created for the occasion because neither god nor his son can come normally to ours otherwise their mere presence will erase everything there is and the things we can know will be disturbed or even destroyed >>

Mü Thanatos nods and says

Mü Thanatos << I see! >>

Then a voice said

The voice << you are late by 0.03 seconds terrestrial hours I announce you>> a being appeared luminous so luminous that it lit up all the famous world where they are all there in whole

He was the son of god

Mü Thanatos asked himself many questions

Mü Thanatos << Why is he like this?

Is it in its released form? Or

His first form?>>

The son of god says

The son of God << I am in my only form for the occasion a form that totally erases any demon to my simple sight but the demons are not always our enemies haha ​​you see, I am the liberator of evil and the redeemer!>>

Mü Thanatos says himself

Mü Thanatos << My the power of this one must be monstrous

How does it release so much power when it does absolutely nothing? >>

Son of God << Mü Thanatos when I go to earth I will lose this form and I will leave to teach humans the existence of my father, we are going to create a planet where there will be the father's subjects and yours you will have to watch to their protection once my mission is completed >>

Mü Thanatos "Ok it's understood"

Meanwhile still in erasa world

Wamy and erasa are still fighting.

Erasa seemed terribly in difficulty against wamy who was not even a warm-up yet.

Wamy << so it's all you're worth I haven't even hit you yet>> he says dodging erasa's attacks

Erasa then screams

Erasa << Shut up!!!! >>

Erasa adding in her thoughts

Erasa << it's crazy how this idiot can annoy me I had never felt this anger before!! >>

wamy hits him on the stomach, erasa was thrown on a planet and under the impact he almost pulverized him.

Erasa stands up then turns around and holds her stomach and says

Erasa << thin.... it hurts!!!!>>

When suddenly he looks up and sees Wamy's kick to his face which hits him and throws him even further.

Wamy uses his telekinesis and aligns all the planets that were around. He did it and erasa crosses each planet due to the power of wamy's blow

Wamy began to count the number of planets that erasa crosses

Then he is fed up after 100 thousand planets, he appears before the latter crosses another and hits him with his kick on the head which made him change direction and fall into a star which exploded immediately. Erasa is now heading for a planet.

Erasa crashes into a planet again and slowly gets up with her clothes torn and full of blood coming out of her nose and mouth.

He was also breathing heavily and said

Erasa <<thin I can't lose against a guy like him it's impossible.... such a jester can't beat me no I'm not less than a jester anyway !! >>

Wamy appears in front of him and tells him

Wamy << it's good you give up already? >>

Erasa being surprised, jumps back and responds

Erasa << Who are you to think you can humiliate me?

I am erasa the demon who terrifies even the gods you understand? >>

Wamy << It's not your power that scares them

But rather your appearance >>

Erasa <<what my appearance?

What does she look like? >>

Wamy << you look like a goddess whose potential is far above the others and the other gods think that you may be a part of her or even her although this appearance makes you super pretty just like her they are don't care about that!! >> said wamy laughing.

Erasa suddenly felt stupid and said

Erasa << no but.... what? >>

Wamy << you are a demon male?

Or a female?>>

Erasa << what is this question? >>

Wamy << you have a girl's voice and the body that goes with it

But why are you qualified in it? ...I mean why are you being characterized as a man? >>

Erasa << no species of importance it still does not concern you so shut up ... what I want is your disappearance and

I'm going to delete you now.... do you really think you can destroy me?? >> said erasa, releasing a huge wave of hastou that seemed to distort his world with a significant mass.

Wamy << Oh, I'm not going to kill you anyway, don't push me to do such a stupid thing... stop being a child and listen to me >>

These words were the straw that broke the camel's back, it was enough to increase Erasa's anger even more. She began to let out a huge cry of rage

Erasa << Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggg!!!!! >>

The scream was so powerful that the huge spreads of sound waves spread phenomenally, the decibels result in mass distortion stretching even the multiverses and eventually cracking the flames tearing the multiverses of the world of erasa and into the planet where its inhabitants live. subjects, the same phenomenon was seen when the sky was torn and many people died either by weakness of spirit or by the noise that this immense tear was making, when it was torn an atrocious noise similar to toner but even more powerful made blood bleed the survivors of the planet through the eyes, ears, nose and mouth, many were going deaf, screaming and writhing in pain and suffering.

Erasa still screaming in his rage didn't know what to do and didn't realize what was happening as several ideas were mixing in his consciousness at once.

Wamy ended up telling him to calm him down

Wamy << It's not by screaming that you're going to beat me, you know that, I hope? >>

These words that were enough and stop erasa from shouting then he looks at wamy to say

Erasa << do you like to make fun of me? Hey the jester? >>

Wamy <<may be yes but if it bothers you you could always come and make me pay for it with your strength even lower than a jester!>> said wamy with a smile of foutage of mouth

Erasa charges at Wamy with a speed that transcends and shatters time and space but bows at the sight of Wamy's punch

Erasa dodges him and when he counterattacks wamy disappears then reappears and hits erasa on the back.

Erasa was about to throw himself, plant his fingers in the almost destroyed ground and rush back to wamy with the same speed except now erasa boosts his speed by speeding up time around him using Divine time and he was even faster but gets caught despite his speed by wamy who kicks him in the face, erasa crashes to the ground and seems desperate he says

Erasa << How.... how is it possible? how fast are you moving? >>

Wamy << faster than you that's all I know >> said wamy

Always with his annoying smile

Erasa says

Erasa << very well I'm tired of fighting >>

He pulls out a sword from his violet-colored hastou and says

Erasa << This sword I call it *kami* do you know why? >>

Wamy looks at him without saying anything with a serious air

Erasa who continues his sentence

Erasa << ...because she can destroy everything no matter who you are, your power, your power she will always transcend all of this in short you know what I mean! >>

Wamy always remains silent

Erasa who starts laughing out loud and says terasa << you seem calm to me all of a sudden you don't show off anymore?>>

wami says

Wamy << why are you laughing instead of attacking now go ahead >>

Erasa <<I see you are no longer afraid of being eradicated you seem to have a pathetic existence at the same time seeing you it's not surprising!! >>

erasa raises his sword and aims at wamy's direction without joining him but nothing happens

Erasa surprised and screams

erasa <<but... how...?? >>

Wamy starts laughing in turn and applauds at the same time then he says

Wamy << that's all kami is capable of pathetic! >>

Erasa still didn't say anything about the shock because nothing had happened despite his attack

wamy explains to erasa

Wamy << Your sword I saw what it was capable of before you told me anything

I confess if I took this thing I would not have survived

That's why I just removed the destruction abilities from this weapon and now it's as simple and sharp as a normal sword >>

Erasa still feeling insulted and pissed off appears behind wamy but in another form called Djin his power level was huge and charges a punch then says to wamy in his ear

Dijn << you asked me why I look like a female and I have the voice that goes with it and despite that they call me he or him, right?

It is because of this form which is male and it dominates over the first female form I am the Djin Arlongue erasa >> said the djin with a gore and terrifying voice

Then he throws his punch but wamy narrowly dodges

The pressure of the blow if escapes from the world of erasa and will create an even greater destructive mass this famous world of erasa in my void.

wamy after dodging takes the opportunity to hit him in the heart then he removed his heart and erased resumed female form

Wamy explodes the heart of the unconscious Djin erasa was about to collapse on the ground from a dizzying height

Wamy sees erasa's naked body going to crash violently on the ground catches him in full flight and looks at erasa's face who was unconscious and says

Wamy << wow you look so much like my goddess Mü Thanatos I feel so bad for hitting such grace

What a gorgeous face!! >>

erasa woke up slowly and saw wamy holding him in his arms he blushed and disappeared

He appears at least 6 meters away from wamy and says

Erasa << what did you want to do like that? >>

Wamy looks at Erasa's body and sees that unlike the gods Erasa was not asexual we clearly saw a female sex on him

Wamy << so you have an organ like humans made to reproduce? >>


"Yes, we demons are closer to humans than the gods you are!! >>

Wamy laughed softly and said

Wamy << I am not a god but a Divine adviser>>

Erasa felt even more humiliated and said

Erasa << What I was beaten by a vulgar adviser? Hello >>

wamy << there is no harm in having I was well trained you know?>>

Erasa << well, if you say so! >> said Erasa looking sideways

wamy << and your subjects they are in a bad state and if you were going to take care of them

You have even distorted your world and almost completely destroyed it >>

Erasa looks around and wamy was right it had really become a land after a huge battle chant

Erasa<< I didn't even realize what was going on around me, I just wanted to eliminate you!! >> erasa stood facing the sky and put the planets that wamy had aligned back in their place then he restored his world and still naked and wanted to create clothes for himself but wamy threw the top of his jacket at him erasa said

Erasa << What are you doing? >>

Wamy << I just want to do you a favor so that you understand that I did not come to defeat you or hurt you Just tell you to stop taking it out on the Gods please accept my jacket as a sign of your agreement to my request !!>>

Erasa << just that? Are you really serious >>

Wamy << if I lie that the God of the gods eliminates me on the field, you are not bad I prefer to qualify you as a girl because of what I see... you are very beautiful and kind but the male form in you had certainly bullied your conscience you were certainly too easily influenced before having this djin form.>>

wamy extends his hand to erasa and heals him of his wounds erasa was smiling for lack of wamy's jeste. He smiles and thanks him then he returns to earth. Erasa with wamy's jacket that hides his sex and wamy at his side like a Divine advisor but for erasa

Erasa resurrects all those who were killed by his cries and heals those who survived the cries and who bled others his return to normal because they were crazy at that time the Arlongue in erasa was knocked out leaving just the kindness of erasa s 'express

After all this erasa looks at wamy and says to him

Erasa << I'm just going to stay in my world now and I'm not going to take it out on the Gods anymore I make the promises and if I lie I will be disintegrated by my authority myself!

>> erasa was about to insert the pact for this but wamy said

Wamy << no need I trust you erasa >> he turns around to take off

Erasa asks him

Erasa << you are already leaving

Won't you celebrate with us? >>

erasa's subjects seemed to be proud that everyone was back to normal looked up to wamy as an ally

The subjects with all these emotions did not understand if erasa was really an ally for wamy from the beginning but they trivialized this hypothesis

Wamy then says to erasa

Wamy << Not now maybe next time!!!! >> erasa felt a bit sad but accepted her decision

Wamy took off and went back to the kingdom of the gods

Erasa stood looking at the direction where wamy had taken off to go. Then a portal opened behind erasa and from this portal

Néhémi, zémira and Jérôme and his parents extricated themselves from it and saw erasa staring at the almost bare sky just with a jacket that served as a sex hide

Jerome and Nehemi were rushing to erasa in a panic and asking

Jerome/Nehemi << lord erasa what are you doing in this state? Get dressed damn it!! >>

Erasa stared blankly at them, Erasa thought and wondered what if wamy had faced them all instead... then Erasa closed his eyes and said

Erasa << certainly a same crushing defeat!>>

Jérôme << what defeat were you talking about my lord? >>

Erasa << oops sorry I'm a little absent I'm going to take a shower and get dressed >>

Nehémi << but...why not make you clean and make you appear clothes by your powers? >>

Erasa << not this time I prefer to do it the old way... later you will explain to me how was your mission understood? >>

Jerome/Nehemi<<it's okay>>

Erasa walked into her bathroom and kept thinking

Erasa << why do I feel so sad all of a sudden?? Is it the fact that Arlongue can suddenly sleep or that I lost? No it's much more complicated >> a voice echoed in his head saying

The voice << I will explain to you >> erased wondered what it could be but a hand grabbed him from nowhere and made him fall into an indescribable space above all consciousness. The influence provided by this area made Erasa tremble and then make him fall to the ground

A silhouette formed from the mist and a tall being (about 2m60) showed up and said to erasa

The being << I'm so happy to see you erased finally in front of me >>

Erasa had never been so scared before for him the world he was in was capable of eliminating him if he did anything and being in front of him was even worse than this world.

Erasa << who...who are you?? Please I beg you don't hurt me I will do what you want but don't hurt me!! >>

The being << erasa ... do not fear anything I am lucifer ... The one and only I am also your father to you and you are my only and tender daughter >>

Erasa << what? Really ? >>

Lucifer << um... >> he held out his hand and erasa was no longer shaking she was no longer afraid as if by chance

Lucifer << I created you in the womb of Lilith... unlike other demons you are my child I am your father and I asked Lilith to do so many things so that you come to me one day from as possible >>

Erasa stood up and said

Erasa << I thought our father didn't favor us at all, I don't understand anything anymore >>

Lucifer << no... it's azazel who does that.. me, I'm the most powerful fallen angel there is, I'm the first son of god and the one who knows absolutely everything about him... after god it's am I the absolute being but the problem is that I am very badly seen by others >>

Erasa << so you are my father? Am I your only daughter? Why did you create me? >>

Lucifer << for a specific purpose and I wanted to know what compation is >>

Erasa << but why are you so mean to other creatures and creators? >>

Lucifer << um... even my own daughter doesn't know how her father is what a disappointment this burden >>

Erasa << where were you coming from?>>

Lucifer << a long time ago I made humans commit the sin by making them eat the forbidden fruit finally in a certain way... then I had a correction by my father god and being beaten by god is painful the only whip that I had on my back made me cry for 1000 erasa centuries ... I had accomplices in there and we were all sent back to hell hell was created by the whip of god only one suddenly created flames with a so-called infinite temperature capable of carbonizing soul, body, spirit and even source without difficulty we were 6 me I am the leader and azazel was my middle finger I freed myself from the existing world and all the worlds whoever is because I'm ashamed... ashamed of having made god angry you know erasa nothing is more generous than god just as nothing is more cruel than him he is absolute and above all although on a scale of 1 to 10 god would be 10 and me 7 yes he gave me everything but i disappointed him completely lie >>

Erasa << one second? Azazel? who is this ? >>

Lucifer "Azazel is the one you thought was your father until now Azazel is the 4th devil but the acts he causes are blamed on me as a fault..


Erasa << father, so there are several devils? >>

Lucifer << yes 6 in all

I am the first then comes abadon where apollyon in second then belzebuth in third.... these are the absolutes those who are close to the level of god in the scale of 1 to 10 then comes

Azazel fourth, lilith fifth and samael sixth... they are the remnant and the weakest they are not even at least infinite comparable to the level of belzebuth only >>

Erasa << I see... father, who is Mü Thanatos? >>

Lucifer << Mü Thanatos is my little sister 3rd daughter of god she looks a lot like you you know? >>

Erasa << yes I have the impression seen saying everyone! >> Lucifer approached erasa and hugged her. Erasa let it go and closed her eyes

Erasa << father... where are we here? >>

Lucifer << we are in absolute space ... here I observe existence and non-existence whatever its form it also allows me to manipulate humans to create beings under my name in their imaginary world So I can exist elsewhere without influencing existence and making myself really seen by God!>>

Erasa << why don't you still try to come into existence? >>

Lucifer << because I'm ashamed... and afraid of father I'm the only one he could hit with his own hands and I'm also the only one who knows the pain it brings, azazel and the others have specific goals such as revenge for azazel who saw his first offspring being killed by god because he was upset at the same time this offspring did nothing good Lilith she frames them now >>

Erasa << azazel is Lilith's married boyfriend? >>

Lucifer << not really... azazel used to impregnate humans to create a gigantic human offspring and god did not like that. Lilith is the wife of Adam but she was chased away by her bad behavior and became the wife of Samael the absolute prince of demons. By there azazel beat samael in a fight and took Lilith as the mother of his children now I took Lilith as a receptacle so that she would keep you for the time that I chose the right moment to see you. Lilith did so much to let you and me see each other >>

Erasa << uh.. father, where is samaël? >>

Lucifer "after his defeat, samael went to live with beelzebub in a place above consciousness like a little here"

Erasa hugged Lucifer and said

Erasa << father... I feel so good with you... I wouldn't like to leave you for a second! >>

Lucifer << my poor little one.... you can be proud I will always be with you now >>

Erasa << oh... father who was this wamy? >>

Lucifer << wamy is a divine adviser that of your aunt Mü Thanatos he is above existence and non-existence... yes he has what it takes to be a demon king >>

Erasa << So I lost against the level of a demon king?

Lucifer << yes ... that's it >>

Erasa << father I want to be overpowered.. can I? >>

Lucifer << yes of course but you will have to deserve this power by the suffering the tears and the pain.... I will be this suffering.. these tears and this pain so that you progress ... but I am proud that it was just wamy...if it was anyone else then he would have had no mercy on you and would have killed you when they had the chance >>

Erasa << the world where I lived is too risky even in my own world I'm not safe.... but it doesn't matter... now I'm going to sleep a little before going to see my subjects >> erasa snuggled up on Lucifer

Lucifer << it is understood, then so be it !!>> >>