

Part 3: Rivhiamë is awesome!!

Days crumble again and again, I still lived with Rivhiamë and it seems that I have now attached myself to her as if she were my daughter

Niyus " Rivhiamë, I'm going out so stay wise and don't do stupid things behind my back understood? "

Rivhiamë " Niyus, I want to come with you you move too slowly you won't come fast "

Niyus " well too bad you're waiting for me, that's all. "

Rivhiamë " but Niyus why? "

Niyus " because I want you to wait for me here "

I closed the door of my house then I went to the market.

I wonder what I'm going to buy with so little money?

How to make a good chicken broth? Yes why not .

Arriving at the market I bought all that I needed and now I had to go home. The road was a bit long so I got bored very quickly on my own when suddenly!!

_ hello Niyus !!

This voice, don't tell me it's....

I turn around and what do I see

Niyus"Rivhiamë!!! But what are you doing here? I told you not to move from the house and and how did you follow me without me realizing it all this time? "

Rivhiamë " at home before you closed the door completely I plunged into your shadow which served as my means of transport until now.. Niyus I am so happy to be with you!!! "

Rivhiamë's powers completely snubbed me. Such extraordinary things of which I was incapable the great particularity of Rivhiamë is above all to hide anyhow and anywhere she is a champion in this field.

Niyus " well.... since you're here as much to walk with you as to do else I'm going home now "

Rivhiamë " yeah... we're going to play tag!!! "

Niyus " we'll see that once you get home, don't stray too far from me too there are cars everywhere, be very careful! "

Rivhiamë " it's understood Niyus!" walking with Rivhiamë by my side, there was one of my acquaintances who was getting closer to me what a joy to see old friends again

The friend"Niyus, my brother how are you?"

Niyus " the routine what, and you bro? "

Friend " I accompany my girlfriend and our child to the market, hey, who is this little one behind you? "

Niyus " ah... it's uh.. my little sister here!! "

The friend " do you have a little sister? "

Niyus " yeah haha... you didn't know? "

The friend " no, heo, little one come and say hello to me!! "

Rivhiamë shook her head from side to side.

Niyus"Rivhiamë says hello let's see!! "

Rivhiamë shook her head again

The friend " she only stays behind you, she must be shy hih it's so cute! "

Niyus " ah..! "

Rivhiamë behaves strangely, she hides behind me and seemed to be afraid of my friend

The friend " well I'm going we'll see you later one day maybe haha ​​!! "

Niyus"yeah!! " my friend distributes to his girlfriend

Niyus " Rivhiamë, why are you reacting like this you are afraid of him? "

Rivhiame nodded.

Niyus " but..but why? He is very nice you know? "

Rivhiamë " no it's wrong!!! "


Rivhiamë began to cry and tightened my pants

Rivhiamë " he says bad things about you Niyus... he says you're just a good for nothing, unemployed and single... he compares himself to you by putting himself above you Niyus... your friend. ...he's a mean guy!! "

Niyus " oh... " I remember now... Rivhiamë can read minds, so that's really what he was thinking when talking to me?

Rivhiamë " he said that I am certainly your daughter and that my mother had abandoned me with you because you are good for nothing Niyus I hate him sniff....sniff..and..and. you want to find excuses saying that I'm your little sister...!!"

Hmm.. I really have a shitty life well... well what to say exactly

Niyus " Rivhiamë, stop crying I'm used to being talked about like this you know? "

Rivhiamë " they...they... don't know you Niyus they don't have the right you're nice and awesome you don't deserve to be talked to like that while playing nice with you sniff... " Poor Rivhiamë , her affection for me must be enormous seeing how she behaves I pray a strawberry in my shopping bag and I handed it to Rivhiamë

Niyus " Rivhiamë, hold this this is for you stop crying now "

Rivhiamë looks at the strawberry and takes it

Rivhiamë " Niyus, what is this thing? "

Niyus " it's a strawberry, I bought some at the market just for you, go ahead and taste it! " Rivhiamë wiped her tears and tasted the strawberry

Rivhiamë " huuuummm..!!!! It's....it's delicious!! "

Niyus " I took another one for you you know?! "

Rivhiamë " thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you... but, Niyus you don't have so much money "

Niyus " bof.. you know it's nothing I will find a way to still have money now we go back? "

Rivhiamë " yes, we're going home! "

Entering. I saw a book in a store that I liked quite well but I didn't have enough money to buy it so I could only watch it.

Rivhiamë " Niyus, what is it? "

Niyus " oh.. it's nothing, don't worry! "

Rivhiamë"I don't believe you tell me what's wrong!! "

Rivhiamë really want to know... ok why not?

Niyus " it's this book in this window that I like the problem is that I haven't enough money to buy it you see? "

Rivhiamë " money you say? "

Niyus " yes that's it! "

Rivhiamë began to think then she picked up a pebble on the ground

Rivhiamë "look at this!! "before my eyes, the pebble became a gold coin

Niyus " how is it possible? Did you transform it? "

Rivhiamë " no I just changed this pebble into a coin for you take it!! "

Niyus " oh.. really? Wow, something like that allows me to have this book and even change, thank you very much Rivhiamë!! " I took Rivhiamë and hugged him

Rivhiamë " the pleasure is mine Niyus! " she said with a smile.

I bought my book and then we went home.

I started reading this book outside, I like physics and mystery...and that's exactly what the book was about. One moment I arrive towards a part of the book which is called sibylline world but when I check I did not understand much because the things highlighted were unknown to me and impossible to detail which was not normal for a madman of mystery like me.

Niyus " but what is that? "

Maybe I should give up my reading for a while and go eat. What I have done.

Rivhiamë did the same so much she loved my cooking

Rivhiamë " Niyus, after we have a game of cat? "

Niyus " um...later, because in the book I bought thanks to you there's something that intrigues me and so I have to quench my suspicions "

Rivhiamë " oh... and what is this thing? "

Niyus " ha.. it's a bit too complicated for me to explain and for you to understand, you see?! " I said completely embarrassed

Rivhiamë " um.... very good!" she said while being completely serene.

Rivhiamë is finally my only friend, although she was more like a little sister despite her age compared to mine.

That's their prayer, it's getting late I have to sleep but only after prayer.

Niyus"My lord I....huh..? " my prayer is interrupted by Rivhiamë who was crying, I don't understand why she does it

Niyus"Rivhiamë, what the...why are you crying? "

Rivhiamë " it's...it's you, you're chasing me, you don't want to be my friend anymore, what did I do to you? " she said in tears

Niyus " but what are you talking about? How could I chase you away? "

Rivhiamë " you were praying ... and ... and .. for me it's words that prevent me from approaching someone and you prevented me from approaching you!! "

Oh.. yes I understand, Rivhiamë is a demon so prayer is not one of the things that does not affect him, and now that I think about it, lately when I used holy water in the house Rivhiamë was completely paralyzed and could only cry under his effects.

Niyus " OK I see, don't worry I'm never going to do it again! "

For her who became faithful to me I could now do anything for her, including leaving divine protection.

The next day, after a night without prayer or holy water, I had to go and get some wood.

Niyus " now I have to go cut wood, will you come with me?"

Rivhiamë " are we going to the forest? "

Niyus " obviously! "

Rivhiamë " it's okay!! " she was screaming.

Arrived in the forest, I started to cut wood, Rivhiamë during this time was sitting observing the ants and other insects, she had found a species a little strange for her and was in a hurry to tell me

Rivhiamë"Niyus watch this!! " she caught the insect and showed it to me, however I wanted to focus on my work first

Niyus " you will show me later, currently I am focused! "

Rivhiamë " no I want to show you now! " she disappears and appears in front of me which surprises me and knocks me to the ground

Niyus " ouch.... no but Rivhiamë, we don't appear in front of people like that!! " I was shouting at him

Rivhiamë " but Niyus, look at this insect, it's really funny! "

Niyus "um...!"

Rivhiamë " do you know his name? It was making a funny noise in the woods!" She said while looking at the insect in her hands.

Niyus " indeed, it's called a cicada... now let me chop the wood!!"

I got up and picked up my ax

Rivhiamë seemed to be annoyed

Rivhiamë " Niyus, why are you taking so long just to chop wood? "

She was screaming with an annoyed tone

Niyus " but what can I answer you? "

Rivhiamë " you last way too much it's not fair!!! "

Niyus " I can't help it my little one, I only have two arms and an axe! "

Rivhiamë " grrrrr... you humans always so slow in everything you do!!! "

Niyus " ah... because Miss Rivhiamë can do it faster? "

Rivhiamë looks at me for a moment without saying a word, then she raises her arms to the sky and about twenty trees were detached from their roots before floating in the air, Rivhiamë had uprooted them thanks to her power of telekinesis. Holding the trees up in the air, she chops them down with karate kicks and lines them up by stacking them on top of each other.

She had done a job that would have taken me 13 hours in just 30 seconds, I was jealous and humiliated.

Rivhiamë " now it's over let's go back to play now! "

Niyus " um.... I'm disgusted!!! " Rivhiamë will be the dots, and in her mouth she had concentrated plenty of air then she was screaming...

Rivhiamë " gone, we're going back now NIYUS !!!!!!!! " she was screaming so loudly that the sound waves of her voice created a path several kilometers long by destroying trees along it. The show was deadly and reminded me of this gap between her and me.

Rivhiamë had colossal power, it was obvious that she would have no problem killing me just by screaming if the situation should arise there. But fortunately, she was too nice to hurt someone, if it should happen One day it is because she was really at the end of an event.

Niyus " OK you won, let's go! "

Rivhiamë "hooray!!!!! " she was screaming with delight. This childish enthusiasm makes Rivhiamë so adorable despite the power she possessed, she looked like my daughter or my magical little sister... she deserves a part of her favorite game!