

This drama centers on a rich heiress who has the passion for dancing but can't pursue it due to her status but with the help of her brother and boyfriend she is able to archieve her dream....in between her journey to archieve her goal she is faced with betrayal from her most trusted people, depression,pain, helplessness, anxiety,regrets and setbacks. At the end she finds love again and determination to archieve her goal.

Nana_joanna · Urbain
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KILLING TWO BIRDS WITH ONE STONE (After dance class Jane and Melissa stays behind to clean up the dance hall)

JANE:(picks up a trash)You know Melissa it's official now that Anna hates me.

MELISSA: Your just talking nonsense,she is like that to everyone.

JANE: C'mon the way she looks at me spells only one word HATE.

MELISSA: She doesn't hate you (turns to look at her) she is just frustrated.

JANE: About what exactly ??

MELISSA: Well I don't know Jane, she has her issues.

LUCY: well I don't think so, I mean she smiles to almost everyone.

JANE: (turns to look at Melissa)Told you so Melissa.

MELISSA:(looks at Lucy) Your not helping Lucy(walks up to Jane)she doesn't hate you she just has a short temper.

JANE: I hope so too (drops the rake and leave),see you all tomorrow I'm off to class.

MELISSA: Sure thing wish you luck with your presentation, and stay away from trouble.

JANE: Sure thing and thank you.

(the scene open with Mr Jones and Jane making last preparation in front of the meeting room)

MR JONES:I believe you are ready for this miss Jane(looks at her) make sure there no single mistake.

JANE: How in God's name will I be ready in this condition I'm not even ready at all.

MR JONES:Make one mistake and it's over miss Jane, you will embarrass not only yourself bit also your entire family legacy so think before you present.

JANE: But....

MR JONES:No buts miss Jane now off you go and please don't embarrass yourself.

JANE:But Mr Jones I'm not ready yet.

MR JONES: I said no buts miss Jane get in now.

JANE: (opens the door) ermm, good morning ladies and gentlemen, I'm miss Jane Lakefield, and today I will be presenting a contract about creating a tourist center for both young and old.

BOARD MEMBER 1: Excuse me Miss Jane,how do you plan on doing that,we all know there are a lot of tourist center in this city.

JANE: Sir if you would allow me to finish then you would know how I plan to do such, now where was i, right I was saying...

BOARD MEMBER 2: Miss Lakefield,I feel this project is a waste of time and resources.

JANE: (Slams her hand on the table) sir if you mind I'm trying to explain my project here, please no further interruptions till I'm done,(the board members are impressed) so as I was saying,I know this project is a waste of resources because of the massive amount of tourist center that we have but what if we make it different and unique, instead of the usual park we have why not make a underground water park,trust me it will spark a lot of interest in both young and old, children and adults also it doesn't require a lot of funds (turns to look at the bored members) isn't it great.

BOARD MEMBER 1: it's actually nice miss Lakefield but what guarantee can u give us that it will give us a lot of profit and not loses .

JANE:Well sir,I can assure you that it will produce a lot of profit .

BOARD MEMBER 2: How sure are you miss Lakefield,please let us know.

JANE: okay sir I will explain, this project will give our company a lot of profit because it a new idea, it's something nobody has heard of in this city, and everybody loves new things right?(all the board members nod their heads) okay then I think I have explained what I mean by more profit any more questions?

MR LAKEFIELD:(Raises his hand) I think I have a question, what if we take up this project and we have no investors to invest because they are scared to put in their money in a project that requires a lot of risk or....(Jane interrupts him)

JANE: father sorry sir in my own opinion...

MR LAKEFIELD: I'm not done, OR we invest in this project with the company funds and the outcome doesn't come out the way we want it to or the way you believe the results will be, so here comes my question what will you do?

JANE: (mumurs) why does he have to make his question hard...

MR LAKEFIELD: We can't hear you miss Jane you have to speak out.

JANE: Ahhh yes sir (talks in her head) what I'm I going to do!!!, okay here goes nothing (turns to look at the board members) then we have to try our possible best not to make that scenario happen.

MR LAKEFIELD: that's is not a guarantee miss Jane, this meeting is adjourned (stands up and leaves the office)

JANE; I think I messed up pretty bad(sigh)

MR JONES: Actually you did wonderfully well miss Jane( pats her shoulder)

JANE: did I say that aloud?? (turns to face Mr Jones) thank you for today sir, I will take my leave (dashes to the door)

MR JONES: Okay miss Jane (remembers something) miss Jane you forgot your assignment (Pursues Jane).

Jane arrives .....

JANE: Mom, dad I'm home..

MRS LAKEFIELD: Jane darling, how was your day, did you have dinner yet, and how was your presentation?

JANE: One question at a time mom, I had dinner already, and my presentation was okay too( heads to me fridge,takes out a bottle of milk)

MRS LAKEFIELD: That's great because your father wants to see you,go freshen up he's in the study .

JANE: (stammers) ohh okay, I will go freshen up now.

MRS LAKEFIELD: (notice her expression) Are you okay Jane? is anything the matter.

JANE: No nothing is wrong ma(kisses her cheek) I'm going up.

20 minutes later....

JANE: (knocks) Dad it's me Jane.

MR LAKEFIELD: Come in dear.

JANE: I know I messed up pretty bad today dad,go ahead and kill me.

MR LAKEFIELD: oh my Jane, what made you think you did not perform well?

JANE: Well you basically ended my presentation with your normal angry statement (tried coping his voice) that is not a guarantee miss Jane.

MR LAKEFIELD: Ohh that (scratches his head) Actually that was because I was late for my dinner date with your mom and I wanted meet up with time and if I did not stop you, that meeting would not have ended trust me.

JANE: For real dad!!!

MR LAKEFIELD: My dear I'm sorry, but to be honest you did very well today, you reminded me of my youth, how I shut those old jinx up on my first presentation.

JANE: But Mr Jones said you ran out of the office before the meeting started.

MR LAKEFIELD: Forget that, the key point is that you did well today and I'm proud of you today my dear.

JANE: Thanks dad (kisses his cheek) it means a lot to me.

MR LAKEFIELD: Your welcome, now off you go, I still have some work to do.

JANE: okay good night dad, and don't overwork yourself (closes the door).