

Orphan brothers , Jun and Batuhan had been making their livings using their talents as killers, a rather peaceful life by their standards, when their aunt shows up to tell them of their legacy they lost with their parents , and how they must hone their talents at the "Killer Academy". But things at the Killer Academy are not so simple as the red nights are enveloping the land with attacks on all students. Jun and Batuhan must find out the tragedies they are unaware of side by side to fighting for their land againts the Blackwing Academy and the Yosei Academy. How deep the roots of treachery go....they are yet to find out.

RedHeart_Lion · Action
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85 Chs

CHAPTER 2 : The Nephews Of A Killer

"*mm...ow!!" cried Jun , who had been sleeping through class , as the eraser hit his head.

"Good morning " said the professor "I thank whoever did this mighty deed , you were sleeping so soundly i was scared to check if you were dead or alive..."

The whole class laughed at this miserable looking boy with bags under his eyes , his orange hair a mess and his glasses cracked. However under all this , hid a handsome face with eyes as black as the night , a silver earring in the right ear .

"Sorry professor Artuk.... I ll be careful .."

"Sure u will"

Jun glanced behind his back and saw Batuhan smirking at him.

"This is a declaration of war my friend..' Jun said under his breath

As the bell rung and it was time to go home ,

A red haired boy suddenly jumped out of the side window . Jun opened the window next to his chair , took aim ..

"Bang.." he said smirking as the eraser shot through the window hit its target right on the head. Batuhan fell on the ground , his handsome face covered in mud.

Jun took his bag and jumped out of the window.

"And the battle was won by my army " said Jun looking at Batuhan as he wiped his face.His curly red hair , black eyes , an earring in shape of a knife hanging on the right , a handsome man just like vengeful brother standing infront.

"Hmph, you and what army..." snorted Batuhan as he took the hand offered by Jun.


"So did you hand in the body and get the reward yet? " asked Batuhan as they walked into dark alleyway.

"Yeah , I handed it over to the boss and got the dough" he said waving around a khaki envelope.

"Hmm....." said Batuhan as his eyes glanced at Jun's eyes.

In a flash , Jun and Batuhan disappeared and reappeared behind a cloaked man who had been following them for a while now. But the man was just as skilled as his targets as he instantly pointed two pistols at them with his back still turned .

"Watch out!!!" Batuhan pushed Jun out of the way ...


Batuhan and Jun barely avoided being punctured , but this wasnot the end.

Two more men , fell from the sky , grabbed both of them , arms locked.

Batuhan and Jun went silent with their heads down in defeat. The man from before stood up and was standing between them about to give an order when he got kicked by Batuhan in the face simultaneously to being hit in the legs by Jun , he lost his balance and fell . The other two in shock , about to tighten their grips on their targets got pierced by small knives on their backs. They stumbled and then fell to the ground.

" You two were capable of handling these people single-handedly , yet you got caught to deliberately to draw me out huh"

said a hooded figure in a cloak,to Batuhan and Jun who were both smirking , not a drop of sweat on their foreheads.

"We did do some fighting though ..." said Jun .

"But we only wanted to waste our breath on the boss" smirked Batuhan.

"Haha ...you children are funny but ..I am their enemy , not their boss"

said the figure as it stepped into the moonlight .

She took down the hood and half her figure showed through the cloak , it was a beautiful tall woman with dark skin and golden eyes. Her purple straight hair dropped off her right shoulder, gleaming in the moonlight

" I was just trying to asses how good my nephews were..." and she smirked.

