
Chapter 457 – Selling Specters

"Everyone is converted?" Nick asked Julian with furrowed brows.


Julian nodded. For once, he wasn't wearing his trademarked arrogant smirk.


"Two days ago, Anatomy's leadership called every Extractor in for a meeting. The Extractors believed that they would be let go since everyone has already seen where Anatomy is headed."


"But after they called everyone, they suppressed all of them and brought them to the Sea King one at a time," Julian explained.


"So, it finally happened," Nick said with a dark voice. "No more human employees are left in Anatomy."


"Not quite," Julian answered, eliciting a raised brow from Nick. "There are five human Specialists left. These five and the three Heroes are still left."


Nick remained silent for a while.


"Has the governor made his decision?" he asked.


"He already made a ruling," Julian said.


Nick listened intently.