
Chapter 259 – Caravan

"How much will it be this time?"


A man wearing a luxurious suit looked at another man wearing some kind of silver armor.


The two of them were located near the middle of the Inner City.


Behind the man in armor were several more people and a huge wagon.


The huge wagon was over 20 meters long and nearly five meters high, carried by over 20 gigantic tires.


Just by the looks of things, the wagon probably weighed several tons.


The lower half of the wagon was solid steel with no openings, but the upper half had a couple of openings to let light in.


If one looked through the openings, one would see a luxurious interior filled with several beds.


Four people stood in front of the wagon, near several grabbable parts.


Usually, people would feel shocked after seeing the four people. 


After all, all four of them were Experts.