
Chapter 200 – Capsule

Over a kilometer above Nick was a complex, chaotic, but beautiful array of structures.

The huge pillars were surrounded by a couple of metallic plates, which Nick couldn't see through.

He guessed that these were platforms where the people of the middle layer lived.

Surprisingly, almost 80% of the "sky" was blocked by these metallic platforms.

In a way, Nick was reminded of when he had been swimming in the sewers and looking up at the ceiling.

It was very similar here.

One of the most important differences, though, was the fact that the "light streets" in the sewers were solid while the "streets" in the middle layer were actually empty spaces.

Well, not completely empty.

Nick saw rails going along the streets.

Every street had at least one rail going through it.

It was like the sky was made of huge circles and a mesh of thin lines surrounding the big circles.