
Combat simulation (part 2), explosive personality, war is hell

The young man started hyperventilating "Nonono,NO! NO! NOooooo!, I won't you're all crazy, I won't do it"

the man appeared ready to make a break for it, making a rush for the door

some other members of the squad tackled him before he could run off, apparently not willing to let their scapegoat go so easily.

after modifying the bomb according to surly's instructions the bomb was strapped tightly to the young man

"as long as you don't trip you wont die" off you go then" with a light pat on the back we sent the young man off running off at a speed that could put usain bolt to shame

the man continued running down the trenches becoming a dot in the distance before an explosion could be seen several minutes later sending up a cloud of smoke and fire.

"they grow up so fast" I spoke while wiping a tear from the corner of my eye

"the kid?" one of the members in the unit asked

I shook my head "no, the bomb"

shortly after the sound of heavy footsteps could be heard as well as an exited voice

"give me another one, give it here"

the man looked familiar but somehow seemed different

Carefully placing another bomb in his hands the young man sprinted off again

"I know we sent a soldier out to die and all, but who else gets the feeling that we got a different one back"

the captain shrugged "come to think about it I always had to drag him away from the artillery practice field"

"could it be he has one of those 'explosive personalities' " another one spoke, the captain shrugged

a few minuets later the scene repeated except some shambling Nazis could be seen about a hundred yards away

the frail young man took a sprint and chucked the artillery shell into the group like it was a football

we all fell to the ground and covered our ears waiting for the explosion

to our surprise the shell actually traveled a fair distance before one of the zombie SS officers caught the shell before looking bewildered as he collapsed under the weight of the shell.

one of the members of the squad whistled

"hell of an arm on that one"

"no kidding, he shouldn't even be able to throw it given how heavy those things are"

'surly what the hell'

throwing an artillery shell of that weight with that kind of force would of snapped an ordinary mans back in half, what I just saw was by no means normal. he just chucked the thing like it was a football those shells weighed a minimum of 30 pounds even when the explosive it contained was reduced .

Ding the system is pleased to inform you that, enemy soldiers are not the only individuals that have been enhanced. Certain story line characters also receive enhancements based on importance ensuring their survival can unlock special rewards.

grabbing half a dozen unmodified shells and storing them into the space ring

the groups eyes were bulging out shock and disbelief apparent on their faces

"what, what" one of the soldiers was pointing at me stunned by the strange even

clearing my throat I began speaking

"I'm part of a special unit on a top secret mission, you will not speak of anything you have just seen, the information I'm about to tell you is highly classified"

I started bullshiting with no reservations even if the group in front of me all dies the entire scenario is a simulation by the system, I can't really incur any real penalties for doing something like this.

"the real reason for the massive military action being undertaken today has another purpose, a secret purpose"

at this point I was trying to buy time in order to come up with something half plausible

"Under the cover of this operation, have been assigned to retrieve any information that can be find on Hitlers occult activities and successes"

ding side mission added

It's true I swear

Type: side scenario

clear condition: uncover the secret of the Nazi zombies

failure condition: death of squad, and an important story line character, 12 hours pass

Description: Hitlers research into the occult has born fruit, stop the tide of undead at its source

reward: main mission alternate completion route unlocked, explosive bullet enchantment stamp (virtual)

penalty: lose spatial ring and contents

tip: aim for the head

with renewed confidence I continued

"those unkillible soldiers of yours are the objective, if we don't destroy the source all hope is lost and the axis powers will establish an evil power that will allow them to rain supreme. reports from our sources on the inside indicate that destroying the brain is the most efficient way to kill them"

one of the squads older members grabbed me by the shirt collar an hoisted me up, he was visibly upset

"do you even know how much we lost to those things, my brother is dead because of you"

I slapped the man in order to maintain a position of authority

"This is CLASSIFIED information, if it ever got out do you have any idea how much SHIT would rain down, people would claim it to be the onset of the apocalypse there would be panics in the streets, riots, and god knows what else!"

at this point I was just going with the flow

coming up with a cool sounding name for these sort of things is essential, saying whatever came to mind I spoke.

"all of you are hereby conscripted into the Shadowhound unit for the duration of operation Overlord"

Obvious skepticism on the faces of the men I let out a sigh and flipped my hand, an artillery shell appeared out of thin air before putting it back and taking it out a few more times for effect

"I only have one set of shadow hound equipment, but I can carry some of your gear only small items like spare magazines though"

the squad opted to keep all their equipment on their person obvious distrust in their eyes

looking to the coward turned pyromaniac "whats your name"

"it's Mooney sir"

"from now on you will be lieutenant Mooney in light of your meritorious service"

'Surly give me a way-point'

ding! coordinates set creating route to destination

"you can stay here or follow me, or be charged with desertion at a later time it wont be hard to find your unit especially since almost everyone else is dead"

The soldiers huddled together in discussion for a moment before they broke apart and the old man spoke up

"fine we will follow you but only until we get to the bottom of this"

This way gentlemen

taking out the Thompson and loading the drum we made our way through the trenches at a snails pace the area was deathly quiet

one of the men spoke up "hey do you think they're...."

a grey shadow flashed over the trench and the man was left a head shorter, blood erupting from his neck like a geyser

while the other soldiers may not have been able to see it but due to my high speed engagements with Shansa I was able to spot and distinguish the grinning saw toothed face of an SS officer

I shoved Mooney to the ground with my boot and drew one of my daggers, the possibility of friendly fire was to high within the trench so I opted to avoid firearms

I whispered in a hushed tone

"Don't fire they want us to panic"


one of the men replied candidly and probably louder than he should have

another grey flash passed by and that person was lost

I whipped out the m1917 revolver and fired two shots as quickly as I could but still missed one, I was unprepared and the target moved too fast. I could tell that the second bullet hit based on the temporary reduction in speed. I was able to distinguish but whatever I hit wasn't vital or at the very least I was unable to impair the targets mobility because any momentum lost was quickly regained the monster rushing off.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!, you wont take me, you bastards "

one of the soldiers panicked and fired his Thompson cutting down anyone in the squad who failed to react in time

click click

The mans gun ran out of bullets

the grey flash passed by again, I expected it this time and fired into it unloading the remainder of the revolvers ammunition into the head of the SS officer

the cumulative impact of the rounds was enough to throw the creature of course, and it crashed into the side of the trench, not wasting any time I dashed forward and kicked off one of the trenches walls to carry me over the squad

pouncing on the ghoulish creature I decapitated it without ceremony, purplish black blood slowly flowed from the neck, no force behind it.

ding! user has killed an enemy ghul troop, because this is the first enemy of this type new information will be made available

Ghul trooper (Nazi)

Rank: D

description: The Byproduct of a much darker ritual, these creatures are fast and short lived but incredibly powerful during this time

Traits: Cruel, Unholy, blind, exceptional hearing

weak against: fire, head shots, dismemberment (legs), holy spells

one of the survivors a hardened looking soldier was the one to speak

"what the hell is it"

looking over the information I spoke

"This is called a ghoul, a kind of zombie. They are incredibly fast, they are also but blind. I don't know if there are more of them or if the gunfire attracted any that might still be in the area. As it stands we need to move now"

Grabbing an artillery shell I grabbed a watch from a dead soldier and created an empty time bomb and with surly's help constructed a timed bomb I also modified the cam on a Thompson from one of the dead soldiers (also with help from surly) and inserted the hundred round drum before binding the trigger with a piece of cord

It was arranged so that the gun would fire at a regular interval once every several seconds if any ghul troopers were in the area, the gunfire would attract them to the time bomb the time bomb was set for 10 minuets, about the same amount of time the ammunition in the Thompson would last.

even if the gun would fail to attract the ghul troopers the wounded soldiers we were leaving behind probably would

ding acquired achievement: Jihadist from the crimes against humanity collection

I turned away feeling regret and trying to justify my actions

"they're just npc's, the're just npc's" I muttered to myself as we left the men to their deaths

there were only four of us left, the older captain, Mooney, myself and one other soldier.

Following the way points set by the system we eventually came to the entrance of what appeared to be an underground military facility

"before we do this I should probably know your names"

the captain spoke up "just call me cap, you don't deserve to know my name, after what you did to those men back there "

the last soldier spoke in a gruff tone "James"

"Mooney take these you seem to be a fan of explosives" I handed Mooney the 17 grenades I had acquired

he only took 10 of them "if this isn't enough for me we're screwed anyway"

I handed 2 to both cap and James keeping 3 for myself

"Lets go, we have work to do, remember to keep quiet we don't know their numbers "

opening the door we continued our journey