
Kill Me Softly - The Possessive Killer

He was hired to kill her He saw her He was captivated by her She was now his captive He decided to love her to her death Or will she be his death? Who knows for how long his bloodied heart can withstand such a pure innocent girl ----- "I can kill you with ease, my love", he said mockingly as his grasp around her neck tightened. Her eyes didn't flutter as she placed her hands on his that was tightening around her neck. She smiled brightly at him and with her soft voice she uttered, "Hand in hand together in death. No regret." Her eyes bore into his as if she was enjoying his attention on her. After all, he had just come back from a long trip and they both missed each other very dearly. ------ Author note: This couple is not a very normal one and the girl is very peculiar and lacks the usual sense of danger that a person has. Just saying that this work is fictional and they are a fictional couple so please do read with an open mind for absurdity at times.

Maryambanoo · Politique et sciences sociales
Pas assez d’évaluations
19 Chs

Chapter 8

At his office, Andras called for Wilhelm Rogers, however, it was reported that he was outside the country due to a contract. He clicked his tongue not having wanted to use his second option. But then when he looked at Mallori who was ironically sitting at the same exact place that Lady Mallory had sat before when she ordered her erasing, his eyes darkened and he asked for Jasper Foss to be sent to his office.

Looking at the brazen boy that entered his office, Andras couldn't help but sigh as the person in front of him did not even try to show a bit of respect towards him. Then again it really was too much to ask from him as he was still rather new to the organization and had yet to develop respect or fear towards him. Thinking that it would eventually fix itself, Andras ignored his attitude and said with firm authority, "Take her to the pool and do not stop till she agrees to be yours." Hearing his orders, a mischievous boyish smile showed itself on Jasper's face and he asked, "Does that mean I can make her my bitch after?" he wetted his lips as he took a good long look over Mallori's body.

Seeing the way she was being looked at, he could feel the boiling desire of wanting to beat the hell out of Jasper, but he held it in as he formed a fist with his hand as he gained control of himself and then replied, "That can be decided later." Mallori who had only observed their conversation could make out that she was the main topic.

As she was trying to make sense of out of things that were said, Jasper walked up to her and grabbed her hand as he pulled her up to her feet and then attempted to drag her out of Andras's office. However, she resisted as she looked at Andras as if she was asking for his permission. He gently nodded his head and she returned it with a soft smile. As she didn't resist anymore, she was taken out of his office and to the Pool Area. Her soft smile towards him made his heart clench, but he ignored it as he started going over the erasing contracts of the month.

In the Pool Area where seconds felt like minutes and minutes like hours and hours like years, one felt as such due to breathtaking swimming lessons in the cold calming waters. Deepwater swimming has been ranked the most enjoyable by all the previous visitors. A type of swim that tested the capacity of the lungs and duration it could stand being submerged in water. Truly fantastic.

A period of almost four hours had gone by when Andras felt that he should check up on Jasper and Mallori's swimming lessons.

An observation room existed within the Pool Area like all of the other rooms within the Waltz of the Dead. Andras headed there and noticed that a few other killers were already present and were taking in the show as a fragile tiny girl was being pushed down the water surface and only seconds after being brought back up and then the sequence continued. One might not realize but the second long submersion in a rapid pattern is more breathtaking than when it is done with longer periods of time as it really leaves you with no time to adjust yourself and your breathing.

After so many times of going up and down the water, Mallori's long raven black hair had stuck to her wet body and face. Seeing her disheveled look and her pale face looking even paler and her pretty pink lips that had turned almost blue, Andras's heart froze. A freezing sensation that was enough to burn. The killers that were seated in the observation room, who had previously wanted to greet Master Mabuz, stopped their movement as they noticed something was off in the usual atmosphere of their boss as he observed the rather normal torture scenario that was nothing new to any of them.

Everything from the Pool Area was being projected into the observation room through a series of cameras that were placed throughout the area to capture every angle leaving no blind spots, however, all that was shown was visual, no audio, in other words, was present. After every 10 submersions, Jasper would hold Mallori above water by pulling upwards on her hair and would ask her to say that she is his, but she would nod her head a no every single time.

In the past 4 hours, this had continued with no progress, and the observing killers had become impressed by the rather persistent girl, however, from experience all of them including Andras could tell that she was reaching her limit.

Her eyes seemed to have lost their focus as everything around her was getting hazy and her body felt so cold that even breathing seemed terrifyingly tiring to her weakened body. The pain from her hair being pulled was not even being registered by her senses anymore. She could feel her senses disappearing as though a feeling of deep sleep was taking over her body. Having noticed her condition and her consciousness disappearing, Jasper was irritated and wanted to progress this faster. He smiled wickedly as he pulled her out of the pool that she had been in for four hours with the use of her hair and spread her on the cold ground just like that.

All the observers along with Andras wondered what Jasper was trying to do by halting the deepwater lessons. They watched on with curiosity, but Andras felt his hair standing on its ends when he saw Jasper touching Mallori's face with the back of his hand and seemingly whisper something in her ears that slightly brought back Mallori from her haziness. Just what was Jasper whispering into her ears? And why was he even touching what belonged to him and only him? A voice within him answered, "You tasked him, but you didn't specify how he should get it done and what he couldn't do…. to her." As the thought was completely registered by him, Andras's normally dark aura turned frighteningly murderous as all the killers in the observation room couldn't help but gulp in fear as they could sense the drastic dark change.

As they were all wondering what was wrong with their usual calm minded Master Mabuz, they saw that Jasper while positioning himself on top of the half-conscious girl was leaning downwards to her face. That was when all the observing killers screamed in their heads simultaneously, "GOING IN FOR A KISS? HOW DEPRIVED ARE YOU?"

Just as their lips were to interconnect into a kiss, light returned to Mallori's eyes as she sucked in her lips not allowing them to be met with and at the same time she head bumped the unexpecting Jasper using all her strength.

Everyone was shocked at what had just occurred right in front of their eyes, as they looked on at Jasper who had been stopped from going further as he was too busy rubbing his throbbing forehead. All the observing killers pointed and laughed at Jasper for not even being able to take a head bump.

All but Andras.

Andras's vision was focused on Mallori.

Even though he could not hear what she was saying, but he saw her lips move softly saying, "Andras…" She said it a few times slowly before she finally reached her limit and her eyelids fell. It had happened in mere seconds when others had focused their attention on Jasper, but it had not escaped him. His heart had never beat so rapidly and sharply in his entire life. She had registered herself to being his completely. Even when at death's door she refused to be kissed by another and save herself by becoming another's and betraying him.

"I'm yours."

The voice of Mallori declaring it firmly to him replayed itself in his head. He was left with a deepening pain in his chest as he felt a burning sensation.

Looking back at Mallori who was lifelessly laying on the floor next to the edge of the pool with Jasper still on top of her seeming to be screaming at her for her fainted state, Andras's silver eyes turned dark and the air around him seemed to drop to below zero as his piercing eyes landed on Jasper with unchecked killing intent flowing.

With each of his footsteps echoing deeply in the hearts of the killers in the observation room, Andras walked in a fast, but unhurried pace to the Pool Area. When he reached the Pool Area, he got out his Colt Delta Elite, his primary gun, and shot down all the receiving cameras around the Pool Area to stop what he was about to do from being shown in the observation room.

It seemed that the time for Jasper to learn to respect Andras Mabuz had come sooner than planned, but then he had only himself to blame.

The sound of the gunshots made Jasper aware of Andras's presence. He got up and stood next to Mallori who barely seemed to be breathing. Smiling widely Jasper went on to report, "Mabuz, I was almost there with her, she won't be resisting me anymore. I know just what to do." He laughed at his own little evil dirty thoughts and continued, "One more hour and she will be broken and wide open to me." He once again brought out that disgusting tongue of his out and licked his lips looking at Mallori. Just as he was about to retract his tongue back to the inside of his mouth, Andras took one large step forward towards him and grabbed his tongue with two of his fingers without the slightest effort. He grabbed his tongue tightly and pulled it out more as he looked at him with nothing but coldness.

Feeling the great pain of his tongue being pulled, Jasper's eyes started to water, but at the same time, he was trying to grab his gun to somehow defend himself. But the look in Andras's eyes stopped him from doing something so stupid. Being stared at with such killing intent, Jasper was about to almost piss his pants. He had only been a killer for only about two years. He was fresh out of the oven compared to Andras and the other killers at the Waltz of the Dead. His fear was a given.

Pulling him by his tongue, Andras dragged Jasper into the edge of the pool and then kicked him headfirst into the pool. He didn't stop there. When Jasper came up for air and was trying to get himself out of the water, Andras reached for his neck. With a single hand, he lifted Jasper by his neck out of the water.

Mid-air, Jasper's fear of the man in front of him was evident as he could not even beg him to show him mercy. Tightening his grasp on his neck, through clenched teeth Andras said, "Break? Wide-open? Who said you could do that?" The fear in Jasper's eyes intensified and he lost control of himself as he pissed himself as he was starting to choke.

Smelling the piss, Andras smirked and said, "Next time I won't be as forgiving if you touch her." Then with his other free hand, he punched him in the stomach and then let go of him letting him fall into the water once more.

Jasper made a loud splash as he fell into the pool. As he was already unconscious due to the impact that he had received from Andras's punch, it was only when he had almost drowned that Jasper was able to come to his senses and swam up before he really completely drowned.

When his coughing had ended and he had vomited out some water, he was finally able to breathe normally again. By that time when Jasper looked around the Pool Area as he rubbed his neck, Master Mabuz had already left and the body on the floor was nowhere to be seen.