
Kill Me Softly - The Possessive Killer

He was hired to kill her He saw her He was captivated by her She was now his captive He decided to love her to her death Or will she be his death? Who knows for how long his bloodied heart can withstand such a pure innocent girl ----- "I can kill you with ease, my love", he said mockingly as his grasp around her neck tightened. Her eyes didn't flutter as she placed her hands on his that was tightening around her neck. She smiled brightly at him and with her soft voice she uttered, "Hand in hand together in death. No regret." Her eyes bore into his as if she was enjoying his attention on her. After all, he had just come back from a long trip and they both missed each other very dearly. ------ Author note: This couple is not a very normal one and the girl is very peculiar and lacks the usual sense of danger that a person has. Just saying that this work is fictional and they are a fictional couple so please do read with an open mind for absurdity at times.

Maryambanoo · Politique et sciences sociales
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19 Chs

Chapter 3

The girl didn't quite grasp what this 'Andras' man meant. The phrases that he used confused her. The one thing she did understand after a few minutes of consideration was that she is to stay here.

Stay here.

Outside of the Glass Tower.

That was when she noticed what she had actually done. She had left the tower that she had promised to stay in just because Andras had pulled her along. She had to get back to the tower or 'she' would die. She ran towards the door to get out, but no matter how much force she used, the door wouldn't budge. So, she started just smashing herself to the door, desperate to go out before 'she' dies.

Seeing the girl suddenly rush to the door and banging herself to the door to get out, shocked Andras. He really didn't understand what was going through the girl's head and he was known to be good at reading people. However, one thing that he did know was that if she kept this up she would seriously injure herself. As the girl was about to hit the hard door in an attempt to push it open once more, she didn't make contact with the door, but rather she hit something softer and warmer. Looking up she saw that he had intercepted her. He frowned at her disapprovingly and said, "It's locked. You'll hurt yourself. Stop." The girl attempted to move him so she could reach the door, but he was standing as hard as steel. She frowned at him a bit for the first time and went back to sit on the bed.

There was silence and nothing more, and Andras decided that it was safe to leave the door and take a seat on the sofa across from the bed facing the window. The girl seemed to be deep in thought. Coming to realize once again that he still didn't know her name, he was about to question it when suddenly her expression changed as if she came to an understanding and with a smile asked, "Madam?"

Andras had no idea what she meant, but he for sure knew that he wasn't a Madam of any kind. So he replied, "I'm not a madam." The girl furrowed her eyebrows and asked again as she pointed at Andras, "Madam sent?" That was when he realized that she meant to ask if Madam had sent him. He had his guesses at who Madam could be, but he questioned further, "Who is 'Madam'?" The girl feeling that it was a dumb question rolled her eyes and said, "Madam Madam" Andras chuckled a bit and rephrased, "What's 'Madam's' name?" The girl was about to answer when she suddenly stopped and tilted her head as if she was thinking deeply about it. Suddenly she let out a gasp in realization and answered with serious eyes, "Madam". Andras tried hard to keep a straight face, but couldn't help the laughing that was coming over him. He ended up giving in and started laughing loudly and wholeheartedly. The sound bounced off the walls and echoed. It might have been the first time that the mansion had ever heard the sound of pure laughter.

When his laughing had ended, Andras said to the confused girl, "I'm sorry I shouldn't have laughed. It wasn't even that funny." as he let out the last laughing that was left in him. The girl smiled at him brightly with her beautiful blue eyes gleaming. His breath hitched as he saw her beautiful smile.

The girl then patted her legs and pulled them up on the bed, sitting as she hugged her seductive legs and her eyes roamed around the room a bit more. To catch her attention, Andras cleared his throat. Having her attention, he asked, "What's your name?" He made sure to say it slowly as he had figured up to now, her social and speaking skills were not all that good as she seemed to not be used to conversing.

Still hugging her legs which slightly blocked his view of her face, she replied softly, "Mallori"

Andras was taken aback for a second, did the girl that he had taken away from the Glass Tower just say her name is Mallory. Mallory as in like the Lady Mallory that had ordered for her to be erased? Did that mean that she was related to the olden family? Then he backed up and came to realize that Mallory was her first name and not her last name. That way it didn't mean that she was related to them. So, this time, he asked, "Mallory, what's your last name?" The girl once again replied, "Mallory". Thinking that she misunderstood, he asked again, "I know your name is Mallory. I'm asking about your last name. Like mine is Mabuz. Understand?" Mallori straightened up and replied again, "Mallory". Andras sighed thinking that she was not understanding the question. Mallori noticed that she was being misunderstood, so she went to Andras's study desk that was to the other side of the bed and grabbed a pen and paper. She scribbled down something and then walked up to him and handed him the paper that she had written on as she stated, "Full".

Andras looked down on the paper and read what was written on the paper. He understood two things reading the paper: First, this girl had a gorgeous and a distinct cursive handwriting and second, this girl's name was Mallori Mallory���..