
Kill me again, Miss Witch [COMPLETE]

Reborn in a different world, Char awakened a golden finger that became stronger every time he was killed by the antagonist. The stronger the antagonist who killed him, the greater his strength increase after resurrection. For revenge and to boost his strength, he went through great hardships to transport himself to the location of the ultimate boss. Legend has it that it sealed a witch powerful enough to destroy the world, shrouded in an ominous curse. Even a slight approach meant death. As expected, the moment they met, Char was killed by the curse. But upon resurrection at the respawn point, his long-stagnant experience bar experienced a substantial surge! Isn't this a way to gain an advantage? "Witch, from now on, I will bear the evil curse that will bring you a lifetime of misery!" "Diary of a Witch - Excerpt" 【A strange human has arrived.】 【That person has reappeared, and when he looks at the curse on me, I feel he is almost gleeful.】 【Sometimes someone comes to chat, and it doesn't seem so bad. Habits can be terrifying.】 【For him, leaving me every time to see him represents death. I asked if it was worth it, and he nodded without hesitation.】 【The book says, if someone is willing to face death for you, it must be love... Does he love me?】 ------- This is a Translation ------- Original Author: Marching into Chang'an

HIT_ME_IF_YOU_CAN · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
76 Chs

Chapter 63: Brilliant Like Summer Flowers


Accompanied by a loud noise and a burst of blood-red light shooting into the sky, a powerful explosion echoed throughout the entire street.

Passersby were startled and turned their gaze towards the source of the sound. They saw squads of heavily armored guards controlling the nearby streets and dispersing the crowd.

"The private guards of the Violet family are handling a supernatural incident here. Unrelated individuals, leave quickly to avoid casualties!" shouted the leader of the team.

In the upper city district of the capital, you might not know about the Holy See or the Tower of Judgment, but you absolutely cannot be unaware of the major noble families.

In certain situations, the reputation of those twelve Roundtable Nobles was even close to that of Emperor Helen.

So when they heard that it was the Violet family handling the matter, the pedestrians wisely pretended not to see anything and directly left the scene of the conflict.

Meanwhile, in the depths of an alley, in front of the entrance of a magical artifact shop, it was a scene of devastation.

Dozens of heavily armored knights were mowed down like leeks one after another, yet they couldn't inflict any harm on the petite figure before them, which resembled that of a young girl.

Octavia wore a smile as a trickle of enemy blood slowly dripped from her crimson lips.

"It's been so many years since I've tasted such fresh blood." She extended her small pink tongue and lightly licked her fingertips. "I really miss this."

Since being rescued by Char and discovering that Octavia was a blood vampire, he had strictly forbidden her from going out to hunt humans for blood.

As compensation, Char would regularly visit her and provide enough blood for her to satisfy her hunger.

After all, the medical level in this world was not as advanced as in her previous life, and there were no blood banks or similar institutions. Blood couldn't be stored for long periods. However, as an undead, Char's own blood was practically limitless.

She gazed at the encircling perimeter that was gradually closing in on the depths of the alley and sighed.

"It's only been a few peaceful years, and it looks like we'll have to flee this country overnight again."

"This is the last thing I can do for you, Char."

Octavia's eyes flickered with a touch of tenderness and nostalgia, as if she recalled that young boy.

Then she slightly bowed and vanished on the spot.

A faint red light shimmered in her eyes, forming fine lines in the air.

"Clang clang clang clang clang!"

The blood vampire loli swiftly darted into the crowd, too fast for the human eye to capture.

In an instant, soldiers of Transcendent knights and below were cut down like grass, their heavy armor easily torn apart, splattering blood everywhere!

With each charge, countless sprays of blood soared into the sky, forming trickling streams that flowed on the ground, dyeing the entire alley red.

"Blood Marionette · Spirit Warriors."

Accompanied by a deep chant, a crimson magical matrix slowly took shape beneath Octavia's feet.

Then, warriors of various forms, all made of congealed blood, slowly arose from the blood-soaked ground, wielding a wide array of weapons.

Their eyes also glowed with bloodlust.

In the distance, Count Violet, surrounded by layers of guards, stood atop a building, overlooking the occupation.

The incident that occurred at the Violet Manor a few days ago had caused him heavy losses. Not only did he lose ritual materials worth millions of gold coins, but his own wife was also abducted, becoming the laughingstock of the circle.

He was well aware that Novala, in terms of appearance and temperament, belonged to the type that greatly attracted men.

So, after three days, it was highly likely that something he didn't want to see had already happened.

It wasn't that he cared about his wife's chastity, but rather he was afraid it would affect the plan.

With this in mind, he glanced at the mysterious figure in the black robe beside him.

On the collar of the mysterious person's robe, one could faintly see a partially embroidered sun made of golden thread.

"She's a blood vampire skilled in blood magic. The more living beings there are, the stronger she becomes," the mysterious person said indifferently, showing no respect for the count beside him. "Her strength is probably that of a Great Archmage of the Eighth Circle."

"In narrow terrain like this alley, knights will be at a disadvantage. Should we intervene?"

"We can, but we'll have to wait until your men are mostly dead. The ritual is approaching, and I need to ensure that I maintain a perfect state," the black-robed mysterious person said ruthlessly.

"Very well."

Strangely, Count Violet didn't seem angered at all. He nodded in agreement.

Because in the face of that plan, anything could be sacrificed.


Damn it!

Damn it!

Damn it!

I can't believe I didn't think of this!

No wonder, no wonder Count Violet and the "Sun" organization chose to set up the altar underground instead of on the surface!

Char dashed across the rooftops, leaping high from time to time.

If I think about it carefully, the Violet Manor located on the outskirts of the capital city doesn't seem far from the edge of the Upper City District on Minden Street.

If what Sally said is true, that the sewer system in the capital city is well-connected, and considering the Violet Manor's penchant for hidden passages, there might be a tunnel leading to that cave.

Stay calm.

The immediate priority is to hurry back and hopefully make it in time.

Novala is involved in this ritual, so her life is temporarily safe, but Octavia might not be so fortunate.

Firstly, she is a heretic, a blood vampire member wanted by the Holy of Light. Once a conflict occurs, her identity will be exposed, and explanations will be futile as she will be a target for everyone.

Moreover, although she possesses the strength of a Great Archmage of the Eighth Circle, she has been carrying hidden injuries since Char rescued her a few years ago.

If she were to engage in a fight with someone stronger than her, her weaknesses could easily be exploited.

If all else fails... just run, old hag!

After all, running away is what you're best at, isn't it?


At that moment, Char, with his acute hearing, faintly heard an explosion coming from the direction he was heading.

Looking into the distance, a plume of smoke and dust rose at the other end of the city.

His pupils contracted.

What was bound to happen has indeed happened.

"The Sun..."

Char clenched his fist tightly.


Novala, wrapped in a blanket, had stopped sobbing at some point.

Since Octavia had instructed her not to open the door for anyone except Char and herself, she remained still even when she heard the intense sounds of battle outside.

Her eyes were misty, staring absentmindedly at a corner of the wall.

Would she die?

Novala asked herself silently.

Although Octavia spoke highly of her as an extraordinary blood vampire, Novala had lived her whole life sheltered in a greenhouse. As the Violet Countess, her mother, had completely dictated the trajectory of her life, she had no concept of the supernatural realm.

In her eyes, that little girl with white hair seemed like someone who should still be cuddling in her mother's arms.

But even so...

I am truly a despicable person.

At that moment, a strong disgust for her own cowardly behavior welled up in Novala's heart.

In reality, everything that had happened was caused by her.

Whether it was leading Mr. Cain to the underground altar, which attracted the wrath of Count Violet, or subsequently shamelessly agreeing to his elopement request like an unscrupulous woman.

Moreover, she was currently cowering in her bedroom like a coward, trembling, while allowing another girl who wasn't even as old as her daughter to face everything.

She... must be bleeding, right?

Novala involuntarily recalled her memories as a carefree young girl who studied theology in the prosperous church monastery.

That was a small city in the eastern province of Baelang, built around agriculture, a place untouched by the blessings of the Goddess of light.

Every person there was a devout follower of the Goddess of Abundance.

Before being found and taken away by the Violet family, her life was carefree and though not wealthy, she was very happy.

However, since coming to the capital city and becoming the nominal mistress of the Violet Manor, she was soon diagnosed with a certain illness.

Novala distinctly remembered the day her illness was discovered, seeing a glimmer of delight in her husband's eyes.

From that point on, the tone of her life turned completely gray, as if she had been plucked from a carefree jungle and trapped in a birdcage, becoming nothing more than a canary.

Therefore, even though she was already in her thirties, Novala, who had not experienced much of the world, had a relatively young mentality.

She had never truly grown.

As the days passed, this feeling deepened.

The curiosity and brightness that had initially arisen from coming to the big city gradually withered away into darkness.

It was during these days that felt like imprisonment that one day, the Lady Violet suddenly discovered a book on the shelf.

"Jane Eyre."

It was the first time she had encountered a novel with a love theme in her life, and she quickly became immersed in it, unable to extricate herself.

So, she asked her maid to buy the author's other works and began to devour them, neglecting sleep and food.



These were the only thoughts in Novala's mind as she read these books.

And when she finished reading them all, a sense of curiosity arose within her, leaving her somewhat lost.

What kind of person could write such diverse and profound masterpieces?

Compared to other books she had read later on, this author's personal touch wasn't particularly strong. In fact, their style was so varied to the point of being eerie, with ideas that seemed to wander freely without any discernible pattern. It was refreshing and enlightening.

As a result, Cain's works became Novala's spiritual support throughout the many years of her solitary life.

It was only a few days ago at the Violet Manor's dinner party that Novala, feeling her time running out, mustered the courage to make a request to Count Violet.

"Could you send an invitation to 'Cain,' the bestselling author from St. Fleur Publishing?"

Perhaps considering their years of marriage or feeling a sense of guilt, Count Violet, after careful consideration, granted her request.

And then, on that dark and stormy night, a dramatic scene unfolded between Char and Novala.

Sometimes, the connections between people are just so miraculous.

Within the few short hours since meeting him, Novala felt that her experiences were more exhilarating and exciting than the past decade combined.

She even felt a twinge of guilty satisfaction upon hearing about the explosion at Violet Manor, much like the Count of Monte Cristo returning for revenge.

After being left behind by Char, spending these days with Octavia was not boring either.

Although Octavia referred to herself as the "chubby girl," Novala could tell that the girl didn't mean any harm.

In fact, she had just shown great courage by stepping up to protect Novala.

It wasn't just a sense of duty but a strength and bravery that Novala herself lacked.

They were both resilient individuals who could live freely in this world on their own.

But... what about me?

Novala hugged her knees, trembling slightly.

The tree-shaped mark on her chest emitted an unprecedented sensation of heat.

She realized that her time may be running out, perhaps even today.

So Novala subconsciously recalled the words Char had said to her after proposing to elope.

"Since you like 'Jane Eyre,' you should be able to grasp the core ideas of my book."

"From beginning to end, I encourage women who read this book to be as strong as Jane Eyre, daring to pursue love and daring to rebel against the existing order."

Then, she felt something in her heart and shifted her gaze to the front page of the book she held in her hands, "Jane Eyre."

On the front page, there was not only Cain's signature but also an encouraging message left by Char.

A message meant for a patient who was approaching the end of life.

"May you live as splendidly as a summer flower and die as peacefully as an autumn leaf."

She gently wiped away her tears, savoring each word of the message.


"Blood Puppet · Blood Marsh!"

The assault team, consisting of hundreds of quasi-knight, and even several transcendent knights, lay scattered on the streets like harvested wheat.

The spreading pool of blood on the ground forced back the other warriors attempting to launch an attack from all sides.

This street had become a complete ruin, a battleground between the Eighth Circle Grand Archmage and countless knights.

If Octavia hadn't deliberately controlled her power, reluctant to harm the innocent, with the full force of an Eighth Circle Grand Archmage, half the city would have turned to ashes.

At this moment, Octavia seemed to be in a bad state.

A deep, bone-visible wound on her snow-white scapula was slowly undulating.

Just as it was about to heal, a burst of holy and majestic light would suddenly erupt, widening the wound once again.

"If it weren't daytime now, and I were not weakened, I would have exterminated all of you."

Octavia sneered, lightly panting, as she covered the wound on her shoulder.

This wound was left by a transcendent knight skilled in assassination from the Night Shadow Society.

The opponent sacrificed thirty-six lives to hold back the Archmagus for just one second, and in an instant, plunged a ancient magical artifact called the "Hymn of Light" into her scapula.

For supernatural beings like vampires, this dagger with a sacred attribute was a deadly weapon.

As a result, Octavia, who had been relatively at ease, now appeared to be struggling.

Within her body, the latent injuries that had never fully healed since Char saved her were also starting to act up.

"Although this area is near the outskirts of the city, the commotion is too great and easily attracts attention," reminded Count Violet.

The battle had been going on for over ten minutes, and observant individuals might have already noticed what was happening here.

"I understand," said the mysterious figure in the black robe calmly.

In the next moment, his figure appeared deep within the alley, directly facing Octavia.

A chilling aura surged, causing her to feel a sense of horror.

"...A mage?" Octavia wiped away the blood splattered on her face, speaking without much fluctuation.

In fact, from the beginning, she had sensed that her vision was being locked onto by a force far superior to her own, so she wasn't too surprised now.

"After today, perhaps things will be different," said the mysterious figure in the black robe.

Then, he gently extended a hand. "Although I'd like to persuade you to surrender and join us, it seems you are not the kind of vampire who would yield to power. I respect the pride you uphold and have decided to give you a dignified death."

"Dimension · Void Realm Coffin."

There was no grandiose opening, nor the cataclysmic power that Octavia had imagined exclusive to mages.

Four translucent barriers, each over a hundred meters tall, descended from the sky as if appearing out of thin air, forming a cube that imprisoned Octavia and an area several dozen meters in radius.

The surface of the barriers shimmered with a dreamlike, peculiar glow and intricate patterns. They didn't appear heavy at all, resembling glass that would shatter with a gentle touch.

"?!" Without even enough time to react, the vampire was sealed inside the coffin.

She manipulated the blood on the ground, forming blood puppets and attempting to launch an attack towards the barriers, but with an invisible fluctuation, puppets completely vanished within the barriers.

"It's useless," the figure in the black robe shook his head. "These are four dimensional barriers leading to an unknown realm. Beyond them lies a chaotic space where humans cannot survive. Once any part of the body crosses this boundary, it will be completely obliterated."

"By the way, the barriers have no physical form, so unless I release you, they cannot be broken."

Upon hearing this, Octavia lifted her head and looked towards the sky above.

That position had no barrier.

With a cold smile, she leaped into the air, her blood wings unfurling from her back, transforming into a blur as she flew upward.

Next second, Octavia's expression froze on her face.

"Splish, splish, splish, splish--"

Accompanied by a series of piercing sounds, countless sharp wooden spikes surged from the ground like thorns, instantly piercing through Octavia's body and pinning her in mid-air!

"I forgot to tell you," the mysterious figure in the black robe chuckled silently. "I am a dual-element mage."


On Octavia's face, pierced and filled with disbelief, an expression of despair involuntarily appeared.

What kind of monster had Char provoked?

As a vampire, even if her body was pierced, her resilient life force wouldn't be on the verge of death.

However, if her brain was pierced by an ancient artifact with sacred attributes, it would be a different story.

Under Octavia's silent gaze, the figure in the black robe picked up the fallen "Hymn of Light" from the side and weighed it in his hand.

As a space attribute mage, with a simple teleportation spell, he could easily send this blade into her brain without any obstruction.

Octavia gently closed her eyes.


The figure in the black robe pronounced calmly.

But at that moment, a voice that surprised everyone unexpectedly resounded.


Upon hearing the words, the figure in the black robe turned his gaze toward the dilapidated magical tool shop.

A lady in a black fringe gown, whose appearance was unknown when she arrived at the entrance, stood there.

Her long hair cascaded behind her, and her delicate face showed no signs of panic. She held a sharp blade in her hand, positioned horizontally against her smooth neck, her expression calm.

Novala spoke again, "Everyone, drop your weapons and stop."

"Why should I listen to you?"

The figure in the black robe smiled lightly and replied.

"I know that in your eyes, I've never been seen as a living human being," Novala's temperament seemed to have undergone an astonishing transformation, completely devoid of her previous innocence and timidity. "But even if I'm just an object, I am the most crucial part of your so-called plan, right?"

"Go on."

The tone of the figure in the black robe seemed to hold a hint of appreciation.

"If I were to suffer a fatal injury, your plan wouldn't be able to proceed, would it?"

"In that case, shouldn't everyone present temporarily follow my advice and put down their weapons?"

Novala spoke calmly.

"What makes you think I can't stop you before you harm yourself?" The figure in the black robe smiled. "Moreover, I don't believe that a puppet who has been imprisoned in an estate since childhood would have the courage to commit suicide."

"Then, let's give it a try."

Nova moved the blade in her hand slightly, and a stream of crimson blood flowed from the wound, but her expression remained unchanged.

At this moment, a unique elegance and strength, exclusive to Lady Novala, slowly bloomed within her.

"Ding dong—"

After a moment of silence, the mysterious figure in the black robe took the lead, dropping the dagger from his hand and removing the wooden spikes and spatial restraints on Octavia.

He continued, "I have shown my sincerity."

"Since you know that you are important to our plan, should we endlessly comply with all your demands if you keep using lives as leverage?"

"You should understand that it's impossible."

"Of course, I understand." Novala nodded, "Release Octavia and refrain from pursuing innocent people involved in this matter. That's my only request."

"Afterward, I will leave with you."

"Fine, I promise you. We will withdraw from here and give her time to escape the capital city."

The figure in the black robe didn't hesitate much and agreed.

"I won't believe your promises, so I will remain in my current state until your plan is implemented."

"Fair enough."

The figure in the black robe waved his hand.

The surrounding soldiers immediately received the order and withdrew from the nearby streets like a tide.

"Although she appears to be severely injured, considering the powerful healing ability of a vampire, she still retains considerable combat capability." The figure in the black robe shrugged. "So, from now on, I won't pursue her. It should be enough time for her to escape."

"As for what actions the Tower of Judgment or the Inquisition might take later, that's beyond my scope of influence."

"How about that? Is my sincerity sufficient?"

"Indeed," Lady Novala chuckled softly. "However, before we leave, I want to say something to her."


When Char hurriedly arrived at the scene, what greeted her eyes was a street resembling a ruin.

People were slowly gathering in the surrounding area, seemingly observing what had just happened here.

It was hard to imagine that in the capital city, after such intense battles, no official personnel had intervened within a short period of time.

Perhaps this was the result of the intervention and maneuvering by the organization known as "Sol."

Char took a deep breath and walked quickly into the depths of the alley.

The ground was covered with slowly drying dark red blood, faintly revealing the signs of the fierce battle that had taken place here.

Nervously, he looked around before finally seeing a frail figure struggling to support her body at the end of the ruins.

That figure was bathed in blood, covered in wounds from head to toe.


Char quickly stepped forward and embraced Octavia's battered body.

"I'm sorry I'm late."

Although he felt that these words sounded silly, at this moment, there was nothing else that could express his feelings of guilt.

"I'm fine." Octavia coughed out a mouthful of blood and then swallowed it back with some pain. "They... just left not long ago. They took the fat woman with them, saying they... need to complete some plan."

"I know, but right now you are more important."

Char took a deep breath and forced a smile.

"What's wrong, worried about this old lady?" The white-haired little girl giggled. "I... told you, how could a smelly boy like you resist the temptation of a mature woman like me?"

Char remembered the banter from their previous encounters and couldn't help but laugh and cry, "With you in this state, you still have the energy to say such things?"

"Oh, by the way... this is for you."

Saying that, Octavia took a book out of her pocket and handed it to Char.

It was the copy of "Jane Eyre" left by Novala.

"She said thank you." A hint of helplessness flashed in Octavia's eyes. "And... goodbye."

"I understand."

Char nodded without much emotional fluctuation.

"Go after them, don't worry about me..." Octavia's eyebrows furrowed. "Make sure you kill that old bastard for me... and rescue that fat woman."

"The teleportation magic device I asked you to make, is it ready?"

Watching the scene in front of his, Char suddenly remembered something and asked.

"Of course, who do you think I am?"

Saying that, Octavia trembled as she reached into her dimensional ring and took out a vine-wood wand embedded with a large piece of Voidstone.

Char nodded and took the wand.

Then, he noticed that the sinister smiling pattern he used for the teleportation ritual to the Abyssal Palace was floating in a strange state at the center of the Voidstone.

This wand, which cost tens of thousands of gold coins to counterfeit, had the sole function of teleporting a person to the Abyssal Palace.

As mentioned before, the forbidden book that Char used for the teleportation ritual was provided by Octavia, so she had some awareness of what he was currently doing.

"When you meet that being later, tell her you are a friend of Char. If she doesn't know who Char is, tell her 'Cinderella and the Glass Slipper.'"

In Char's hand, magical energy fluctuations slowly gathered.

"What are you... what are you going to do?" Octavia said in surprise.

She wanted to get up to stop Char, but she could hardly even make such a simple movement.

At the same time, in her line of sight, the soldiers and members of the Night Shadow Society who had just retreated were slowly approaching the street again.

Obviously, the mysterious figure in the black robe was not as he appeared on the surface, abiding by the agreement.

"Don't worry, she's a good person, she won't harm you." Char comfortingly patted her little head. "As for the revenge you mentioned..."

The wand in Char's hand emitted a silver light, engulfing Octavia, and she instantly disappeared.

Facing countless knights and assassins, Char slowly stood up with her back to them.

A black armor appeared on her body.

"I got it."

WTF 4234 words

HIT_ME_IF_YOU_CANcreators' thoughts