
Prologue || War Never Changes


It never changes.

Two sides, fighting for what they want.

For what they think they deserve.

Fighting with their own superpowers and specialties.

But war between two people... Does that even exist?

Of course, it does.

Two divorcing parents, for example.

They're fighting with the powers of words, and mostly non-physically.

They pull other people, like their lawyers and families, into their own misery.

War isn't very different from that.

Like Shrek and Prince Charming, Wolverine and Stryker, Deadpool and Francis.

My story's in the same can of soup.

I've once had war with someone too, you see.

But I called for help...

Spider-Man is not the only teenager who became a superhero.

On the contrary...

I even knew four of them..."



16 years ago...

A black-purplish blast of energy was released. "Give up, Nourelle!" he screamed frantically.

She answered with a white shield. "Never!" She ducked aside when he smashed another shot. It missed and hit one of the remaining pillars of the temple.

"You know you can't win this!" he maniacally laughed. VAVLAM!!! He blasted her.

She screeched. Then, she looked up. "Yes, but escaping is an option, " she panted. She gathered all of her power to summon a white portal right behind her.

He frowned slightly when she suddenly leaned backward and fell, straight through the glowing gate. He then sprinted forward, ready and steady to follow her and finish the fight. Whoops. The portal closed already. "Ugh, too bad!" he exclaimed. He bent over and looked at the place where the portal first appeared. "Oh, you just wait until I lay my hands on you, Nourelle Uni-- Umina-- Umino-- Un--" He growled. "And I will take care of it that you change your goddamn name, woman!" He summoned his own, black-purple portal and left with one last hair flick.