

Nathan_Walls · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

Rosenrra is chasing the wolf, hoping to kill it for some wolf meat. But it was a white wolf, so it had 10x better stats than a normal magic wolf, so the fact that Rosenrra could keep up with it was impressive but not impossible., The wolf slowed down. Rosenrra grabbed a stick from the ground while still running. He tried to use the time key, but it was still wasn't letting Rosenrra use its abilities. He then used the storage key to bring a crossbow out from the key. Rosenrra shot the wolf in the leg after that Rosenrra then and used the storage key to trap the wolf, and after that; Rosenrra heads back to the cabin and tells Wisdom I couldn't kill it but I trapped it wisdom replied, don't worry you tried, just release it Rosenrra replied, ok then he used the storage key sulking and released the wolf but it appeared 20 ft away from Rosenrra. He thought, wasn't it supposed to appear in front of me? Wisdom said, How did you do that well? You have a new ability to master. Chapter 3 end