
Dad is Missing!

"Xiao Hui, it has been a long time since you last came home. Do come and visit Dad soon." Zhang Xiuhui was shocked by the changes that happened at home within a day. Just few hours ago, she received a message from her father, asking her to come back. But when she is back, she saw that her family house was cleared, leaving nothing around.

"Lady Hui… Your father entrusted me with this note and he said not to open until you have reached the main house." Zhang Xiuhui did not know what to say when Housekeeper Liu approached her with the letter that was left behind.

Zhang Xiuhui was irritated by her father's method of doing things. She wanted to shout and scream but instead, she immediately went to the backyard and jumped down the pool to cool her brain. She did not want her anger to cloud her judgment. She had to think, what exactly happened that her father went missing and her house was being cleared.

Housekeeper Liu knew that was going to happen because Zhang Xiuhui has that habit since young. Whenever Zhang Xiuhui's father, Zhang Rongguang did something that angered her, she would jump down the pool, irregardless of the weather and temperature of the pool.

"Lady Hui, please get out of the pool before you fall sick. The season is changing so it is easier to fall sick during this period." Housekeeper Liu said and handed towels to Zhang Xiuhui and asked her to take a warm bath before drinking some ginger tea.

Zhang Xiuhui did what Housekeeper Liu instructed and she went over to the main house which her uncle, Zhang Xing is staying. Since her father mentioned about going to the main house, surely Zhang Xing knows about the situation.


"Uncle, I'm back." Zhang Xiuhui greeted and was welcomed by Zhang Xing. He is still young, just few years older than Zhang Xiuhui but due to the incompetency of Zhang Rongguang, he was choose to take over the company until Zhang Xiuhui graduate from university.

Zhang Xing was glad to see his niece back. He was stressing over how to get her to come back on her own because it just wasn't right for him to push the responsibility of what Zhang Rongguang did onto a young lady that isn't of age. After conflicting over his morals and responsibilities, he decided to tell Zhang Xiuhui and let her decide her actions.

"Xiao Hui, Brother Guang actually stolen our family heirloom. It was supposed to be given to you and your potential husbands when you are of age. Now that it has gone missing, we'll need you to retrieve it back. I don't know if he left any hints for you, but I know that he sold the keys." Zhang Xing offered Zhang Xiuhui to sit before breaking the news to her.

Zhang Xiuhui doesn't seem to be shocked. She knew how much of an asshole her father is but she just didn't expect that her father had the guts to steal the family heirloom and sell it to others. She recalled having a letter left by her father.

"Uncle, now that I think about it, he actually left a letter telling me to open only when I'm at the main house. That's actually the reason I'm here as well." Zhang Xiuhui said and took out the letter, passing it to Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xing opened the letter and saw the familiar handwriting that he hasn't seen for years since he took over as the head of the family. He was hesitant about opening the letter as it did not explicitly state who it was addressed to.

"Xing, Xiao Hui, I'm so sorry for stealing the twelve horoscope keys. But good news, I've sold it to heirs of different families and it should be easy for Xiao Hui to get it back with her abilities.

Xiao Hui, please do your best to retrieve the keys and not let anyone have it. It is extremely important to the Zhang family but I have my own reasons for selling it. It was to keep it safe for the time being. Please don't bother to look for me because by now I should be on the plane to visit someone.

Xing, you should know the reason why I've stolen the heirloom and sold it to others instead of keeping it in your possession. I won't reveal much, but please keep your conscience clear. I'll be back when it is time for me to come back.

I know that I've not been a good father and a good brother to both of you. I'm aware of my incompetence but that does not mean that my daughter is incompetence like me. I trust that Xiao Hui is able to keep the Zhang family in order."

Zhang Xiuhui asked Zhang Xing to give the letter back to her after he finished reading. She found the content of the letter weird. What did her father meant when he said that he only sold the heirloom so that it is safe? It seems like there were many things about the family that she isn't aware of.

This is the first original novel that I've written and it is inspired by Fairy Tail. I thought that the horoscope keys was great. I'm not really good at writing so I hope that everyone is able to tolerate me. Do drop me some comments and I'll read every comments.

I will be updating this novel as I write. As you can guess, there's twelve horoscope so the story is going to be pretty long with many different characters appearing :)

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