
kennel 127

hey so this is a disclaimer the universe I write in is indeed based on DC but there's no real connection to any previous DC story so dont try to make sense of it by connecting it to the DC universes you know. also leave a review please this is my first story so I'm looking for what i need to improve on.

blueberryrush · Autres
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the barnes family

My name is Kelvin barnes I'm 17 years old

I have no social life I have no friends and I'm not in any clubs because of this everyone I know assumes I'm as plain as a board with no personality or hobbies and interests but that's not true I have a hobbie well some may call it an obsession but I like to call it a hobbie and that is to make money... what were you expecting me to say watching baseball or collecting coins perhaps? well fuck no I live in a magical land of east Gotham slums where the mafia infested port is 5 blocks away and the crooks in uniform otherwise known as cops are 10 blocks away.

I live in kenel 127 what a person with a lack of human decency or a landlord would call an apartment. I stay with my older sister who's file at the police department has it's own storage room although you cant really blame her, dad is nowhere to be seen and her mom drowned herself in the Gotham canal, how was a small child going to take care of and feed her baby brother? yep she went full psycho murdering people and feeding me their carcasses... did I scare you? nah I'm just kidding although I'm sure she's considered it she just became a pick pocketing guardian angel she got caught not too long after lucky for her she had the sense to conduct business in central Gotham where the cops aren't on the criminals payroll so the guys let her off easy after getting her to promise never to do it again, and she of course did it again. over time my big sister really made a name for herself in the underground eventually her totally legitimate business went from a petty pickpocketing to a full blown protection agency yeah I wonder how that happened too I mean I guess it wasn't hard you grow up in the slums especially as a orphan and you get tough real quick I've seen my sister plow through guys 3 times her size needless to say she had a knack for fighting so pretty soon everyone east of the Gotham canal knew my sisters name in two ways one as the underground kickboxing champion and the other as the figurehead of 42cd street protection agency at least 200 guns strong making it one of the largest criminal organizations in east Gotham so too make a long story short my sister was making more than half the people in Gotham combined so when my sister made it big the first thing she did was send me to a bigger and better school in central Gotham where all the rich egotistical children go to get their education so of course when you throw a low life like me into a crowd of man eating millionaires the only thing that's going to happen is chaos and that's exactly what happened. big shocker.