
Apologies for the Inconvenience


Li Shaodian of Humble Peak was fuming with anger, his beard almost flying off.

“You two little beasts, you won’t be having dinner tonight!”

“You think you can bring glory to Humble Peak by pulling off this act?!”

“Although Humble Peak has had a notorious reputation in the past, it was earned through our strength. When others spoke of Humble Peak, it was with fear and awe.”

“But now, Humble Peak has become a garbage peak, a despicable peak.”

Li Shaodian searched around and finally pulled out a bamboo board from his room.

“All of you, get down!”

“If I don’t make your backsides bloom today, then Humble Peak might as well cease to exist.”

Chen An’nian and Xia Longque were terrified, their faces turning pale.

Damn, is he really going to hit us?!

This is unbearable!

“Master, Little Junior Brother has a competition tomorrow. If he gets injured now, he won’t be able to participate,” Xu Shouqiao said with a brave face.

“You idiot!”