
Keep on Coming Back to You

Do you believe in "love at first sight"? Your answer may be "no". But for Joseph, a University student, he fell in love with a same aged boy first day of school. His name was Nathan. The two boys were both deeply in love with each other. However, their love was prohibited and others started to spread hate on their love. Somehow, Nathan's heart was shaken by the surroundings and started to question his love to Joseph. Will they get through all the difficult times? Will their love lasts forever? Find out in this book!

Milliliter · LGBT+
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25 Chs

Part Sixteen

"Take a seat!" Mrs Henderson said before she went to the kitchen.

Allison looked around and noticed that Nathan was not home.

"Mrs Henderson? May I ask where is Nathan?" she asked.

"Oh! He's probably having lunch with his friends. He'll be home soon." Mrs Henderson shouted from the kitchen.

"Okay..." Allison answered and picked up a photo frame from the coffee table. It was a picture of Nathan in his graduation gown. She wiped the picture with her thumb gently while having some fond flashbacks of her relationship with Nathan.

"Here's your tea, Allison." Mrs Henderson handed Allison a mug of tea. Allison immediately put down the photo frame and replied, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Mrs Henderson grinned and sat opposite Allison.

"By the way, why did you come back here?" Mrs Henderson asked Allison.

"The main reason is that the living environment here is a lot better than my new place so I decided to come back here to study." Allison said with her hands wrapped around her mug of tea.

"Where do you live now? Did you come back alone?" Mrs Henderson asked.

"Yeah... I came back by myself and now I live in the school dormetry." Allison answered.

"Wow! You're such an independent girl!" Mrs Henderson exclaimed, "By the way, are you studying in the same university as my son?"

"Yes." Allison replied with a timid smile.

"That's amazing! I need to tell him that!" Mrs Henderson said excitedly with her eyebrows raised.

"We've met before actually... We've had lunch together too."

"What? He never told me that! Did you guys get back together?"

"No, we didn't."

"You two are so cute together!" Mrs Henderson leaned forward and whispered, "I will tell my son to get you back!"

Allison nodded and smiled. She was a bit shocked as she did not expect Nathan's mom would say all that. But knowing that Mrs Henderson still liked her, she felt flattered and happy.

"Are you guys the same class? Do you..."

Their conversation kept going on. Allison felt like she just went back in the time when she was still with Nathan. Back in the day, Nathan always took her home. Whether it was for lunch, for dinner or even for a sleepover, Nathan's mom always welcomed her. They all got along very well and chatted about different things.

And now, Allison revisited the place that she used to go all the time, everything felt familiar and warm.

Mrs Henderson kept on chatting with her for a while until someone rang the door bell.

"I'll get the door." Mrs Henderson got up from her seat at once and opened the door after peeking through the peephole.

"Thanks mom." Nathan walked in and took his shoes off.

"Look who's here." his mom whispered to him.

Nathan raised his head and noticed that Allison was sitting on the couch, checking her phone.

"Allison?!" he crooked his eyebrows, "Why is she here?"

"I invite her here, son. Go talk to her, I need to make dinner." his mom replied.

"What?! But Mom!" Nathan grumbled.

"No buts! Just chat with her, okay?" his mom said to him and went to the kitchen.

Nathan sighed and went to talk to Allison.

"Hi." Nathan said.

Allison raised her head and saw Nathan standing next to her. "Hi!" she grinned.

"So... Did my mom invite you here?" Nathan sat opposite Allison.

"Yes. I saw Mrs Henderson in the street and she told me to go to her house." Allison answered.

"Okay..." Nathan replied and took out his phone. He did not really want to talk with Allison so he decided to look at his phone.

Allison felt a bit awkward as she really wanted to chat with Nathan but she did not know what to say. After seconds of hesitating, she decided to ask Nathan the question she wanted to ask for a long time.

"Actually, I went to your house on purpose..." Allison said in a soft voice after taking a deep breath.

Nathan looked up from his phone and asked, "What do you mean?"

"I... I came here to meet you." Allison stuttered, looking down.

"What?" Nathan tilted his head.

"I just want to ask you one thing..." Allison blushed.

"What is it?"

"I... I still have feelings for you. Is there any chance we can get back together?" she finally plucked up her courage to ask the question that she wanted to ask for a long time.

"I..." Nathan did not know how to answer. He could not believe Allison just asked him that.

They both did not speak for a while, making the whole situation very awkward.

"I... I have something to do. I need to go now..." Allison quickly made up an excuse to escape from the awkward situation. She got up from the couch and left the house.

Nathan was still in shock. He did not know how to deal with this situation. His mom heard the door close so she went out of the kitchen to take a look.

" Son? Where's Allison?" she asked.

" Oh... She... she has things to do. She left." Nathan stuttered.

"Oh okay." she smiled and went back to the kitchen.

'Gosh... Why do I have to deal with this?' Nathan thought to himself.

He held his forehead tightly with his palm and his eyebrows were furrowed. He felt stressed and helpless.

"What should I do now..." he murmured to himself and stared at the ceiling with dull eyes.

Meanwhile, Allison just got back to the school dorm. She opened the door to her room and walked inside.

"You're back! How does it go?" Kira asked excitedly.

"I'll tell you later. I want to take a shower first." Allison said to Kira before going straight to the bathroom.

"Umm... Okay..." Kira was a bit worried when she saw that Allison did not look happy. She went to sit on her own bed and waited for Allison.

After a while, Allison came out of the bathroom.

"You okay?" Kira asked worriedly.

Allison nodded and sat on her bed opposite Kira.

"What happened, Allie?"

"So... I asked him. I didn't wait for him to answer. I left." Allison explained to Kira what happened while looking down.