
Identity Of The Mist

It was the next day, which was a Friday. Approaching the school's gate was Ken and he made his way to his class. As he opens the class door, he sees something weird, Zayn was in his class talking to Ethan. Confused, Ken approaches them and says,

"Hey Ethan, hope you where able to study last night."

Ethan replies, "Yeah, I was able to study a little."

Zayn stretches his hand for a handshake and speaks to Ken, "Hey Ken, I am Zayn, a third year and also a member of the Council of colors."

At that point in time, there was a moment of silence, Ken also stretches his hand to receive the handshake with a smirk across his face. Ken shook his hand firmly with both of them staring deeply into each others eyes. Ethan wanted to say something to break up the tension between them but he couldn't.

Zayn released his grip and walked away, exiting the class. As he was exiting, he said "See you guys later." After Zayn was gone, Ken asks, " What did he talk to you about?"

"He asked how long have we been friends? Which I replied, "since middle school". After that, he asked what my ability was and that's when you walked in." said Ethan.

"We have to be careful around that guy, that guy is really sketchy." said Ken.

"Yeah, you are right, he gives me a weird feeling." said Ethan.

The bell rings and the students all sat down and classes began.

After some few hours, it was now lunch time. Ken doesn't really like to eat the cafeteria meals, so Ethan often prepared an extra meal for Ken. They mostly go up to the roof top to eat their lunch, it was their favorite spot to chat, eat, relax and think about stuff. After eating their lunch, they left the roof top and descended the stairs heading off to the main hallway.

[In The Hallway]

As they were going to class, the hallway was filled with lots of students who were getting prepared for their club activities. Suddenly, Ken bumped his shoulder into Leo. (The blue seat in the Council Of colors, with the ability called Cheetahs Fang with its traits being agility and speed.)

Leo turned his head and stared at Ken, within a split second he punches Ken leaving him unconscious.

Ken wakes up and takes a look around. He realizes that he was in the infirmary. It seemed that school had closed and then Ethan walks in and asks,

" Hey Ken, you feeling alright?" said Ethan.

" Yeah, but everything is kind of fuzzy thou. What happened?" said Ken.

" We were in the hallway then you bumped into some guy, and he got pissed off then used his ability that seemed to be super speed or something to knock you out." said Ethan.

Ken replies, "Oh yeah, he was really quick but I somehow sensed his movements a little."

The nurse walks in and says to Ken, " Alright Ken, you can go home now it seems you didn't get any serious damages." Ethan helped Ken pack his belongings and they went home. When Ken reached his house, he made his way up to his bedroom and laid on his bed to rest and he eventually slept.

That very night Ken had a weird dream. In his dream there where flashes of his childhood that he had forgotten, in the dream he was about eight(8) years old and he was roaming an old house, opening doors from one door to another door. He opens a huge door that led to an office and in the office chair was a shadow figure of a man sitting in an office chair.

Out of fright, Ken woke up and it was already day break, a Saturday. He whispers to himself, " What was that dream." He gets up from his bed, brushed his teeth, took a shower and went to the kitchen. In the kitchen was his mom, "Mrs. Larson who was preparing breakfast for him and his little brother. Ken's father was a business man who often travelled around the world so he was rarely at home.

Ken sat down and had breakfast with his family. Then Mrs. Larson said,

"Ken today I would love for you to finally clean the garage like you promised you would."

Ken replies, " ok mom, am goanna get right to it."

With haste Ken went into the garage and before him was a garage filled with boxes. He began to lift the boxes one after the other, as he was lifting the boxes there was a odd box that was sitting in the corner of the garage. Ken pulls out the box and noticed that the box had something written on it on it, "Larson family Treasures". He dusts off the box and opens it, the box contained books, artifacts and letters in the box. He goes through the items one by one, before him was a book which was odd compared to the rest of the books. The cover of the book had a different color than the other books. The book was titled, "The Larson Family Techniques".

Ken opened the book and the introduction said as follows;

" This book is based on the great Larson family techniques which were discovered by their ancestors. These techniques cannot be used by any other individual except blood relatives of the Larson family. There are four(4) volumes of this book and this is the first volume.

Warning:- The contents of this book is life threatening for people who are not blood relatives of the Larson family. If this book is discovered outside the territory of the Larson family, it should be returned to the IP address below."

Ken opens the second page which contained the first technique which had a title called, "Mist Punch". Taking a glance at the instructions, he noticed that the first sentence of the next page requires the individual to be in an open space.

After reading that he closed the book and continued to clean the garage but this time with some sort of urgency. After an hour, he was done cleaning the garage. He went to the kitchen to tell Mrs. Larson he was heading out. Ken went to the garage, took the book, hoped on his bike and left the house.

In a few minutes, he reached his destination which turned out to be the forest nearby. He found an open space among the trees and opened the book to read the instructions from the book which stated;

"You must be in an open space, away from other people who might get hurt. Now, the energy within every person is called Zen. Firstly, you have to learn how to control and gather zen within your body. To do that, you have to close your eyes and picture a trail of black smoke slowly moving through your body from one point in the body to another point. Whiles doing that, you are supposed to keep your breathing in check. After that concentrate all that zen into your hands and now strike a fist."

After reading all these instructions, Ken began to follow the instructions. He closed his eyes and began to picture a trail of black smoke flowing in his body and he started to picture all that black smoke gathering in his hands, then he strikes a fist which launches black smoke from his hands and this black smoke was in the shape of a fist. The trail of smoke knocks down a tree. Ken opens his eyes and was amazed with what was before him, at the trunk of the fallen tree was an imprint of Ken's fist. He tries this technique and again and knocks down another tree, but now he tries the technique again and this time he had his eyes open. He throws a fist and this time it was different the power of his mist punch had increased extremely which knocks down a lot of trees instead of a single tree this time.

In shock, Ken stood there wondering what just happened. He stares at his hands, confused, he tries the technique again as he did, but something weird happened instead knocking down loads of trees like before he knocks down a single tree just like his first try. It was now getting late, so Ken decided to go home, he hoped on his bike and went home.

It's the next morning, a Sunday. Ken wakes up and immediately calls Ethan on his phone and tells Ethan to meat him at the forest around 10:00 am and he tells Ethan the precise spot to meet up. Ethan replies, "ok….I will be there." It was 10:00am and Ken was already at the meeting spot and shortly Ethan arrives to the spot.

"Ken what's happening? You seemed worried on the phone." said Ethan.

"I don't know how to explain it to you but I think I am finally developing my ability." said Ken.

"Well then, show me." said Ethan.

Then Ken tries the technique leaving a trail of black smoke and knocking down a tree. With Ethan in shock,

" what just happened? How did you even do that? Do you know the name of your ability now? Does that move have a name?" said Ethan

" What's with all these questions Ethan, I don't even know much about my ability, but it turns out that move is called Mist Punch." said Ken.

" Alright, could you do it again?" said Ethan.

"Yeah….Alright." said Ken.

With that Ken performs the technique again, but he felt that something was wrong this time. The power of the technique this time blew away a whole lot of trees than the initial accident. The trees were blown high into the sky and they began to fall down, in this moment Ken was scared and could not move a muscle. The trees were falling and as Ken looks at Ethan, he realizes a huge log from the trees was about to fall on Ethan and he yells out, "ETHAN! ETHAN! GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!!"