
Every Moment:

Life is a gift of God that everyone believes but we cannot realize the meaning of it, we have the life but we are not living it. Such as we forget to live life with our full of heart, we forget ourselves in a runaway world. We forget to smile even we cannot doing such things that we love to do. So please, think for an instant and then you realize that you forget to live life and be aware from it that life doesn't give you another chance for living. The moment you have now it is really precious we have to live for ourselves. Every time we are depressed and thinking about others there is no time for ourselves I can't say that, that you can't live for other's or not give happiness to other's, go and give all happiness to others but make sure that your smile cannot be blown away in the air doesn't make it burden for yourself. Let I am giving an example of life think about the flower that is not opened completely that is not looking more beautiful and fresh am I right if this flower was opened and blooming so now it looks better. Life is also like that until we cannot live our life it cannot looks beautiful and it is meaningless. Take some moments and makes them special and alive. Every moment becomes so valuable if you live it for yourself.

Regards Kausar Thaheem from Pakistan.

Lots of love💗.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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