
Karmic Emperor

Alucard Vlad Tepes, a man who revolutionized the whole world to its futuristic era was destined to die at the age of 40. Alucard possesses a power that could overthrow the world but he uses it for the betterment of humankind. Despite his achievements, Alucard can't escape the grasp of death. With his cursed power, Alucard knows his death is inevitable. But, Death is just the beginning, how will Alucard live in the world of the unknown? A world where humans achieved super strength, mystical powers, and manipulation of the laws and elements. Find out, just click the read button and follow the journey of Alucard in the world of cultivation. ( Seriously, please read my book :) )

Forgettable_Author · Oriental
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14 Chs

Chapter 8 - Undercover

Li Duyi returned to his abode when the meeting finished. Upon returning, the first thing he does is formulate a plan for reformation for the sect and make sure no corruption, bribery, or any other malicious influence could harm his sect. For him to do that is by blending with the outer disciples who are rampant with bribery, corruption, and such. He informed Chu Yin and the ancestors of his plan and was approved.

His second plan is by giving modified manuals that are 10x better to the sect leader and the ancestors. He gives a modified manual to Elder Mo who he knows is trustworthy. With his vision, it is easy for him to differentiate lies and truths by seeing them. He could also read body language despite them hiding well.

Finally, his third plan is to make a cloning technique, a perfect cloning technique that could relay information that the clones read to the host. It might seem easy with his achievements of creating a better manual but it is not as no manual could do clones and he must experiment on his own.

With that, he finally descended out of his abode with a new face, not too handsome but enough for others to not be jealous, and had a friendly face. He wore the outer sect disciple's clothes and at first, many disciples were trying to remember if there is someone like him in the sect but then, they remembered that some disciples like to be in seclusion.

Meaning, it is normal for them to not remember him. Since most outer sect disciples are at the age of 16, some of them interact with Li Duyi who goes by the name Du Yen.

Li Duyi, now known as Du Yen gave his best as a friendly neighborhood and asked what happened in the sect when he was away in seclusion.

Xue Kang, an outer sect disciple. He has a massive build like a bear, and arms that could tear someone apart, but his personality is like a friendly dog that likes to interact with others. That's the first impression he has of Xue Kang.

" Hmm, about that. Let's talk about the beginning when the Young Sect Leader joined the sect, when he first joined the entrance examination, the young sect leader got the first place among all participants and was awarded many benefits. Then, fast forward, a banquet was held which the Sect Leader attended and had a spar with the young sect leader. It was one of sight, the young sect leader was praised by the sect leader for using the surroundings to his advantage and would have landed a blow if the sect leader doesn't have any qi barrier around him. Then, the sect leader announces that he became the young sect leader just like that. Isn't that bizarre, of course, many disciples voice out but the sect leader doesn't care and the disciples know why, it's because they are jealous of the young sect leader. " Xue Kang enthusiastically told him, making hand movements and replicating what he had seen.

" It was a beautiful fight done by the young sect leader. He was a figure that was idolized by many disciples and of course, it doesn't just end there. When he was at the library, he killed a sect disciple and not just any sect disciple, he was just a mortal back then and he killed an inner sect disciple with a cultivation of body tempering 8th stage, which is at the peak level. He was so awesome and strong that many disciples want to be like him, I was the same as them. Then, fast forward, he created a new manual on his own that is super strong that in a hundred meters, most of the qi was gone, and the sect master and all the elders congratulate him. Then, he declared that he will repay his debt by making the One Sword Sect a leading figure in the future. The heavens decided to reward the sect with a hundred years of prosperity and luck, that's why most of the disciples right now are having rapid improvements in their cultivation. " Xue Kang added.

" He is like a meteor that crashes upon the one sword sect with the biggest impact that changes the sect in one go with just his presence. That's how awesome and cool he is, how about it? Do you want to join the fan club of Heroically Sect Young Leader? Join and you'll get these beautiful clothes and let's support the Young Sect Leader to become the Sect Leader and make him the youngest Sect leader of One Sword Sect. " Xue Kang offered a paper to Du Yen.

Du Yen looked at him weirdly but he doesn't show it and instead gave him a friendly smile.

" Ah, about that. I can't join that club as I am still busy with my cultivation. I appreciate it though, thank you for the offer. Let's see each other soon, Xue Kang." Du Yen said, dampening the mood of Xue Kang as he nodded.

" Yeah, it was nice talking to you too, see you later, Du Yen." They then part ways while Du Yen shuddered at their antics and the cringe fanclub name.

' What have I done? I should make sure that every time I move will be in secrecy or else, those fans of mine will flock wherever I go' Li Duyi thought as he was heading towards the mission hall where outer disciples are given tasks by the sect and be rewarded with spirit stones.

Li Duyi also appreciated the beauty of the mesmerizing sect, the sect is composed of multiple tall mountains that have accommodations in each mountain, and there is also an entertainment industry where normal people sell foods and items, and open some inns and entertainment. It's just like a normal country of mortals, but here lives with mortals and cultivators alike.

Even rural areas are bustling with people. Some disciples are also heading to the fighting arena where they'll settle their grudges or have a friendly spar. It promotes a way for disciples to improve and lessen their violent behavior. Of course, some disciples are also allowed to the martial arts library but only 5 hours a day which is plenty enough.

Li Duyi notices that there are also kids around 5 to 10 years old wearing the outer sect disciples' clothing, they are either playing or practicing martial arts. He notices a kid at the age of 10, he was different than others, he doesn't interact with other disciples and only had his mind practicing his sword, Li Duyi notices that the kid is talented in something else and it's not the sword.

Li Duyi walked to the kid and asked.

" What's your name? My name is Du Yen, I think that you don't have any talent with the sword and instead try with something else. It is for your good " Li Duyi said, 'cause every time the kid struck, his movements kept hesitating and not as fluid compared to the swordsmanship of other disciples.

" Why do you care, get away before I shove my wooden sword into your eyes " The kid with a vicious mouth. Li Duyi looked at him before flicking the wooden sword.

" It's for your good kid, if you can hit me at least once, I will not bother you anymore and you must change your weapon if you can't hit me " Li Duyi provoked the bad-tempered kid.

The kid rushes to Li Duyi with a horizontal slash which he dodges and trips the kid, the kid stumbles and hit his face on the tree as he grabs his face in pain.

" Why'd you do that for?" The kid asked in agony.

" I didn't say that I won't fight back" Li Duyi shrugs his shoulder as the kid is tearing up.

" You asshole, I didn't even do anything bad to you. Why are you so hell-bent on making my life suffer more? I'm tired of this world, people kept telling me that I don't have any talent in swords, I know that but I can't just give up my father's legacy. So, don't stop me! " The kid said, crying in tears as he punches Li Duyi who was stunned but Li Diyu regain his bearing and dodges the attack.

" I'm sorry, I didn't know your circumstances and butted in without knowing. How about this, I'll help you pick a suitable weapon for you and while at it, give me your manual. I want to read it and see if I can modify it that can suit your talent " Li Duyi, feeling sorry, decided to offer the kid a better option. The kid looked at him as if he was an idiot.

" Do you think I would just hand over my precious family heirloom to a stranger? Dream on, sucker " He said, picking and raising his sword to Li Duyi. He attack Li Duyi again with a thrust, Li Duyi dodged and the kid followed up with an upward vertical slash, followed by a diagonal slash. Li Duyi kept dodging for minutes until the kid was tired as he drop to the ground, covering his face with his arms, holding his tears.

" Kid, it is better to give up than make your life more miserable, while it might be good and all to continue your father's legacy, it doesn't mean that he wanted to see you in this state. Every father just wanted their kids to succeed even if they don't have to follow their footsteps and make their legacy. How about you gave this spear a try and see if you are compatible with this?" Li Duyi said while handing the kid a wooden spear perfectly balance and perfect for the kid.

The kid reluctantly receives the spear while handing the manual to Li Duyi who grabs it and immediately read it.

" Pan Long, my name is Han Long, son of Pan Ying," Pan Long said, Li Duyi acknowledge him as he shakes his hand and said.

" Nice to meet you, Pan Long, let's be good friends in the future " Li Duyi smiled, then, he continue reading the manual. The name of the manual was named after the sky, called Sky Driving Sword.

It composes of 5 moves:

1. Upward Sky Slash - Using an upward slash attack on the enemy. To achieve mastery, one must have an intent to fly with an upward slash.

2. Downward Sky Thrust - Using the momentum of being in the sky, one must be the one who's on top of the enemy. To achieve mastery, one must be the one who brings others down.

3. Diagonal Sky Slash - Using the momentum of falling, one must use his full body weight to bring a devasting but fluid movement like free wind. To achieve mastery, understand the essence of the wind.

4. Hundred Sky Slashes - Be free as the wind and have the ferocity of a raging wind. To achieve mastery, understand the heaviness, destructive force, and the movement of free wind.

5. One Sky - To be the sky, one must first understand the essence of the wind. To achieve mastery, understanding of the wind element.

" What's with these nonsensical descriptions? How can one learn this manual? First, it talked about the sky and then, the next second it becomes about the wind. Thankfully, I have all of the possible combinations of this manual " Li Duyi said, he began the modification and it took him a minute before finishing the modification. He write down the modified manual and gave it to Pan Long who was practicing with fluidity with the spear. The manual was now named Wind Splitting Spear and composed of three moves.

1. Thrust Splitting Wind - To achieve mastery, one must have the power to split the wind with just the power of thrust

2. Wind Splitting Mirage - A movement technique to supplement the combat technique. Through Wind Splitting Mirage, Thrust Splitting Wind's power will increase 10-fold. To achieve mastery, one must have a speed surpassing that of the wind.

3. One Who Splits - A technique where every attack has the destructive force of splitting wind. From slash to thrust.

The manual also has a description of how to achieve mastery step by step. This technique also has the foundation of tempering as it requires the user to have a strong will to move forward no matter how strong of a wind it is. This manual can be improved more but Li Duyi stop as it is too much on giving such a precious manual to a kid.

" Here you go, it has everything you need here, from mastering it to how strong it's a destructive force. Just to let you know, don't show this manual to others, and also, I have modified the sword technique to match your talent to the sword." Li Duyi said, handing Pan Long's original manual and two modified ones that are based on the original.

Pan Long looked at both of the manuals and thanked Li Duyi, Li Duyi smiled and ruffled his hair before waving his goodbye as he continued towards the mission hall.