
Karma: Infinite Shegama

The world of Arkadia was once a thriving paradise, filled with lush forests, sparkling oceans, and majestic mountains. But everything changed when the immortals invaded The world was ravaged by this immortal invaders, these immortal alien beings brought destruction and chaos, threatening to wipe out all life on Earth. In a desperate bid to protect what was left, of their world, the people of Arkadia banded together and made the ultimate sacrifice. They used their combined power to create the Omnislayer bloodline A warriors that could defeat the immortals and save world. Through countless battles and sacrifices, the Omnislayers succeeded in defeating the Invaders and restoring peace to Arkadia. But their victory came at a cost. the Omnislayers sacrificed alot to defeat the Enemy and restore peace. But now, stirring within a young man is that threat reborn after many years past, granting him unimaginable power and a dangerous destiny. As he grapples with his newfound abilities and the looming threat of darkness, he must choose whether to save the world or succumb to the beast within. The fate of Arkadia hangs in the balance as he faces epic battles, ancient mysteries, and the ultimate choice between salvation He must learn to control his powers, to harness his powers for good. But as the forces of darkness gather against him, he must also confront the ultimate truth – that within him lies the power to either save the world or destroy it. And only by embracing his destiny as the Thirteenth Bearer can he hope to survive the coming storm.

umukoro_prosper · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

C grade

The rest of the days were spent getting Harmony, Rayne, and of course Adrian settled in; the team tried their best to be polite and helpful.

But once in a while, there would always be scoff between the group. A week had gone by now with everyone locked up in the studies, helping Adrian most especially blend into his new world.

"Done," Adrian stomped the huge book he had been reading on the table, breathing out in relief.

He loved reading ancient stuff, but this shitload quantity choked on him is something else. Worse, he had to study all of them before he is free to get out of the temporary detention he had been placed.

"Finally, I'm getting bored to death with all this reading. I thought the corp's is fun, fighting bad guys and kicking ass," Harmony said, throwing off the blood pack she had been sipping on boldly all this while.

More precisely Lilith as she is the one presently in control.

"Don't listen to her," she picked up, her voice gentler this time, obviously Harmony had switched back control.

"I told you girls to always indicate who is in control," Josh chipped in angrily from the side, "I can't stress myself discerning who is in control."

"Sorry about that," Harmony said, a sheepish look on her face. "I know it can be confusing sometimes, but I'm doing my best. I'm still getting used to this whole switching thing."

Ella put a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry about it, we're all still learning," she said. "Just do your best, that's all we can ask for."

"Thanks, I appreciate that," Harmony said, smiling back. "And I promise to do better in the future."

"Hell no, we aren't doing anything. If you can't tell who you're talking to, then bills on you, not us," Lilith chipped in almost immediately, making Ella roll her eyes helplessly.

As for dear Kael, he is stuck at one end with Rayne who is wolfing down a huge meal, making one ask if she is undergoing study or foodie.

Just then, the door to the library opened and Alfred walked in, his eyes scanning everyone and couldn't help but shake his head at Rayne's appetite.

His focus quickly shifted to Adrian, the reason for his visit. "How is your study going, boy? Got the hang of things already or still need to be locked down here for another month."

Everyone shot Adrian a stern gaze, giving him a subtle warning not to make them stay even an hour more here.

Adrian felt the pressure of everyone's gaze on him, and he knew that he had to choose his words carefully. "Well, I'm definitely making progress," he said, trying to sound as optimistic as possible. "I think I'm getting the hang of it, but it's definitely taking some time. Maybe a few more days here would be helpful?"

Alfred's expression softened, and he let out a small chuckle. "You're a smart kid, Adrian," he said. "But let's not push it. I think you've learned enough for now, and it's time to get out of this library. You'll learn the rest as you go, but before that, I'd like to know what you've grasped so far," grabbing one of the sits as he helped himself in.

"Well, I've found out there are more species than the human race. Species only thought to be myth, like Harmony here and that Vincent guy I met earlier are vampires. Rayne over there is a hybrid, Josh, Ella, and Karl are slayers, and I'm a karma bearer; a host for a very powerful fearsome beast we can't afford to let loose."

"I'm a karma bearer too," Harmony added, raising her hands as it began to glow, revealing her karma markings.

Alfred nodded, a thoughtful look on his face. "You've done well to identify the different races," he said, "and you've certainly proven to be a quick learner. But let's not forget the most important thing here - the shegama. Tell me, what do you know about it?"

Adrian's face sobered, and he sat up straighter in his chair. "The shegama is a powerful immortal beast," he said, his voice serious. "It's said to be capable of immense destruction, and it can only be slain by a select few. It's said to have the capability of bringing the extinction of this world."

Alfred nodded, "and you being a karma bearer means?"

"I'm a seedling for the rebirth of a shegama beast, and at that is considered a world-level threat that shouldn't be allowed to live."

Alfred affirmed to his deduction approvingly, "always remember that when you are out of here. Not everyone is happy with your existence, more importantly, the Pronatie. Those vermin would do anything to have their hands on you."

With that, he stood up and exited the library, stopping at the door as he threw a file to Josh, the presumed leader of the group, before he left.

Josh caught the file, looking at it curiously. He opened it and began to read, a serious look on his face.

"What is it?" Ella asked, her voice thick with concern.

"It's...classified information about the Pronatie mission," he looked up at the others, a small smile breaking on his face, "our team had been upgraded to a C class team"

Kael rolled his eyes. "It only means more work for us, no more freedom to visit the clubs as usual."

Josh shot him a cutting gaze, but retained his silence. "Our team's first mission is in a club."

Kael jumped over in a flash, snatching the file from his hands when he heard it's in a club.

Harmony, now Lilith, zapped it away from him and she too went through it excited like a maniac.

"A C class lone Pronatie hiding within White Rabbit Club.

Specie and strength level currently unknown.

Approach with caution, if best prioritize capturing it alive for interrogation, but also remember safety is first priority."

"What the hell, our team isn't close to being a C class team.

Only Rayner is a C class existence here followed by Harmony who is D class," Kael grumbled when he heard the mission.

"Don't forget she is a karma bearer which tops her actual class to C class," Ella chipped in.

"Not to mention we now have two karma bearers in the team, Adrian's strength may be an F class but if you include karma

He is the same level as us, E class," Josh added.

"Don't be so pessimistic," Rayner said, her voice calm and reassuring. "We may not be a C-class team yet, but we can rise to the occasion. Besides, it's not just about power - it's about teamwork and strategy. We can do this if we work together."

Ella nodded. "Rayner's right," she said. "If we approach this with a level head and a clear plan, we can succeed. We just need to stay focused and not let our emotions get the better of us

And no lazing around hiding in the shadows."

Kael didn't look convinced, but he was willing to give it a try, not that he had a choice either.

With that, the team suited up and headed right for White Rabbit Club. The night sure is to get bloody today.

As the sun set, the streets of the city began to fill with the nightlife of its residents. The air was alive with the sounds of laughter and music, and the scent of food and drink filled the air. The White Rabbit Club was bustling with activity, and the team could feel the energy of the place as they approached.

"I'm not going to lie, this is a little nerve-wracking," Adrian said, his voice a little shaky. "I've never done anything like this before."

"Don't worry, we'll be there to support you," Ella said, placing a hand over his shoulder.

They were situated in a black SUV van in the club parking lot.

"We can't take any weapons in the club so as to not alert our target.

So we will have to rely on our own abilities to pull this through at the moment," Josh informed.

"Harmony! You would seek out the Pronatie using your energy sensory ability but do your best not to alert it.

Adrian and I would cover the left exits, Rayne and Ella would cover the right exits and Kael.

You would be on standby to help us with our weapons when we get things covered."

He was expecting Kael to retort or something, but the latter just shrugged his shoulders. "Fine by me."

Everyone looked at each other as if they heard him right but it seems he meant what he said.

"Alright, team," Ella said, a determined look in her eyes. "Let's do this. We need to be quick and efficient. Remember, our goal is to capture the Pronatie, not to cause any harm to the other guests. Let's do this right."

The team nodded in agreement, and with that, they began to move into position. Ella and Rayne headed to the right exits, while Josh and Adrian headed to the left. As for Kael, he stayed with the van, ready to act at a moment's notice.

Well, that's what they saw when leaving, not after leaving because he left soon after.

Heading inside the club to have some fun, wanting to catch a good break after a week of detention.

Meanwhile, inside the club, a young man with amazing charm strolled over to three beauties having a good time.

When the ladies saw him coming over, they couldn't help but act all up, doing what women do best to attract a man.

"Sorry ladies, can any of you help me out, I'm trying to send someone a text but my phone just died."

Showing them his dead phone as he gave them a pleading eyes.

"Sure," one of them said as she brought out her phone and wanted to hand it over to him.

"Thank you so much," the young man said, a grateful smile on his face. But quickly declined the offer.

"Sorry, I'll be troubling you, I'm not really fluent With typing English, can you help me out?" The ladies didn't feel suspicious of his words as his accent isn't fluent with English either.

The one offering the phone decided to help, "So what are you sending?"

"Oh, thanks. It's simply a short message. You are the most pretty lady I've ever met all my life."

"Oohhh, ladies man ehn," she said winking at him as she typed the message out.

The young man shrugged like it couldn't be helped. After adding a few more flirting words, he told her he was done, thanked her, and turned to leave.

The ladies were taken aback by this action. "Hey, mister, you forgot to give me the number I'm sending it to."

"Oh, I forgot to tell you to add your number when you are done, because you are the one it was meant for."

The ladies' jaws dropped in shock. "Wh-what?" one of them stammered. "Are you saying... that you sent that message to me?"

The young man gave her a sly grin. "Of course I did," he said. "I saw you from across the room and I just had to let you know how I felt. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

The ladies looked at each other, their expressions a mix of confusion and disbelief. "But... why would you do that?" one of them asked, her voice shaking.

"I don't know," he smiled helplessly, "maybe I'll be able to find out if these pretties allow me to spoil them tonight. After all, it's rare seeing the goddesses of beauty and charm gathered in one place."

All five ladies were flattered and could only invite this charming handsome man to wine with them.

He struck up an intriguing conversation with them, wowing them with sweet words and compliments every now and then.

Making the ladies lose themselves in his embrace of affection.

Their desire for him skyrocketed as they dove more into his sweet talk and wines offered.