
Karma Corpse System Omniversal

Who doesn't want power to change their destiny? Join our Main character's adventure towards greatness through death. All characters and stories used are created, produced, and owned by other people except the OC, please support the official release. This is my first try at a story so any corrections/advice is appreciated.

Goldenswiftreader · Livres et littérature
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Chapter 3: Montage Continues

1 Year Later

With his time added on due to his perk Tom no longer felt the rush he had to do for the grand tour he had planned, so he decided that instead of selling his properties he had the time to go through the hoops to hand them to his children without the government taking that 40% cut they do when someone dies. It was always his intent to make sure his children had financial security, it's just that he had felt his end looming and wanted to fulfill his dream first. Now though he had the time to make it feasible so he did so. It took him almost a whole year to do so because he wanted his children to get the most out of the properties he owned. Cursing mentally at all the time wastage he was glad when he signed the last line of paperwork and paid his last transaction fee to finally feel the gladness of guaranteeing that his children would receive 90% of his assets split equally. 5% had gone to all that bloody paperwork the other 5% to be used by him for the remainder of his time on this world.

[Ding for Making sure your family gets all the benefits of your lifetime of work and successfully making sure that it goes to the intended target with minimal harming of familial bonds an Achievement is unlocked For The Family! It gives a one time increase in Charisma +2, and the skills of Dominic Toretto from the Fast universe, Skills are Driving G, Fist Fighting F, Car Mechanics H. In addition +5 in positive Karma]

'Well that's weird what's up with the reward, I just wanted to secure my family before continuing the grand tour that I had planned on going on.'

[Since user has a system when an Achievement in a universe is achieved the benefits of achievement will affect more than stats. This Achievement was earned due to the fact that you have succeeded in passing a majority of your wealth to your descendants in such a way as to continue the harmony of your family. In fact because of the way you did it your family for the next few generations will follow in your footsteps and accumulate so much wealth and status that they will become a force for good in the coming centuries.]

'Woah and all I wanted to do was bolster my children's and grandchildren's future.'

While mentally basking in the warmth of knowing his descendants thrive he proceeds to pick up his luggage for the grand tour must begin. For even though he has continued his reign of terror in his house domain he hasn't been very successful in completing many essence absorption's, sure he's gotten close on many of them, but the shear amount needed to complete them was a hindrance. He had contemplated getting a job in extermination unfortunately his age made employment incredibly difficult. They never stated that reason, just that his skills in that field were lacking. The essence he was able to complete was mouse and deer, no others due to the cleverness of raccoons after the first one they avoided his domain and hunting them outside it brought negative Karma due to his lack of knowledge and intent on using the carcass. With the addition of Mouse and Deer he had gained more time, increased some stats and some skills.

Tom decided he would start his tour in South America since he had gained some proficiency in Spanish and Portuguese with all the audio-books he had been listening to in the past year. During all the time in South America he planned on continuing this trend of language learning. Sure it's just audio knowledge, but that would be his first step in the every world he goes to anyway since he would be starting out being born in each universe as a baby. Especially since he has no idea how much control Karma will give him on choosing his next iteration. Also after every visit to a given area he would stop off to see his family, because he wanted to.

8 Months Later

Tom felt pretty good at seeing the sights of each country in South America. Being as it was a tour he was only getting the surface of each country, but what a surface! What beauty, variety, and climate. Turns out his audio-books had only given him the most basic of proficiency, just the interactions alone helped him gain better understandings of the local language. Whenever he had difficulties the guides would help clarify the words. It always helped that he was generous with the tips to smooth things over when conflicts arose. Although conflicts were few because of his stoic demeanor and the visage of his age.

It was time to check in on his family because he felt that in the next continent he went to it would take him a lot longer to tour due to size and complexity. When he landed back in the states he was greeted by his Granddaughter Hestia who had taken time off from her job as a nurse to collect him and take him to the family get together knowing that he wouldn't be staying long. While driving to the party they exchanged small talk about her current goal in life which was to further he education in medicine to research cures for medical issues rather than treatments that are costly and have less than stellar results. After the party Tom decided that rather than go to Europe next he'd go to Australia with a small stop at the south pole on the way back figuring that a tour of Australia wouldn't take as long and still give him the ability to keep brushing up on the languages of the other continents. Before that he spent 2 weeks playing games with his grandchildren and hanging out. After all family is important. Realizing this Tom wondered if in the next set of universes he would love his families there as well. He hoped so if not he would make new families in each new universe.

3 Months Later

Having used the most basic of itineraries he had found that Australia was lovely when seen at a distance, up close it became apparent that it had it's own issues similar to the states just handled differently. In many ways quite refreshing although his state of health was called to question when he got a bit heated from the weather, luckily he had been able to gain Kangaroo essence when he visited a farm during a cull event. A cull event occurs when a kangaroo herd intrudes on farmland and begins to eat the crops. While the South Pole had been extremely cold he found the view to be spectacular.

Tom's next family visit home took 3 weeks this time because he was introduced to some of his new great-grandchildren making him feel blessed at being able to see them and hold them. He thanked the system knowing that without it he wouldn't have been able to hold these little messy, crying bundles of joy. Still thought he had more places to see before he could use any remaining time on being with his family. On to the next set on continents because he wanted to extend his life on earth he decided to go to Greenland to get Reindeer essence then go to the North Pole before swinging back for another stint with his family because he felt that the other 2 continents would take longer to tour.

2 months later

The trip to Greenland was fruitful able to see the sights and obtain a Reindeer essence, didn't need to kill them himself just went with a hunting expedition and help with the processing of the material. Even got the Hunting skill because of all the steps shown by the hunting guide, Learning the Greenlandic language was not as successful, was barely able to get basic proficiency before moving on to the North Pole. That trip while still as cold as the South Pole was less impactful on his body since he gained the Reindeer essence. He was feeling better than ever, but still he went back to visit his family because the next continent would take some time. He stayed with his family a whole month this time to see more of them and assist a bit with the care of his great-grandchildren. He figured the African continent would give him some essence boost when he toured there because of all the variety there that he would find and probably get into contact with.

His Basic Language skill hadn't increased much yet, probably because he was only learning the audio parts of the language he was learning without the written he was only advancing so far in his understanding. Still with every bit of proficiency gained it made learning the basics of another language easier. He had the bare bones of Arabic, French, Swahili, and Yoruba, he was hoping while there he would be able to gain enough proficiency to also use the bare bones of Oromo, Hausa, Zulu, and Shona, but only time would tell since he believed it would take him at least a year to see the bare bones of each tourist site in the countries of Africa.

1.5 Years Later

Tom had been no master of languages so the learning had taken time, especially when conflicts emerged during his travel through the continent. He had seen 4 clashed between warlords where if he had moved in the directions of the corpses he would have died. In each of the conflicts he was escorted away by his guides quickly and quietly. He had the opportunity to go on some hunting tours, but declined as the system notified him that he would incur steep karma loss. Even so he still gained the essence of Impala, Blue Wildebeest, and Zebra due to coming across illegal poached carcasses during his general safaris.

While in west Africa he gained his first complete insect essence which was the Fall Armyworm, an insect originally native to South American countries that had accidentally been brought to Africa. This insect has been devastating the farmlands and upon hearing that Tom joined in the effort of eradicating them, while unsuccessful in wiping the insects out, he had met his essence quota and gained 5 Positive Karma for his efforts as well as a useful one time per life pupa heal Perk. He was able to gain bare bones proficiency in Oromo, Hausa, Zulu, and Shona languages, while increasing Arabic, French, Swahili, Portuguese, and Yoruba to a bit higher understanding.

All the beauty he has seen didn't hide the fact that people were not living well in this great continent. Tom couldn't do much except pay his guides as well as he could and help with a few visa issues using his son's government connections to speedup financial aid and medical services. Unfortunately his son couldn't help with travel visas for non-Americans, just not his department. On a lighter note with the essence's gained he increased his lifespan by 5 years due to making use of the pupa perk when he was injured during 1 of the little safari trips he took in Madagascar. He had fallen and broken his hip the pain knocked him out. After he woke up in the hospital extreme care ward he activated his Pupa Perk while delirious. Surprisingly he didn't end up cocooned, instead he experienced a high need for sustenance. Tom called the nurse and begged for food, which he was given a small amount. Demanding more he offered the nurse a bribe, which was readily accepted. He ate so much he felt like a shonen protagonist. Feeling better he then was notified by the system that he was healed due to perk.

After seeing a little of each country in Africa he once more went home to stay with his family for a longer period than before. The fall had shown him that even though he had a goal he wanted to fulfill rushing would end it prematurely. He spent 6 months with his family while continuing his efforts to learn the languages of the Eurasian continent to make his tour there better. Still though he enjoyed the time with his family. He helped with babysitting his great-grandchildren while his grandchildren worked, went fishing for trout with his son Matthew where he gained Trout essence. He even made progress on raccoon when he got one that was rifling through his daughter's garbage. Tom even made some progress on his languages for his Eurasian trip.

'Stats' Tom asked curious as to how his progress has gotten

Race: Zoomorphic Human (Human with many animal traits)

Age 83 Level 28 (exp 1400/28000)

Condition: Normal (Aged organ failure delayed due to increase parameters of Zoomorph perk, 6+ years life span until death.)


Strength 20H>27H

Dexterity 20H>31H

Constitution 26H>35H

Intelligence 22H>30H

Wisdom 22H>30H

Charisma 12H>16H


Basic Languages F>G, Cooking H, Enhanced Hearing H>F, Enhanced Smell F>G, Enhanced Swimming F>G, Enhanced Vision F>G, Maintenance H, Mathematics H, Marine Martial Arts H, Parallel Thinking H+, Shooting H, Volleyball G, New Skills (Body Language G, Camouflage H, Car Mechanics H, Dive H, Driving G, Cleaning I, Fist Fighting F, Night Vision H)


Entomorph: (Fall Armyworm), Pupa, Stoic, Uncommon Physical Growth, Zoomorph: (Blue Wildebeest, Cow, Chicken, Deer, Impala, Kangaroo, Mouse, Pig, Reindeer, Salmon, Trout, Turkey, Zebra)

Corpse Absorption Progress

Ants (.00413), Cockroaches (.00089) Earwigs (.00006), Fly (.00124), Mosquito (.00863), Moth (.00019), Raccoon(.5) Rats (.3), Pill Bug (.00012), Slug (.00006), Spider (.00013)

Abilities: Sealed (Tutorial Pocket, Flight I>H)

Achievements: Family Man, For The Family!, Survivor

Karma: 28 Total Positive